
Tesla Wilde

thunderers chaser · gym rat
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
Tesla had a day before class would begin and with spring starting she knew that there would be a lot to do in the Wild Patch so taking the initiative to make her way onto the grounds to help with that. She should be preparing for her OWL year but the girl really couldn't imagine a future that wasn't involved with Quidditch so she had done just well enough in her classes to let her parents be okay with it but had not put in more than that and everything else was just for fun - like gardening. She was hardly the iconic Orwell or even his successor, Eleanor, but Tess did enjoy the busy work and although her dad's work was a little more hearty than taking care of potted plants and the like she had always liked his work in botany because it was so pretty. This was no different. The Hufflepuff girl rolled up the sleeves of her big yellow knitted sweater and started to clear some of the debris that had come over the winter, branches and dead leaves and the sort. She would be sure to put those in a mulch pile later but for now she hummed a nameless tune to herself while she made busy work of it.
Rose found it honestly hard to believe she and her friends were entering their fourth year. She remembered how big the fourth years had looked when she was a firstie, and she couldn't imagine looking that way to anyone now. Rose was never one to do very well in her classes, but somehow she managed to scrape by with A's and even an O for Herbology. She figured being part of the Wild Patch Club helped with that as she really loved being in the club. One of the first things she did in the new school year was head down there, as she worried ab it the plants had suffered through the break. But as she arrived she saw another girl already at work. She knew her from being in the same club, but didn't think she had ever talked to her. Never shy, Rose headed to her side and grinned. "Hi, you're Tess right?" She asked her, hoping she hadn't put the wrong name by the wrong face. "Can I help out?"
Tess was working away, still humming, when she was approached by someone. A younger girl that she would not know the name of even if she tried so there was a bit of surprise that the girl knew her own name. She nodded in confirmation and said, "Yeah. Of course." She smiled at the younger girl and shuffled over on her knees to allow for more room for the girl to have over part of the garden. "I'm sorry, what is your name?" Tess asked, knowing that if she were told now she would be sure to commit it to memory because she'd put in the effort for it. Once hearing the answer Tess smiled and continued onto their collective work to ready the gardens for a new season."Are you excited for this year?" she asked the girl in an attempt to be friendly.
Rose smiled at the older girl, glad she wasn't annoyed at the interruption. Rose giggled when it turned out Tess didn't know her name, which wasn't a surprise. "I'm Rose! Don't worry, I think I only overheard someone say your name at some point. I'm honestly kind of surprised I got it right in one go." She said easily as she started to help the girl with her work. "I am excited for this year! My sister just got sorted, though I also have another sister at school. And I'm just happy to hang out with my friends. What about you?" She asked, looking at the girl with a happy smile. "Which year are you in?" She asked her as she wasn't sure. It was above Rose's year for sure, but she thought it could either be fifth or sixth. "I'm in fourth year myself."

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