Closed Rewrite The Stars

Rhea Moss

youngest child/funny/smart
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
The first day of school went better than Rhea had hoped. Of course, there was such a strange tiredness after the first day, but she felt endlessly happy that this day was very interesting. All the more, she hoped that his enthusiasm would not disappear during the rest of the years, and that he would be able to gain a lot of new knowledge that would help him choose future plans. It was just too early to think about it.

She went to the Great Hall to have dinner and then to the common room to do her first homework. There were only a couple of members of the tower sitting at the table, she greeted them and sat down from one place, then she looked at the table, where there were literally all sorts of delicacies that could be had and all she had to do was choose what her heart desired. At first she took pumpkin juice, but then she looks for something to eat.

@Vikram Bakshi

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