Riddle me this

Zazuka shugged. She hadn't seen alot of people last year so she thought that Kali had dissapered along with the rest of them. "I thought so too but she came back this year. I guess she was just super shy and kept to the commonroom." She said in a thoughtful voice. There had to be people that did that no. Keep to themselves and thier studies mostly.
Harri nodded "probably, after all everyone wants to do well," she agreed. "Have you spoken to her much this year?" she asked.
Zazuka nodded slowly. "Once, she's quite nice really." Zazuka said thinking of the single worded conversation she had with Kali. It was not that importent in her mind but then again what did she really know about contact with other people.
Harri smiled "Is she not very talkative?" Harri asked wondering whether it would be good to approach her after one lesson and talk to her.
Zazuka shook her head. "I don't know her well enough to tell you that. Maybe we can catch up with her one trasfigurations and really talk to her." She said cheerly. Maybe she could really get to know an Ravenclaw that was actually in her year intead of a year above or below.
Harri smiled "That sounds like a good idea!" she said cheerfully, "It would be nice just to get to know her a little bit," she said truthfully.
Zazuka nodded. "Really since we didn't get to know her last year." She said her voice getting dreamy again. She had just let her mind slip from here she was to where ever her mind wanted to go at the momen. "Hey ever think that strangly colored plants ever think themselves strange?" She asked randomly.
Harri smiled "No I doubt it," she said shaking her head "After all there not strange. Just different!" she said grinning. "So how was summer with Andy?" she asked "Did you get up to alot?" she asked.
The question pulled Zazuka out of her train of thought which wasn't even on strange plants anymore. "If you call taking pictures and rading almost every store at the Harber alot. We also got into a few insedents but I won't talk about that." She said marvaling at the fact that they had done so much in such alittle amount of time. "How was your summer?" She asked finally.
Harri smiled "Sounds great," she said, "Oh my summer was fantastic, California is really amazing!" she said falling into a daydream of her summer.
Zazuka's eyes opened wide. "You went to the U.S?! Oh my what was it like, was it sunny like it said, did you see a moive star?..." Zazuka said asking a whole lot of questions at the same time.
Harri grinned "Course it was sunny! No I didn't see any movie stars but I had an amazing time!" Harri said happily "It's so lvoely out there! Made a nice change from England I can tell you," she said laughing.
Zazuka was a bit confused. They where in New Zeland then again she could have gone to England too. "How was England then if you have ever gone and does it have any points that are better than California or is California better all around?" She asked again all in one breath. Zazuka's dream was to travle the world when she had the chance.
"Oh I live in England!" Harri said realising she hadn't fully explained " And I suppose I do like England, but California is simply amazing!" she said grinning.
Zazuka nodded. "Really. I have only been outside of New Zeland once and that was to go to Italy." She said with a whinc. Italy did not hold one of her fondest memeories.
Harri smiled "Wow Italy, how was that?" she asked, she felt quite sad that she had seen so little of the world and hoped one day she would see more.
Zazuka closed her eyes as a memory of her now faded screams came back to her. "It was intresting to say the least." She said. An understatement it might have been but it was the only way she could put it without really telling what her father was really like with her.
Harri nodded she got the feeling there was something more but didn't want to persue it "So is there a country you've always wanted to visit?" she asked.
Zazuka thought about it a little bit. Out of all the places she had read about which one was the one that she wanted to see that most. "Egypt. I want to see the pirameds and the sphinx." She said dreamyly. It was a place of old and powerful magic. She wanted to see it all really.
Harri nodded "It sounds great, I don't really know much about it though..." she trailed off hoping Zuka would enlighten her.
Zazuka grined the looked though her crypogrophy book. "They made thies and so much more.

They where ruled by kings called pharos though the system I think had some diffrences. I would love to see it now. Everything I know about it is anchent history really." She said abit sadly. She thought about those times. How it must have been like to be one of the royal family like Cleopatra or Neffertiti.
Harri smiled "But I guess you have to know it's past to understand it's present and future!" she said shrugging "Pharos wow, they sound cool," she said the image of a pharo dacing across her mind.
Zazuka looked up. She had never looked at it that way. "Do you really think so. In english the rest of the royal family still had the usual title like Prince but the names where a bit hard to say." She said. She really shouldn't talk she had to come up with a nickname for herself because she knew that her full name was a bit hard to say.
Harri smiled a little confused "So your hoping to go soon?" she asked.
Zazuka looked up, the dreamyness in her eyes getting deeper. "I would love to go soon but I don't have the apertunity yet. If everything goes well I should be able to go by the time I graduate school." She said slowly almost wistfuly.

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