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Aya Matrim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
And my dear Aya needs friends and plots and all that glorious stuff. I was going to wait a few more days to post this but due to extraneous circumstances I'd like to leap back in as quick as possible.

Here's some bio stuff to look at.
Hi have Jarek here! He's another Gryffindor first year who I think would get on with Aya if you want to roleplay :)
I'd love to! I'll PM you some ideas on where/what or if you have any you can throw those out :D
Hey there Taylor!

So, I have a few characters that you could have plots with,

First, my first year, Avie Mitchell The bio is incomplete for now, I'm working on it. I have an open topic in the park, LINK Which you could also join?
Other than that, I'd be open to plotting/topics with them.

And the other, is my second year Hufflepuff, Graeme Fergusson Who is slightly older, but they could RP in school. She gets lost or something.

I'm up for anything, just let me know!
I'd definitely like to see Avie and Aya talking, maybe on the lakefront? Since that seems like a place they'd both end up, and maybe hears her mumbling to herself or something?
I have a handful of second years that could rp with Aya. I have Casey Daniels here a second year Slytherin. He's no stranger being friends with Gryffindors. I also have Skye Taylor a second year Gryffindor, she's bright, bubbly and a friendly person who would be good as an older friend for Aya. Let me know what you think.
I'd love to have her talk with both of them, perhaps Skye in the Gryffindor Common room and Casey somewhere-else-cause-I-cant-think-right-now :D
Aya Matrim said:
I'd definitely like to see Avie and Aya talking, maybe on the lakefront? Since that seems like a place they'd both end up, and maybe hears her mumbling to herself or something?
Sounds good, you want to start something or would you like me to?
Aya Matrim said:
I'd love to have her talk with both of them, perhaps Skye in the Gryffindor Common room and Casey somewhere-else-cause-I-cant-think-right-now :D
Sounds good, Casey in his character spends a lot of time outside maybe somewhere in the grounds or something. How about, I start something for Skye and Aya in the common room and you start something outside for Aya and Casey? Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or want to springboard ideas.
Skye Taylor said:
Sounds good, Casey in his character spends a lot of time outside maybe somewhere in the grounds or something. How about, I start something for Skye and Aya in the common room and you start something outside for Aya and Casey?
That sounds good! I'll get going on that right away.


Figured I should RP more so I'm bringing out my firsties~!

So first up is Luca Gander and he is quite the flirt for the ladies and a bit of a jerk for the guys. Nevertheless, he is still pretty much approachable but he does lose patience quite easily for those whom he doesn't know. He comes from a magical family in Switzerland so he pretty much knows things about magic but he's not really interested in them.

Then there's also Scarlet Joussane and she's one of the four Joussane siblings and sheis the youngest and only girl too. She's from France and is an orphan. Scarlet barely talks to anyone she isn't friends with. She's very shy and has low self-confidence thanks to the bullying she had experienced in muggle school she attended.
I'd love to have Aya talk to both of them. Luca and Aya would probably butt heads a bit but could be friends, and Aya would almost feel like a protector for Scarlett and try and boost her self esteem and if she ever got bullied mess stuff up.
Cool then.. :) Which one would you like to start?
Sure thing.. :) I'll post it here when it's up.. :)
I have my second years Hufflepuf student Crystal Evans, she is an urphan and is a little bit shy but loyal and friendly towards almost everyone. She could use an friend and it does not bother her if she is first or second years.

Also my first years Ravenclaw Jane Anderson, is a muggleborn and new to the magic world. She is very insecure about herself because she has a lot of experience yet with bullies. But when she feels ok, with someone she can be very loyal and good towards them. She is intelligent and studieus. If you want to know more, just ask!

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