Riot Girls :o

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
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Half Blood
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Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Okay, well. For a while now, i've wanted to have a character in a large group, and, a plot that we could get as many people involved with as possible. For Year Eleven, i decided to suggests the start of the Riot Girls. Each HNZ year, a few more could join, until we have students from every year part of this group. Each member would be individual, having their own talents, strengths, weaknesses. For example. For next year, we could get a group (around 6-10 people i think) which has in it (as example's, you can help come up with others), a veela, a goth, a "smart" one, you get the picture. Each year, the group could increase, gaining more and more students. The aim of this group, as the title "Riot" suggests, is mainly to have fun, pull pranks, and get each other out of trouble. They would be a team, using their skills to help one other, not go against them. They could have their own meetings every so often, in the student lounge, and where students who are not part of the group could challenge them. Prehaps a different group (other than the Riot Girls) (and this is where it could involve everyone) or groups, could get together, and have a "site plot". I know many of us have our small ones, but maybe we could bring everyone together.
For the riot girls, yes, that would mean that their character would have to be girls. Of course, that doesn't stop guys going against them. Anyone can join, as long as they have good creativity skills, and a want to be part of a team. This would start in Y11, and therefore unsorted students/new students, would be made to sort into their first year. The houses would not matter, as they can still be together around the school, and it defines each person a little more clearly.
Any suggestions?​
Maybe we should have Riot Girls and Riot Boys. xD That way, they can have competitions, and what not.
oo yes xD and Riot girls was the first thing that popped into head, but if anyone has better name for them then feel free to suggest xD I think both Girls and Boys would need leader figure of some sort though. Hmm. Then again, everyone would try to get power. What chu think?
And the groups flirting between each other would not be allowed ;) would it? -whistles- meh, they're probably too young anyway xD
And i say they would be new characters in year 11 rather than ones already sorted, because i think the personality of the individual should be created first, rather than having one and slightly editing them.
Well, to a certain extend somethings can be allowed. We also have to remember that the group has to comply with HNZ rules as well as ZB Rules. ;) We COULD allow flirting, but only on CERTAIN events perhaps? Like maybe during a party night?

Maybe a name like: The Association of Nueter? xD Weird.. i know. lol

Well, I suppose the groups can hold elections or maybe the one guy or girl that start it can be leaders? (In this case, perhaps you and I?)
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, to a certain extend somethings can be allowed. We also have to remember that the group has to comply with HNZ rules as well as ZB Rules. ;) We COULD allow flirting, but only on CERTAIN events perhaps? Like maybe during a party night?

Maybe a name like: The Association of Nueter? xD Weird.. i know. lol

Well, I suppose the groups can hold elections or maybe the one guy or girl that start it can be leaders? (In this case, perhaps you and I?)
Yes, i understand it will have to comply, and yeah, maybe on nights such as yule ball they could have the guys and girls getting together ;) could be lol.

Hehe, Neuter? may seem silly but what does that mean? :shy:

And yeah, maybe me and you should start it off, then every "year" a new person is elected from the year below? Though that would mean each leader would be a first year xD erm, okay, can elect anyone xD
Liberty Barnett said:
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, to a certain extend somethings can be allowed. We also have to remember that the group has to comply with HNZ rules as well as ZB Rules. ;) We COULD allow flirting, but only on CERTAIN events perhaps? Like maybe during a party night?

Maybe a name like: The Association of Nueter? xD Weird.. i know. lol

Well, I suppose the groups can hold elections or maybe the one guy or girl that start it can be leaders? (In this case, perhaps you and I?)
Yes, i understand it will have to comply, and yeah, maybe on nights such as yule ball they could have the guys and girls getting together ;) could be lol.

Hehe, Neuter? may seem silly but what does that mean? :shy:

And yeah, maybe me and you should start it off, then every "year" a new person is elected from the year below? Though that would mean each leader would be a first year xD erm, okay, can elect anyone xD
Yea, Yule Ball sounds good, and we can even hold events OUTSIDE of school as well, to keep the group connected.

