Renaissance of Two Misleading Lovers

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
Leaving for one week was not entirely enough for the Death Eater to settle into the blissful state where he could think and see what he would need to do otherwise. When Hades had returned home to see how things were going, there were times when he could not even look at Etoile without losing control and wanting to tell her everything when in reality, it would be nothing short of awful. Hades needed some time to himself, he needed to get away from the being that caused him to be like that. How could one being cause him so much thoughts and grief, distractions and yet all of this appeal to him? Hades could not believe it when he realized it at first either. It was not something that he was expecting. It happened so suddenly. Hades figured that things would have been better if he had not come across her. If he had not thought about it, if he had not ripped off that wig and instantly become attracted to her, then she would not have been able to bring him in this. This feeling was not really something that he wanted ever to happen to him. Sure, some people thought that love could strengthen people but this was weakening him greatly. That was when he decided to spend one whole month into the blissful state where he thought he was in love before but the darkness within himself, his own inner being telling him that he should have killed Hollace, and then the other time, when he thought that he loved Anastasia but that was an utter failure as well. He had ended it, and he would have what was his eventually. Hades bowed his head where he was at, standing where he was and being in comforted solitude. One month had passed, and not once had Hades left the solitude of his safehouse and spoken to Etoile where he was at before, where Asparuh Zhefarovich the third had locked him up when he needed some time to think. The darkness had guided him before and this time he was seeking it out once more. Every so often Hades had sent out someone in aid to see the children and how Etoile were doing, and even cast a patronus as well, to watch over. He did leave but he was in silence, and he had managed to control and manage his emotions while he took care of her without saying a word. It was something that he was prone to do, but then he had retreated back into the safehouse. What was unique was the fact that the better Etoile seemed, the less likely she would see him around until he got better control over it. She may see a shadow of him, hearing his footsteps and waking up to see what he was doing which included tiny notes, and roses that might not mean anything to her. Hades did not care what she thought right now, but she would see it eventually, see it that he cared.

However how long he would pine for it. Until now, Hades had felt nothing more but sheer pain. It was the pain of someone loving another, without being loved in return. Hades had spent most of the time in the safehouse where they first slept together and spoke, on the bed where he had taken her as well. He had laid down with his hands resting on his chest. It was early afternoon as the sun rose not that Hades could see it in the safehouse due to it being underground, but he had kept up with the time and the days with use of a calendar and hours. Hades had his eyes closed, his lips sealed shut as he concentrated on what he truly wanted, what he should do. He had managed to gain control of his emotions now. He would be able to face Etoile Lefevre without being what he was earlier, what he felt that was weak. He could not help but think that what he was doing right now was better for him. The pain was gone, and now there was just sheer pleasure. The inner darkness of his self conscience had spoken to him. 'You have what you desire, you need nothing more than that. She gives you her body, she gives you pleasure, her love may come but right now, you have it all.' Hades had absorbed that, and he felt that even though he had loved her, he would never let her go. He could not let her go lest he was going to lose a bit of himself later on. Hades wanted to be there with her now, and after listening to his conscience, he could not help but wanted more. He wanted more than what his conscience. Then it spoke to him again, and if he had told anyone that he had spoken to himself to help his mind clear out. 'Test her, allow her to leave for a while to see if she will return. Earn her trust, gain her friendship. It all must start somewhere.' His onyx eyes opened and he thought that it would be simple to have that done. Hades would do just that. He rose from the bed and he moved it across the room to show the exit from the safehouse from under the bed. He opened the door and it led down a dark stairway. He descended down and he had closed the door behind him. Etoile had better be ready, because the Hades that she had known and probably loathed has returned full force and he was ready to claim what he wanted. He walked the corridor in darkness, with a black candle to lead the way. He had a plan in store, the gleam in his onyx eyes was back, the cocky and cruel smirk danced on his lips. Needless to say, Hades was completely back, his mind in control and in his iron grip. Now, it was time to break down the walls to make Etoile his, forever.
