Closed Rewind

Yvette Maxwell

Danseuse Soloist 🩰 Introvert 🥀 Calm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
After a long and boring summer vacation back home, Yvette was finally back at school and the first thing she did was find Joshua on the train. Luck wasn't good to her then, he was always with Alexis and all she could do was stare at her brother and Willow through the whole journey. She would see him at Breakfast and Dinner but only a glimpse. Until Yvette saw a posting for the Quidditch tryouts and well, she thought he would stay as a chaser.

On the day of the tryouts, Yvette head down to the pitch and sat at the bleachers. The Spring weather was great for flying, although, she actually never flew before. The brunette put a big smile on her lips once she saw Joshua on the field, he looks natural standing there with his other teammates.

Title from Rascal Flatt Album
Joshua was somewhat comfortably back in good terms with Alexis, he never wanted to make her upset that way again. Although he apologized, he can't help but apologize when he saw her during the mornings. She may get sick of him saying he was sorry all the time, but he'd say it until he figures it was enough. Which would be never to him, lucky Alexis was awarded prefect status which meant she would be quite busy this year. Not busy enough to return to quidditch this year, Joshua was glad to see her back on the field. Those three bludgers apparently didn't hold her back from returning to the team.

As the tryouts came to an end, Joshua notices a familiar face sitting at the stands. Joshua smiled somewhat at Yvette, he thought of her even when she wasn't interested in him. He was disheartened by the fact she didn't like him in that way, in reality, he had been infatuated by the girl. Over the break, he tried to cut his losses with Yvette. Keyword, tried. Seeing her again, all those old feelings came flooding back. Joshua nervously made his way over to Slytherin, rubbing his neck feeling like a ton of bricks were weighing on his shoulders.
"Hey, Yvette...h-how are you?"
The things happened last year was sorta over board and she regret it. What if Joshua took it by heart, how can she regain his trust again? Her smile faded once she thought the consequences of her stupidity. But Yvette wasn't one of those people who parades their emotions. Specially when she likes someone for the first time. After a few googly eyes on Joshua, Yvette didn't realized that the tryouts were done and everyone was leaving the pitch.

When someone called on her,
"Josh." The Brunette breathed upon seeing who it was. She can't help but bit her lip to hide her smile. His stuttering was always cute to her. "I'm good ... I'm ..." Yvette trailed off, she doesn't know if she'll cry or what but they can't hide what happened. The Slytherin rush toward Joshua and gave him a hug. A tight hug. "I'm so sorry." She whispered to his ear.
Joshua stood ever so still to listen carefully to what she had to say to him. One second she was struggling to say something, by the next breath, Joshua felt the brunette's arms flung around his shoulders. She felt pleasant and warm, he would return the embrace at some point with his arms around her back. A hand reaches her shoulder, he smiles softly from her apology. "It's okay, you don't owe me anything," he placidly responded. "If anything, I should apologize for my sister's behavior last year. It was uncalled for, unfair to you and Alexis," he added on with a sigh. He was the oldest and yet it always felt like Jenna was trying to protect him when it should be the other way around. He didn't understand why his sister was like that, she has taken a role as his shield a little too far..."I know you don't like me in that way...I wouldn't mind being friends..."
She shook her head, all she had said before wasn't true. Yvette didn't want to unlatched from Josh but explaining herself needed more movement. The Slytherin didn't understand how calm and gentle Joshua still after everything she had done, well what she had said. It was simple words and yet Yvette was the one who got hurt about it. Maybe acting like she's tough from other people wasn't such a good idea after all, now that she had met a person who sees past her bad quality. "You're the sweetest, nicest and very calm person I've met. Who wouldn't like you for more?" Yvette stated. She was a hypocrite but she was still a person who has feelings. "It's funny and creepy how liking someone for the first was real. I didn't expect it to happen to me." Now that she knows he likes her romantically, Yvette was lifted from a quicksand where half of her body was under and every time she was sinking.
Joshua felt his heart swell up in size, yet, he felt there was much more he should be apologizing to Yvette. "N-no, I mean it's great that you see me that way. But, but I feel like at first, at first, I wanted to experience what's it like to kiss a pretty girl and then it became something more," he admitted so openly. He was shocked to hear himself speak those words to Yvette. Maybe he was getting better at speaking out his emotions, rather than hiding them inside. "Why wouldn't it happen to're great, funny and beautiful," Joshua smiles, gingerly reaching out for her. "Anybody would be lucky to have you, I mean it..." Joshua found himself taking a confident step forward, just enough to softly caress the side of her face. "Anybody."

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