Nueter means Male + Female. xD It's a silly name, we can always brainstorm for more names. ;)

Well, for now, we can have leadership by you and I. Perhaps every year we can some sort of 'evaluations' done on how good the leaders are doing that year. If the evaluations are good, the leader's can continue on next year as well, but if the evalutations are not good, the leader(s) can be removed and be placed with someone else?
Sasha Hayden said:
My current unsorted student would love this. Here's Amanda's C.D. if you want to read a little about her.
She's sounds like a very nice character, although i think for this, ones that arn't shy, and can stick up for each other, and be out-going, would be more suitable :)
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, for now, we can have leadership by you and I. Perhaps every year we can some sort of 'evaluations' done on how good the leaders are doing that year. If the evaluations are good, the leader's can continue on next year as well, but if the evalutations are not good, the leader(s) can be removed and be placed with someone else?
I think that's an awesome idea :D

Plus the outdoor events would be :D too. We could have outings to Brightstone etc in the holidays, mini plots between gangs :p
Liberty Barnett said:
Sasha Hayden said:
My current unsorted student would love this. Here's Amanda's C.D. if you want to read a little about her.
She's sounds like a very nice character, although i think for this, ones that arn't shy, and can stick up for each other, and be out-going, would be more suitable :)
Oh. *facepalm* I was planning on her becoming more outgoing and become like a class clown type once she got to school because she could start over from being the quiet/nerdy person.

But forgot to mention that outside of the C.D. You see, in the C.D. it was IC and she wouldn't know about what would happen once she got to school. ;) But yeah, if it still doesn't seem right then that's fine.
Liberty Barnett said:
Sasha Hayden said:
My current unsorted student would love this. Here's Amanda's C.D. if you want to read a little about her.
She's sounds like a very nice character, although i think for this, ones that arn't shy, and can stick up for each other, and be out-going, would be more suitable :)
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, for now, we can have leadership by you and I. Perhaps every year we can some sort of 'evaluations' done on how good the leaders are doing that year. If the evaluations are good, the leader's can continue on next year as well, but if the evalutations are not good, the leader(s) can be removed and be placed with someone else?
I think that's an awesome idea :D

Plus the outdoor events would be :D too. We could have outings to Brightstone etc in the holidays, mini plots between gangs :p

Outings would be a good idea. Picnics, Cook outs, games and what not. ;) Though we need to figure out what the PURPOSE or at least the MAIN PURPOSE of this group should be that will give members a REASON to join. :)
i think within the Riot girls (and boys) there should be defined groups, so that even though they work together as a team, within it they have their mini group of friends they hang around with. If you know what i mean?
Hamza Khalid said:
Liberty Barnett said:
Sasha Hayden said:
My current unsorted student would love this. Here's Amanda's C.D. if you want to read a little about her.
She's sounds like a very nice character, although i think for this, ones that arn't shy, and can stick up for each other, and be out-going, would be more suitable :)
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, for now, we can have leadership by you and I. Perhaps every year we can some sort of 'evaluations' done on how good the leaders are doing that year. If the evaluations are good, the leader's can continue on next year as well, but if the evalutations are not good, the leader(s) can be removed and be placed with someone else?
I think that's an awesome idea :D

Plus the outdoor events would be :D too. We could have outings to Brightstone etc in the holidays, mini plots between gangs :p

Outings would be a good idea. Picnics, Cook outs, games and what not. ;) Though we need to figure out what the PURPOSE or at least the MAIN PURPOSE of this group should be that will give members a REASON to join. :)

I think there needs to be a main plot. Something that the entire group are trying to get to/solve/whatever. I just havent figured one out :p Would that be reason for people to join?
Well, a mystery of sort would only last for so long. Maybe this group can be a hideout for certain people? People can be themselves in this group, they can be who they are that they can't be in front of other people, etc?