Etoile Lefevre ran her smooth fingers across the silky mass of hair that her son Lestat possessed atop his head. She loved that both of her children were born with full heads of hair, all silky and as dark as the night that they were born on. They also had a mixture of her and Hades milky pale skin. It was beautiful and she couldn't have asked for more perfect children. Which surprised her because they were were the spawns of her and Hades. Her and a man she couldn't stand created such perfect little beings. It was hard for her to grasp and even really try to think about but when she was trapped within this home with really no one to talk to but herself and the children, she had a lot of time on her hands to do nothing but think about all the things she didn't want to think about. Etoile had only seen Hades once after she had given birth and after that there wasn't even a glimpse of him to be seen. It was like he just vanished off the face of the earth. Which Etoile found to be more than strange because in the short time she had come to know that man, she knew that he had a tendency to always be there when she didn't want him around. No matter how much she fought and resisted him he seemed to overstep his bounds and try to force himself further and further into her life. But suddenly he wasn't interested anymore? What was up with that? 'I guess my assumptions on him no longer needing me were true.' She thought to herself as she ran her fingers along the soft skin of her son, she could tell the baby was growing more and more tired by the moment. His sister was already fast asleep in her crib but Lestat had been fighting sleep for the past half hour. Both the twins seemed not to notice the absence of their father figure. Neither of them were probably aware that they even had a father by this point, because Hades had not been around to see his children. At least not to Etoile's knowledge. It confused her to no end that he was doing this. If he wanted children so bad why wouldn't he just take them too instead of abandoning all of them. Filling her purpose should have meant that she was no longer needed by him. But it didn't add up that he left the children in her possession. Not that she was displeased by this. Etoile loved her children more than she had loved anyone, even her own mother which was the strongest bond she felt up until she took one look at them. And once she found a way Etoile was going to take her babies and leave. Etoile had wanted nothing more than to leave and go out on her own way before this happened, but now she wanted them with her and when she found a way for them all to escape. "I refuse to let him keep me here. I have served my purpose, so I am through with this." Etoile kissed her baby's forehead ever so softly before she gently lifted his slumbering body and placed him within the cradle. He was finally asleep which meant that she had some time to herself. Which she should probably spend sleeping because she was tired. But she wanted to spend some time to.

Etoile lifted her body from the bed and she made her way over to closer that was less than ten feet from the bed and slid the door open. There was a large amount of dresses inside the closet but to her dismay she couldn't really wear them anymore because her chest area grew to the point where they no longer fit her all that well. She needed some new ones and once she got away from this place she would show for some new ones until she was able to make her own. Her skinny arms dove into the closet and she found herself grasping a hold of what she was looking for. A small bag-like suitcase that she could use to carry her things in. Oh yeah, she was planning to escape tonight. She hurried over and set the bag onto the bed. Then she started to pack away clothes, prized possessions, things for the babies, and anything else she could fit into there. Then she picked up the bag to carry it over to the closet to gather more things, but pause when she heard something, something she hoped she was only dreaming about.​
Hades was coming closer and closer to the entrance to the house of his. He could not wait to see the look on Etoile's face now that he had his emotions under control. His love for her would have to wait a while, even though he was neglecting his true job right now with the family, but he would have to get it done soon anyway. Hades just has not been meeting the deadlines and the expectations. He hoped that Asparuh would not give him hell over it because Hades had a lot on his mind and needed some solitude to clean up his mind. Hades carried a lantern with him burning with a flame that was a fiery blue, which gave out more light to Hades because a bright orange gave him headaches to look into. Hades was a mystery yet no one could really solve him because no one took the time to go through his mind unless they were legilimens, which might explain how he would only listen to Asparuh and Kalif, because they could read into his mind. People that could do that really bothered Hades because they would know what he was truly after, and he preferred not to have that happen to him. Hades hated it, having his mind being read. Because he was the grandson of two Legilimens, perhaps that was why he had the knowledge to read people rather than just reading their minds. He never sought out to have Legilimency. Never thought that he would go into it because of how obvious people were. He could not believe on how many others had thought that he would laugh at it. Hades had finally approached the entrance to his home and he glanced down the long corridor that connected the two places together. The candles had gone out once he had passed a few feet from them. He turned off the lantern and settled it onto the concrete floor. He started to go up the stairs, and then once he was at the trapdoor, he opened it with a charm before he ascended into his lowest of basements. He closed the trapdoor and he had covered it with a rug like he had before. Now it was the time to go approached Etoile. By the time he had reached the first floor of his home that was not considered a basement considering that his entire home was under the ground.

