Rion Pendleton

Rion Pendleton

at my weakest, i've never been more strong
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2047 (14)

It's like everybody knows, everybody knows / something I don't / and nobody told, and nobody told me

IC interview date: 18th May 2058 (aged 11)

The information in this interview was accurate on the above date


What is your real, birth name? What name do you use?
"Rion Reagan Pendleton."

Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
"Sometimes Ri, or Parsnip. My sister has red hair, and I have blonde hair, so she's Carrot and I'm Parsnip."

What's your real birth date?
"April Fool's Day! 2047."

What one word best describes you?
"Um... passionate."

What is your most prized possession? Why do you value it so much?
"My plushie horse. No - maybe my flower journal. I mean, if the house was on fire, and I could only take one of them, I'd probably take my journal, because I can buy another plushie, but my journal is irreplaceable."

What do you bring with you everywhere you go?
"My face."

What's the most useful thing you own?
"Useful? My hairbrush is pretty useful."

What's your good luck charm?
"I don't have one any more. It used to be this bracelet with blue flowers on it, but then one day, while I was wearing it, I broke my ankle, and obviously it stopped being lucky."

What do you like about yourself?
"Well, I think I'm funny..."

What don't you like about yourself?
"Sometimes I can be annoying. And I give up on things quickly because I get mad."

What's the biggest realisation you had about yourself?
"I need my sister."

What do you need help with most often?

What's something nobody knows about you?
"I'm a witch!"


What do you look like? Be as descriptive as possible
"I'm four foot six, I have blue eyes, light blonde hair... two beauty marks on my face, one on my cheek and one on my chin. And I have a port wine stain on my back, but you can't see it most of the time."

How do you dress most of the time?
"I have a girly sense of fashion. I like pink and blue and pastel colours and jeans and flowers and dungarees. When I was younger, I wore lots of dresses, but now I prefer trousers."

How do you 'dress up'?
"Dresses and jewellery, and, if I'm allowed it, make-up."

How do you 'dress down'?
"When I'm cleaning the animals, I wear old clothes I don't really like any more. And I take off my nail polish because it gets chipped."

If you didn't care at all what people thought of you, what would you wear?
"What I'm wearing now."

Do you care about fashion?
"Yeeees. I think so. Because if you don't care, then you look like you don't care, and then people make fun of you."

Does fashion help society in any way?
"It lets people express themselves. If everyone always wore a uniform, you would have to talk to them to find out what they're like, but if they're wearing bright pink clothes, then you already know they're fun."

What is the most embarrassing piece of clothing you own?
"Ainmere's old raincoat. I look stupid in it."

Do you wear any jewellery?
"If I'm going out, sometimes I wear bracelets, and I have some clip-on earrings because I'm not allowed to get my ears pierced yet, but one day I will."

In your opinion, what is your best feature?
"My hair."

How would you like to look?
"Older. Maybe three or four years older."


Where do you live? Describe it: is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?
"It's a farm. Obviously it's a mess. Well - the house isn't that bad, but there's always a lot of stuff everywhere, like boots, and coats, and dog toys, and egg cartons, and random bits of wood, and guitars, and books, and cauldrons, and... you get the idea. Outside, it's always muddy and it smells like poop."

What is the best room in your house? Why?
"My bedroom! Because it's mine. And also because the wardrobe was built over a window, so you can go in and shut the doors and look out, and it's like you're in an aeroplane."

Where is the most beautiful place near where you live?
"My granddad's house."

Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you just go with the flow?
"I like a plan. As long as I don't have to stick to it."

Do you own any pets? If not, would you like to?
"Do farm animals count as pets? Um, we have sheep, and cows, and chickens, and rabbits. I really want a horse, but Daddy says I can't have one because they're expensive."

What would be your perfect weekend?
"My perfect weekend..." (She thinks.) "It would be sunny. On Saturday I'd go swimming with Ainmere and eat ice-cream, and on Sunday we'd go to Granddad's for dinner and watch TV and have a sleepover."

Are you a very organised person?

How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?
"I've never stayed up that late except when I was sick. My bed-time is nine o'clock."

How do you make yourself fall asleep when you can't seem to get to sleep?
"Once, I tried to stay awake all night, but it was so boring I fell asleep in twenty minutes. So now if I can't sleep, I tell myself I'm going to stay up all night, and bam!"

Where do you spend most of your free time / day?
"At school, or outside on the farm, or in my room."

Can you apparate? How do you prefer to get around?
"No, and I don't like apparating because it makes me sick. But cars make me sick too. It's not fair."

Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why?
"I spend it. And then I spend Dad's money."

What are some red flags to look out for in daily life?
"I don't know that many flags."


