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River Dallas

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" with Essence of Belladonna
River could not wait to send news home about her sorting ceremony choice. It was almost unbelievable that she was sorted into Gryffindor. Of coarse River wanted Gryffindor, she wondered if she was going to be the right girl to be placed in that house. Luckly River was, and now the news had to go home.

Walking up to the owlery River had her hair down flowing in red waves. Her face was so bright full of a nice smile. "Gryffindor Gryffindor Gryffindor" She sang as she skipped about the owlery blowing little kisses to a few of the owls.

Finally River stopped skipping and just stood there looking up at all the owls, her head tilted to the cerling. where was everyone? River wasn't sure. It was surprising that not too many of the students were up her sending letters as well.
Oscar had a letter gripped in his hand, he had written it the night before and finally was going to send it away to his parents. It had been the longest time that Oscar had ever been from his family and he missed them all terribly. He missed his home, his treehouse though he still loved being at Hogwarts, he'd just have to get over the homesickness of it all.

Oscars pet white rat, Xanthi, lay in his hoodie's front pocket. He carried Xanthi everywhere with him. It gave him a little company, comany that he was comfortable around. Which was unusual for Oscar. He had few friends those included, River, Leia and Lisa. Though he hadn't been in contact that much with River he had spoken to Leia and Lisa. He missed having River around. She was his very first friend and he was very himself around her.

As Oscar opened the door to the owlery, screeching echoed through his ears and he was tempted to block them but he was distracted by a girl, a red headed girl in front of him. "River?" Oscar blurted out, with a little excitement. He walked up to her to make sure it was her, "Hi!" He said with a genuine smile once he realized it was her.
River was watching a very cute owl that was right above her. She always thought about getting an owl but instead she managed to get a beautiful kitten in which she named Alainn. What a pretty owl it is She thought but her thoughts were interupting when she heard her name. Turning her head around she saw Oscar.

"Hey" She said a huge smile taking over her face. "I haven't seen you around" She added as she walked over to him. Really she wanted to hug him, but she wasn't sure how Oscar would feel about that. He didn't seem the hugging type. Instead she just smiled at him. " so..How is Ravenclaw treating you?" She asked almost wishing she had gotten into Ravenclaw to be with him, but there was no use thinking about that now.
Oscars head nodded slightly, "I know, but now we'll be able to see each other around the school. Its not like we're back at home. I'm sure we'll meet a couple of times in the corridors." Oscar said with a small shrug, he was positive that they would run into each other. He hoped there wouldn't be a big gap until they saw each other next.

"Ravenclaw is great. I love it." He said with a bashful smile, "I just wish I knew a few more people in it. How is Gryffindor? Congratulations by the way." Oscar could never make it into Gryffindor and he knew that from the start. He was happy for River though, she seemed to fit the part right.
River nodded as Oscar said that they would be seeing each other. "Well of coarse and even in classes. I haven't peaked on the schedule quite yet but I imagine Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have some classes together" She said confidently not knowing why the two houses wouldn't. "And even if we don't I well bug you in the Great hall during meals" River continued laughing a little bit though really it was true. If worse came to worse and River wasn't seeing Oscar in any classes, she would most certainly go over to the Ravenclaw table and talk to him even if she didn't exactly blend in.

"Oh that's great" River said glad that Oscar was liking his house choice. Not like either of them could change it now. "But I bet you will make loads of friends in Ravenclaw. Just don't forget about little old me" She said smiling as her eyes gazed up towards the ceiling once more at all the owls. "Gryffindor is lovely" The Irish Redhead said looking back over at Oscar. "I don't know many people either but It's been nice. The common room is amazing, but I bet they are all the same" She continued hoping she wasn't talking too much.

"Do you like your dorm mates?" River wondered her thoughts running from common room to dorm room to dorm mates. At least her thoughts weren't completely random this time, though they might just sound like it during this conversation.
Sorry for the delay

"Yes we do. I think its Herbology and flying. But thats with all of the first years." That was a class Oscar was defintely not looking forward to. He had never touch a broom in his life, he had never even been on an aeroplane in his life. He didn't know how he would manage that. Oscar let a small laugh escape as River said about 'bugging' him in the Great Hall, though River could never bug him. "Yeah..or I may go over to your table." he smiled. He couldn't imagine himself sitting upon the courageous and pressumbly quite loud Gryffindors. But maybe someday.