The first person that ran into him was his baby girl, Vritra. Hades gave her a swift hug before she returned to her bedroom where she was told because he knew that Etoile would not be too happy with his disappearance. Well, she liked to have some time alone, and did not enjoy having him around all the time. Hades stopped to listen to where exactly Etoile was at. In her bedroom. Hades smirked lightly, and he started in that direction. He moved the curtain out of the way and he glanced over at the bed to see a suitcase packed. Now that was odd, it would be hard to get out of a house that was charmed to not allow anyone to apparate in or out, and without a front door. Hades stopped where he was at for a moment, where he was staring at Etoile's back. Hades silently approached her before he snaked his arms around her waist and planted a kiss upon her pale cheek. He quickly stepped away out of her reaching distance before he greeted her in his normal tone, "Hey honey, I'm home." He snickered lightly, before he turned over to see his twins once more. He reached down and he picked up Elysia into his arms, his youngest daughter. He cradled her before he looked over her fragile body. She seemed so small, and she remained asleep as he put her down and covered her as well. He did the same thing with Lestat, whom also remained asleep. Hades turned his eyes to the suitcase once more and he wondered if she really wanted to leave. This concerned him, because if she tried, and got out into the snow, she would literally freeze to death. Hades inquired, "You don't like me being around, and while I was getting something done, I left you alone, and you still want to leave? Hm, good luck with that. I always like a challenge." It seemed like his cocky attitude is back as well. Hades had that gleam in his eyes, something that meant that he was always up to something, and he was, just not in the way he was before. Unlike last time, he would not seduce her every night. He did not want another child for a while anyway. He knew one thing for certain, however he wanted Etoile to be the mother, once he thought it was time for another baby.
Etoile's silvery green eyes quickly darted around the room in search of anything she might have missed while packing. She was so ready to get out of here and her freedom felt so close, to the point where she could almost feel it within her grasp. She didn't feel Hades presence at all so as he approached her she remained clueless as she tried to mentally check off what she still needed and what she had already packed. But then a strong arm wrapped around her waist and Etoile's body froze like a slab of icy cold concrete. She wasn't alone anymore! For a moment she could have sworn that for a moment as the arm held her and a pair of soft lips met her cheek, she enjoyed the closeness to another human being. But the feeling of comfort and welcoming affection was destroyed as quickly as it came to her because she not only realized who it was that was holding her, but she also realized what that meant for her. He wasn't going to let her leave it seemed. The one day she picked to get away he decided to come out of hiding. Hades' voice sent a flurry of chills and a twitch of anger through Etoile's skinny body. She whipped her body around and let her eyes narrow so she could glare fiercely at Hades. Who seemed just as cocky and obnoxious as he always did, did that mean he was over whatever his problem had been earlier when he refused to answer to her. Her hand went up to gruffly wipe at the area where he kissed her at. "Don't call me by that name, and don't treat me like I'm your f*cking wife." Etoile hissed bitterly, careful to keep the tone down so she wouldn't have to worry about waking up the babies who were currently first asleep. Etoile continued to rub at the place where his lips touched her skin and she considered for a moment running scalding hot water over it. A part of her told her that she should lighten up around Hades, but she quickly silenced that part and reminded herself of all that he had done to her. How he locked her up in this home even though she wanted to get away from him to obvious levels. He wanted to try and get into her and make her understand that not every is going to take a blow on her heart. Which was completely bull to her because so far that's all anyone has ever done, destroy her life. He almost killed her for crying out loud! Did he really want children that badly? Because there was at least a million other women out there to have them with. There was nothing special about her. Etoile kept her glare on him as she gruffly pushed her way passed him and finished gathering some clothes and things to pack into her bag. Hades had gotten what he wanted which meant that she was done here right? Would he be willing to let her go now? He just had to do something nice for her, just this once. An armful of clothes was brought to the bed and she set them down so she could begin to fold them and pack them into her bag. But instead of going on with her folding she stopped then tossed them all to the side with a frustrated sigh. "Thanks to you, all my favorite dresses no longer fit me. Is it just me or do you have tendency to ruin everything you can of mine?" Etoile asked with a raised eyebrow. His favorite dress she had was one of the many that she no longer was able to wear because they were too small in the chest ares for her. If it hadn't been for that she would have sworn that they would then be too big for her. For some reason the past month she had lost a lot of weight, where it went she didn't exactly know. But it wasn't exactly anything she was going to talk to Hades about anytime soon.