What is your family like?
"They're funny." (She grins shyly.)

Who is your father, and what is he like?
"My dad's a farmer. He's from New York, which is why I sometimes sound American, but actually I'm from England. Um - he's really funny. One time, he told us a joke while we were eating, and I laughed so hard a pea came out of my nose. And he makes up the best games, like Sentient Garden Hose of Doom. It's hard to explain."

Who is your mother, and what is she like?
"My mum makes potions. She's really clever, and she's funny as well. But if I want to have a serious conversation, like, about school, or just problems, or girl things, then Mum gives better advice. And hugs. She's really kind."

What is your parents' marriage like? Are they married?
"Mum's in charge." (She laughs.) "They're married, yeah. I think they're really in love. It's kind of sweet but also gross."

What are your siblings' names? What are they like?
"I have a big sister called Ainmere. She's only a year and a half older than me, but she acts much older than she is, so everyone thinks I'm way younger. She's the best sister in the world."

Do you ever meet any other family members? Who are they? What do you think of them?
"I see my granddad every weekend. He makes us roast dinner, and then sometimes we play board games, or watch TV, because we don't have one at home. My other grandparents live in America, so we don't see them as often. But Uncle Rudolf comes over sometimes. We like him. He's Dad's identical twin. They are sooo alike."

What was the biggest holiday for your family?
"A few years ago we went to America and stayed with Dad's family for Christmas. That was the best Christmas ever. They made so much food, and did a firework display, and then we had a massive sleepover in the lounge with blanket forts and didn't go to sleep until midnight!"


How ambitious are you?
"Some days I'm ambitious, and some days I just want to sleep."

What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?
"When I go to Hogwarts, I want to learn to fly, and be on the Quidditch team like my dad was."

What are some goals you have already achieved?
"I won the school science fair last year. Granddad showed me how to make a mechanical orrery, and he cut the gears for me, and I took it to school and it won. That was fun. I don't have it any more, though. It got broken..."

What do you hope to achieve in your professional life?
"I'm going to wait until I know what I want to do."

Do you usually achieve goals you set? Why or why not?
"When I want something, I really want it. So yes."

What is the best way to stay motivated and complete goals?
"Think about how happy you'll be when you've done it."

What are some goals you have failed to accomplish?
"I wanted to save two-hundred pounds and buy a television for my room, but I kept accidentally spending it, so I gave up."

What are your goals for the next two years?
(She counts them off on her fingers) "Get a wand. Go to Hogwarts. Learn how to fly. Learn the Unlocking Charm. Try butterbeer. And convince Daddy to buy a horse."

What are you currently worried about?
"I'm not worried about anything."

What languages do you wish you could speak?
"Um, Māori, because in September I'm going to Hogwarts in New Zealand."

What would the box with all your hopes and dreams inside look like?
"It would be a big glittery box... with a horse in it."

What is the silliest fear you have?
"Whenever I crack an egg, I'm scared there's going to be a baby chicken inside."

What makes you nervous?
(She inhales like she's going to reel off a list, then hesitates.) "Nothing."

What kind of things embarrass you? Why?
"My dad. Some of his jokes are soooo cringey."

In what situations do you wish you could put on an invisibility cloak and disappear?
"When I have to do my chores."

What do you fear is hiding in the dark?


What hobbies do you have?
"Flower pressing, singing, acting. I like looking at really old things, like photos and antiques. Watching TV, board games, dressing up, nail art, science, making model things, drawing, going to museums. And I collect cassette tapes."

What are some misconceptions about your hobbies?
"Daisy at school says I can't like science and doing makeup. She thinks I'm lying about one of them. I'm not."

What do you find most relaxing? (not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down)
"Stroking the dog."

What are you interested in that most people aren't?

What do you think you are much better at than you actually are?
"Probably everything."

Where do you get your news?
"From my parents."

What outdoor activity haven't you tried, but you'd like to?

What's your secret talent?
"I can do really loud armpit farts." (She demonstrates)

Are you very active or do you prefer to relax in your free time?
"I'm pretty active."

What is your guilty pleasure?
"Putting cheese on everything."

What do you do to improve your mood when you're in a bad mood?
"Um... probably a lot of things I shouldn't do. I don't know. I just shout. And slam doors. That kind of thing."

What are you best at?
"Annoying my sister."


What annoys you more than anything else?
"Rules that don't make sense."

What habit that others have annoys you most?
"Ugh - when people scrape their teeth on their fork, and it makes that sshhk noise."

What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it?
"'Because I said so!'"

How do you judge a person?
"By if they're a mean person or a good person."