Well, as for inter-teams, would we want girl team and a guy team, or two mixed team's with both genders?
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, a mystery of sort would only last for so long. Maybe this group can be a hideout for certain people? People can be themselves in this group, they can be who they are that they can't be in front of other people, etc?

Well, as for inter-teams, would we want girl team and a guy team, or two mixed team's with both genders?
Yeah. People can be who they want to be, do what they want to do.
And if theres going to be girls v boys, i think they should be girl and boy team rather than mixed. So that say with girls, leader can say stuff like, smart ones should work on this, veelas distract with this, etc. Same with boys.
Liberty Barnett said:
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, a mystery of sort would only last for so long. Maybe this group can be a hideout for certain people? People can be themselves in this group, they can be who they are that they can't be in front of other people, etc?

Well, as for inter-teams, would we want girl team and a guy team, or two mixed team's with both genders?
Yeah. People can be who they want to be, do what they want to do.
And if theres going to be girls v boys, i think they should be girl and boy team rather than mixed. So that say with girls, leader can say stuff like, smart ones should work on this, veelas distract with this, etc. Same with boys.
Boy teams and girl teams sounds good to me. :) As for the leadership, another idea popped as well. I think one leader should be male, who represents the guys team, and a girl who represents the girl's team. That way, both leader's can work towards satisfying both sides. ;)

What else do we want?
And i think we need to come up with the groups, so. I think after this we need to pick a proper title for each. Ill start, you can add :p How about:
[li] Veela's / glamous / hotties :p</LI>
[li] Intelligent students - the "hermione's" ;)(these main would be ravenclaws i guess)
[li] Technical - Students that are interested in inventing things -shrug-
[li] Goth's -shrug-
[li] Chavs
<LI>[li] Musical students[/li][/ul]
Hamza Khalid said:
Liberty Barnett said:
Hamza Khalid said:
Well, a mystery of sort would only last for so long. Maybe this group can be a hideout for certain people? People can be themselves in this group, they can be who they are that they can't be in front of other people, etc?

Well, as for inter-teams, would we want girl team and a guy team, or two mixed team's with both genders?
Yeah. People can be who they want to be, do what they want to do.
And if theres going to be girls v boys, i think they should be girl and boy team rather than mixed. So that say with girls, leader can say stuff like, smart ones should work on this, veelas distract with this, etc. Same with boys.
Boy teams and girl teams sounds good to me. :) As for the leadership, another idea popped as well. I think one leader should be male, who represents the guys team, and a girl who represents the girl's team. That way, both leader's can work towards satisfying both sides. ;)

What else do we want?
Yup, i think one of each gender group is good idea

For random things im thinking going out to picnics on lakefront, pranks, magic, food fight type of madness :p
Well, we have to remember that there are OTHER groups as well, like the Goth Club, the Conglomerated Arts, etc. So we CAN include those individual groups, however, I don't think people joining is guaranteed because there are certain groups that may conflict with other groups, and that's not always good and can end pretty bad.

The groups seem pretty good so far.
Yup, input would be greatly appreciated. :)
I haven't read a lot of the discussion in this thread, so I wanted to clarify that I had something right;
This is at Hogwarts, right?
It sounds like a big group club, from some angles, but then there are conflicting angles, and now it sounds like everything is separated into little groups. So, is it a load of little groups within one big group?
Also, with as many members as it sounds like you expect to get, do you think you'll need admin approval for specific events?
As a founding member of the Goth Gang, I know that (though it was rare) a couple of our plots needed to be run by the admins, first. I'm just worried that this could be an unattractive prospect to some people.
I'd be interested to delve further into the histories and inspiration behind your group.

And, from what I've read, this group is.. near exclusive? to people currently unsorted (going into first year), would that be correct?

Just curious. Apologies if, at any point, I have grabbed the wrong end of the stick. (One does not think well with a hangover)
- This is at Hogwarts, right?
I'm not exactly sure of this.. since Pheebz came up with this group originally, it would ultimately be her decision. Though I think expanding it over to other school's would be a good idea.

