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Urk, its too sunny, thought Artemis to herself in disgust. What she wouldnt give to be back in England right at this moment. At least it snowed sometimes in New Zealand. Winter was perfectly tolerable. But then again, summer in New Zealand was better than Summer in Australia. When they had stopped there during their flight, Art had burned her feet just running around on the footpath.
Idly she spun the silver-ringed puzzle, given to her by Henric, on one finger. Shed simply tried everything to untangle the twisted metal. She had even considered wrestling it with her teeth, but not only was that unhygienic, it was slightly degrading also. She was meant to be a Ravenclaw, wasnt she? What on earth was stopping her? Art was sure that one of the older girls could solve the puzzle. After all, Henric wouldnt have given her anything that was impossible to do (for a normal person). Would he? Oh yes, he would, she thought with both a scowl and a chuckle. It had been at least a week since she had received it, and absolutely no progress had been made.
She pinched the metal rings between two tiny fingers and lifted them up to the light. Art squinted at them from below as she lay on the grass. Obviously there was something she was missing. She rubbed the metal together thoughtfully...
Clink. Clink clink, clink.
The look of astonishment on her pixie face would have made a priceless photo at that moment. For instead of pulling the pieces, she had slid them against each other. It had simply fallen apart. Well, it really would be that obvious, wouldnt it? Far from wallowing in embarrassment for the length of time it took to figure that out, she leapt to her feet immediately and charged off to find Henric. Oh no, he wasnt getting out of training her that easily.
Idly she spun the silver-ringed puzzle, given to her by Henric, on one finger. Shed simply tried everything to untangle the twisted metal. She had even considered wrestling it with her teeth, but not only was that unhygienic, it was slightly degrading also. She was meant to be a Ravenclaw, wasnt she? What on earth was stopping her? Art was sure that one of the older girls could solve the puzzle. After all, Henric wouldnt have given her anything that was impossible to do (for a normal person). Would he? Oh yes, he would, she thought with both a scowl and a chuckle. It had been at least a week since she had received it, and absolutely no progress had been made.
She pinched the metal rings between two tiny fingers and lifted them up to the light. Art squinted at them from below as she lay on the grass. Obviously there was something she was missing. She rubbed the metal together thoughtfully...
Clink. Clink clink, clink.
The look of astonishment on her pixie face would have made a priceless photo at that moment. For instead of pulling the pieces, she had slid them against each other. It had simply fallen apart. Well, it really would be that obvious, wouldnt it? Far from wallowing in embarrassment for the length of time it took to figure that out, she leapt to her feet immediately and charged off to find Henric. Oh no, he wasnt getting out of training her that easily.