What social stigma does society need to get over?
"Farting. Everyone farts."

What's something people don't worry about, but really should?
"All the rubbish that goes in the ocean and kills whales."

What's the silliest thing you've seen someone get upset about?
"A girl at school wanted a second bowl of ice cream at lunch, but the dinner lady ran out just before it got to her turn, and she started crying so hard that Tom gave her his just to make her stop."

What's the most annoying noise?
"The teeth on a fork one! No - donkeys. Donkeys are so loud. But the cockerel is pretty loud as well... I'm gonna go with my voice. That's really annoying."

What odd smell do you really enjoy?
"The bedding we use for our chickens. Everyone else thinks it smells weird, but when I do the chickens, I put my head in the bag to get a big whiff. That might be dangerous, actually."

What's something that everybody knows is true, but nobody likes to admit?
"Money is the best Christmas present."

What's something that people think makes them look cool, but actually has the opposite effect?
"Being loud and obnoxious."

What were you completely certain of until you found out you were wrong?
"But I'm never wrong!"

What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
"I can whistle real good."


What one act in your past are you most ashamed of?
"When my sister's Hogwarts letter came, I hid it, because I didn't want her to go without me, and she cried because she thought it wasn't going to come, and I felt like the worst sister in the world. Or maybe the time when I found my teacher's wallet in the cloakroom, and it had like a hundred pounds in it, and I took five pounds out before I handed it in, and my teacher was so grateful, he made me stand up in front of the whole class and told everyone how honest I was. I felt so bad, I hid the money in the back of my wardrobe and it's still there."

What one act in your past are you most proud of?
"Oh! I saved someone's life a few weeks ago. I was walking home from school, and this little boy was coming down the hill on his scooter, straight towards the cars, so when he came past me I grabbed the handlebars. He fell off and hurt his arm, but he was OK. His mum came running over and gave me a big hug."

What was the last argument you were in? With whom, over what, and who won?
"Uuuuhhyesterday. I thought it was Ainmere's turn to feed the chickens, but it was actually Sunday, not Monday, and I got confused. She may have won."

What's the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about?
"People have argued with me about how to spell my name. I mean, it's on my birth certificate. I think I know how to spell it."

What do you feel most strongly about?
"Everyone should just be allowed to do what they want. If they're not hurting anyone, then it's no one else's business."

What values are most important to you?
"A good sense of humour... um... kindness, and being open-minded. And honesty."

What do you pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people?
"Some of the girls at school really like this band called Lodestar, which I hadn't heard of, so I listened to them on the radio, and I didn't really like them, but I pretended to be in love with them so they'd think I was cool."

Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?
"People who are by themselves. I don't want anyone to be left out."

How often do you help others? Who do you help? How do you help?
"I help people when... they ask me to help them? I don't know."

What trait do you find most admirable, and how often to you find it?
"I like it when people are clever, but also nice - like, not arrogant. Humble. Yeah. That's the word."

Do you have any feelings in general that you are disturbed by? Why do they disturb you?
"Hm. Sometimes, but I don't know how to describe them. It's like... cold, and your hair stands up on end, and you get goosebumps. I get that a lot."

What's the worst thing that can be done to a person? Why?
"There's a lot of horrible things people have been through, and I don't think you can choose one, because that's like saying someone else didn't suffer as badly."

What's the worst thing you could actually do to someone you hated?
"Maaaaybe slap them?"

Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that?
"I used to be a good leader. I like being a leader. But it's hard when people don't listen to you."

What is your responsibility to the world, if any? why do you think that?
"I think... to give more to the world than I take away from it."

What do you do to make the world a better place?
"Not much."

Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?
"It's okay to cry, but I don't like it. When I cry, I want to be by myself."

If you couldn't be convicted of any one kind of crime, which criminal charge would you like to be immune to?
"Um, probably stealing, because not all stealing is bad."

When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wished you hadn't?
(She giggles) "I don't think I should say..."

When was the last time you yelled at someone?
"Yesterday. I yelled at my mum because I didn't want to clean the floor when she can just use magic and do it so much quicker."

How often do you curse?
"My first word was ****, which probably speaks for itself."

What was your most recent lie?
(She shrugs)

When was the last time you immediately regretted something you said?
"When I told my sister I wished she hadn't come home for the holidays."

What are some of your vices and bad habits? Which would be the hardest to give up?
"Chocolate... cheese... TV... getting mad... chewing pencils... and forgetting stuff. I don't think I could give any of them up."

What is your definition of evil?
"Hurting someone on purpose, and being happy about it."

This character interview was compiled by Claire using questions from here, here, and here. Please feel free to post if you have any more questions I can answer!!


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