- It sounds like a big group club, from some angles, but then there are conflicting angles, and now it sounds like everything is separated into little groups. So, is it a load of little groups within one big group?
It would seem like that the way Pheebz wants it, but I think having small groups with in one big group could be manageable, but will be difficult at the same time. This is the concept that United States of American uses. States having their own government and they answer to a National government as well.

- Also, with as many members as it sounds like you expect to get, do you think you'll need admin approval for specific events?
Maybe. I do believe that if we are unsure on certain events, we could always ask an Admin if it would need approval. There is no harm in that. ;)

- And, from what I've read, this group is.. near exclusive? to people currently unsorted (going into first year), would that be correct?
Well, that's one of the problems I'm hoping we can solve. I don't think I'd want the group to be open to just unsorted and going to first year students. I want it to be open to other people and years as well.

Pheebz says

- This is at Hogwarts, right?
I'm not exactly sure of this.. since Pheebz came up with this group originally, it would ultimately be her decision. Though I think expanding it over to other school's would be a good idea.
~~ Yeah main idea was to use Hogwarts, seeing as Durmy etc cant see certain things.

- It sounds like a big group club, from some angles, but then there are conflicting angles, and now it sounds like everything is separated into little groups. So, is it a load of little groups within one big group?
It would seem like that the way Pheebz wants it, but I think having small groups with in one big group could be manageable, but will be difficult at the same time. This is the concept that United States of American uses. States having their own government and they answer to a National government as well.
~~ To start it was going to be just girls group, with leader, and mini groups of friends within group. Then boys joined too.

- Also, with as many members as it sounds like you expect to get, do you think you'll need admin approval for specific events?
Maybe. I do believe that if we are unsure on certain events, we could always ask an Admin if it would need approval. There is no harm in that.
~~\most things yeah we would be able to do, but any major plots would yes be run past admin.

- And, from what I've read, this group is.. near exclusive? to people currently unsorted (going into first year), would that be correct?
Well, that's one of the problems I'm hoping we can solve. I don't think I'd want the group to be open to just unsorted and going to first year students. I want it to be open to other people and years as well.
~~ -shrug- maybe we could expand to all years then
Did someone watch St. trinians?

Anyway, me and Emzies, had come up with an idea for our two unsorteds that they would become like Posh Totties. With the short shorts and micro skirts. But right know they are both quiet girls. Since she is only 11.
But if you're saying that there would need to be a reason for people to want to join, then there could be a concentrated group to begin with, who upon being sorted have a get together, (they could've met on the train) and then they could decide to every week meet up or have fun like you say, and more and more join.
If you get me.
I'm just suggesting something, so you don't have to listen, but I would be interested in This character becoing a member.
Grace Winter said:
Did someone watch St. trinians?
They were trying to convince me to go over and watch St. Trinians 2.

So, who's in charge of the 'operation' as a whole?

I may be interested in participating. Depends if I feel inspired.
Larissa Sedgwick said:
Grace Winter said:
Did someone watch St. trinians?
They were trying to convince me to go over and watch St. Trinians 2.

So, who's in charge of the 'operation' as a whole?

I may be interested in participating. Depends if I feel inspired.
Same goes for me. If its like pulling pranks and such than maybe its not my group, Victor a suppose to mellow and away from certain conflicts. But I'd like to use him more in certain scenario. He's close to graduating and I feels bad for not abusing him more >_<
Larissa Sedgwick said:
Grace Winter said:
Did someone watch St. trinians?
They were trying to convince me to go over and watch St. Trinians 2.

So, who's in charge of the 'operation' as a whole?

I may be interested in participating. Depends if I feel inspired.
Well, as in for bring incharge, since this was originally Pheebz idea, I suppose she is the Head. But then again, we decided on a system where there would be a guy from the boy's side and a girl from the girl's side, both will run the group. Though I want Pheebz to post in here first.
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