"I dunno...theres a lot of girls though." Oscar said to her, he really couldn't keep track of them all. "And I wouldn't be able to forget about you." he added, "You were my first friend here. I'm not going to forget you." he said with a soft chuckle. In fact she was his first friend ever! But he wouldn't admit that. "I don't really spend too much time in the common room mostly up in my dorm or the North Tower. The common room is usually packed. Is that the same with you?" he asked her, if all the common rooms were the same maybe they all were always full of busy people.

"Yeah I like them. We have quite similar interests which is always a good sign." he said in his usual soft airy tone of voice. "There isn't too many of them so its nice and quiet. Do you like yours?" he asked her in return. Xanthi squirmed around in his pocket, he had almost forgotten he was there. "Oh this is Xanthi." Oscar said, just to let River know that his pocket didn't randomly move around. He took him in his hand, he hoped River wasn't a squeemish person.
((It's fine. Sorry I took so long to reply as well))

River smiled as she thought about having two classes with Oscar one being flying. How excited this young girl was to fly up into the air with a broom. Sure she had gone flying a few times, just baby stuff mostly. Little races with Sage here and there, but still River wanted to learn how to fly, from an experienced Professor. Now that was just one of the many adventures this young gryffindor hoped to partake in.

"Well both classes should be great" River said guessing that Oscar was looking more towards Herbology than flying. For some reason he pegged her as a written work type of guy instead of the practical classes that River liked so much. Though as Oscar said that he might go over to River's table, she smiled wider. "You are welcome there any time. Trust me I'll be there every meal. The food is so great here" River commented her mind drifting towards the food that she had at the feast then to all the meals that she planned to consume. Food was one thing, as of many, that River loved. The only problem was at Hogwarts this eleven year old couldn't cook which was a sad sad thing.

As Oscar commented on the amount of girls, River could only agree. The population of girls was rather surprising. It didn't bother River at all, but she could see from a boy's perspective how it could be annoying, less guy friends. Glad that Oscar promised he wouldn't forget her. How tragic would it be for this young girl to have her first Hogwarts friend just forget and get over her so easily.

Once on the topic of the common rooms, River closed her eyes a minute trying to remember her's detail by detail. Surprisingly the memory was strong and the detail stronger. "Yeah it is always packed. Makes it more fun in my opinion though. Always someone to talk to" She continued as she brushed some of her red hair off her shoulder and behind her.

"My room mates are great. I mean I think I only have a few. But someone is always in the dorm room. No girl drama yet so it's a good sign" River said rolling her eyes at the last part. It always seemed when there was more than two girls living in the same area there was drama brewing as well. River never understood why it happened but it was a fact that it did. Whatever drama seemed to occur this Irish girl was staying out of it.

Looking down as Oscar mentioned someone as to the name of Xanthi, River's face lit up. It was a rat an adorable white rat. "Aww he is so cute" River said stepping a bit closer to take a look at the rat. "When did you get this little guy?" River wondered thinking about Alainn back at her dorm. Hopefully Alainn was not into rats or that could be problematic.
"Yeah. I'm sure each lesson will have its pros and cons." Oscar said not really wanting to judge anything before he tried it out...well that didn't include flying. He knew that was going to be his worst subject. "Thank you." he said politely back to River as she said that he was welcome at the Gryffindor and he nodded in agreement as she said that the food was great. It really was great though the vegetable soup just wasn't the same as his mothers.

Oscar listened to River talk. That was always the nice thing about being around River, she would do the talking and he could just listen. He liked it that way, she always had something interesting to say which was even better. Though he was quite shocked as she responded to Xanthi, usually people would flinch or scream 'eeewwww' and run away. When actually Xanthi was quite a hygienic rat.

"Just over the summer." Oscar said with a small smile, he was very fond of the rat. "Here. You can hold him." Oscar offered River, she seemed to have an interest in Xanthi and she seemed to be someone he could trust around animals. "Have you gotten a pet?" he asked her curiously wondering what kind of pet River would pick if she had one.
River's smile increased as Oscar said that she had permission to hold Xanthi. Carefully holding the rat in two hands, River looked up at Oscar for a moment. "Interesting name you picked out for the little guy" River said liking the name. Her eyes glanced back down at the rat in her hand. "I promise Alainn won't get to you. She's really nice actually" She said speaking softly as if she was almost talking to a little baby. That just seemed to be the voice she took on when talking to any animal well besides Alainn. River talked to her cat as if she was her best friend in the world, which in terms Alainn was one of her friends.

