Open Ring of Yellow Rose

Cyzarine Haden

charming!; class of 2054; hostess
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
4/2036 (25)
Open After. Yellow Rose for @Hayley Elridge
The girl had decided that she would go to the kitchens after chasing after the potter girl, and after looking at her list she'd noted that the next person on her list was a slytherin, and it made sense to begin her search for this girl at the slytherin common room. She waited outside it and asked someone to go look for the girl she was searching for, "Hayley Elridge?" she did follow up by calling, in case the slytherin opted to not do what she asked. Hopefully someone might've heard her and would seek out the other girl in the common room. She would have to think of where this girl would be if she wasn't here.
The only thing Hayley disliked about rose deliveries was all the strangers assuming she would be hanging out in Slytherin places. All Hayley wanted to do was spend her time with her Gryffindor friends and girlfriend, but she always felt obliged to at least walk past the Slytherin table a few times in case people were looking for her there. Today, at least, the first was just as she walked out of the common room. “Yo, I’m Hayley,” she said, smiling brightly at the young girl.
Cyzarine smiled brightly at the older girl who identified herself as Hayley, "I have a rose for you!" she declared with an excited smile and from her basket pulled out the yellow rose. She held it and the note that went along with it out to the girl and kept the warm smile on her features. She hoped it would be a good rose with a good note, everyone deserved that.


I hope we never argue again. Have a great Valentine’s day with Harley, though I hope we can spend time together too! Love you!

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