Looking up at Oscar again, River nodded at his question. "I brought a cute little kitten. Alainn" She said thinking that she just repeated that name way too many times. Don't say it again she thought to herself a smile still there upon her freckled face. "I bet Xanthi and my kitten would get along peacefully. Though I wouldn't be making any play dates any time soon" River added with a small laugh that just seemed to light up her face.

Making sure the rat was balanced in one hand, River used the other hand to carefully pet the rat as if it was was kitten or a puppy. It was rather cute. One of the animals River was considering before she had caught eyes with her chosen one. Oscar almost seemed the type to get a rat though. Rats were like mice and mice were said to be quiet. He was indeed quiet. The logic all made sense in River's mind.
Oscar shrugged, it was the name of a character in a book. A book that his mother used to read to him when he was just a toddler, he still had that small picture book with its delightful illustrations designed on every page. It was in his bedside locker at home. It was safe there. Alainn? Oscar thought to himself with confusion but only for a couple of moments, then River cleared it up.

"I hope they get along..though I doubt that a kitten and a rat can be friends. Its just not in their nature. Although I was watching a muggle documentry with my father and it was about a baby deer and a lion that got on with each other. I suppose anything can happen." Oscar said adding the last part quietly realising that he had been blabbering.

Oscar put his hands in his trousers pockets. He looked at all the owls and walked slowly towards them. He petted a few of them though one small white owl nibbled at his finger, "Ouch." Oscar cursed under his breath and put his finger in his mouth. He fixed the envelope in his hand before deciding on an owl to carry his letter back to his parents. He attached it to the leg of a small barn owl. Oscar told the owl the address and the owl was off. He had done it. His first owl delivery. Oscar smiled to himself and turned back to River, "I hope the owl gets it to the right house." He still didn't fully understand how everything worked in the wizarding world.
River listened to Oscar tell about the baby deer and the lion. This young girl had a hard time picturing a baby deer and lion getting along but she found it a cute idea. "Anything is possible" She said shrugging her shoulders slightly as she hear an owl above her make a hooting sound. Looking up her eyes caught the eyes of a very pretty white owl. "Aww" She said more to herself. Well it wasn't until she heard Oscar giving an address that she looked back down at him seeing that he was indeed sending a letter.

"Oh right I completely forgot" River said truthfully as she took out the letter that she had spent about ten minutes writing before her visit up here. Of course River had really forgotten. Her memory wasn't the best, yet she hoped that the classes here were going to help her out in that point. Maybe straining her memory in the need to remember facts for each class would help this young redhead, or maybe it would only hurt the situation. Either way, River would find out.

Looking back up above her, River motion for the pretty white owl to come down. In one big motion, the owl flew down and landed right on River's shoulder. "Heya" She said brightly the smile on her face increasing. "Do me a favor and send this to my mother" River said to the owl giving him the address. Without another word the owl flew off and was gone.

"I think it's amazing that they can deliver mail like that. I mean they always know where they are going. I swear if I was an owl I would get lost all the time" She said looking back over at Oscar.
Oscar watched as an owl gracefully landed on Rivers shoulders as she gave it her letter. He turned around to look at where the owl that carried his letter was, it was gone. Then with a sudden noise of fluttering wings the owl on Rivers shoulder took of quickly and flew out of the owlery and out of sight just as quick.

Oscar walked around the Owlery looking at all the owls in turn. He was surprised that they hadn't attacked Xanthi yet, in fact these owls seemed to be professionally trained. Oscar nodded in agreement with River, "Yes I know whaat you mean, I continously get lost here in the castle!" Oscar admitted. It was true, one time in practicular he remembered. He had met Ai there. He remembered it vividly.

He looked over his shoulder to River making sure that Xanthi was still okay, he was in Rivers hands, perfectly safe. Quite randomly Oscar turned to River and asked her quietly, "Do you miss home?" He was feeling homesick quite a bit but knew that him being at Hogwarts was of coarse for the best.

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