Hades' words made Etoile pause for a moment and stare down at the half packed suitcase as if she was thinking about whether or not she really wanted this. Yeah she really wanted to do this. "I hate it here . You should have guessed that sooner or later I was going to leave again. Besides, I figured that since you were gone so long you weren't coming back." Etoile stated softly as she stopped packing for a moment and pause to look at him. She wanted to ask why he had left for so long but she didn't want him to mistake her question for worry or missing him. Merely she just wanted to know where he had gone and why he came back, sort of. His cocky attitude had return at full force and Etoile wanted to rip her hair out more than ever, what happened to the quiet Hades that wouldn't even look at her much less talk to her. Sure it was a month and a half ago and at first it hurt to have him treat her like that, but at least she didn't have to put her guard up then. "Care to give an explanation on where you went for an entire month though? And what the hell your problem was that day you practically ignored me?" Etoile finally abandoned her packing for a moment and approached him just a little bit, her eyes gleamed in the light off the room. Her legs carried so she was standing to the front of the bed and she sat down, her feet dangling over the wood of the headboard. She remained quiet for a bit before she figured she should cut in and add why the hell she had asked this, she didn't want him to think she cared about him or anything. Etoile was brutal and harsh but what he didn't know was that she could be very shy when it came to things like this. "Are you...." Etoile shook her head and waved it off as if she thought of something better to say or do. She didn't want to know if he was planning on getting rid of her soon and replacing her. The narrowed look of her eyes returned and she shook her head before returning to the closet to search for things that may actually fit her.​
Hades loved the feeling of her body against his own, but it was something else to have her pretty much chilled and angry with him, which he expected after his disappearance for a little over a month but it would be the best for him. And it got him his original attitude back which was what he knew that he needed the most right now. Hades wondered how she was going to plan on leaving with the charms up and no windows or front door. The walls were a mix of concrete and steel, so it would be near impossible to leave here without flooing out, or apparating. Hades saw her glare fiercely at him, and he could not resist smirking like he was right now. She was very entertaining for him. Hades loved it when she cursed because it always made him chuckle, which it did this time. Hades could not help but shake his head at her as well, because only she would know that language. Hades threw his hands up in the air and he smirked lightly once more. He could not resist really saying what he did, which was, "Time will tell. Who knows, one day you just might be, and if that day comes, I will laugh." Hades seemed almost cruel just then but he was joking around too. One day he would want to marry her, but he knew that right now was not the time to really talk about that, not to mention right now she did not have the same feelings as he did about her. Hades glanced over at the twins once more, and thought that they were going to be staying asleep but then again, he might just make sure that her tone remained quiet, by motioning toward the twins. That would be almost horrific, but he wondered if she would allow her emotions to overpower her mothering skills. That would be something to really test as well. Hades laughed a little more when she wiped the place where he had kissed her and wondered if she needed to take a hot shower after every time he had given her affection, including when he had made love to her. Hades was in love with Etoile, that was no secret to him at all. Hades would have to keep it a secret. He did not want her to ever know what was going on with him, and he was not going to tell her right now because he knew that it would be pointless. However, he knew that there was something in her, something in her that liked him, and he was going to have to tap into it somehow, and learn how to get her to trust him at least. Hades will have to get passed those walls to break them down and to make her trust him or something. He needed to get her to realize that she was special, but she was special to him. He would introduce her to others if she wanted to make them seem special to her as well as it being vise versa. However she seemed to not want to meet any of his family, so she would not ever see that, well, not yet anyway. Hades continued to watch her out of amusement as she started to get more things together and pack them into her bag. He did not know what she was trying to accomplish but to him, it would not work.

However she tossed them all to the side, which he had folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow at what she was doing. This was most certainly something that he did not expect to see right now. Hades' eyes went over her body and thought that she would need to go shopping. She did need new dresses, and pregnancy can do a lot to someone's body. Hades shrugged lightly, "Well, I did not ruin your pretty hair, or your necklace that I retrieved, so not everything. Just the body from the twins and well, you staying here with me rather than being alone." Hades liked pointing out some the less than valid arguments that they proposed to him. "So, almost everything, I suppose." Hades smirked a little bit more when he said that even though she was mad at him already, there was no way she could get any madder without yelling and waking up the twins. Hades shrugged lightly and he laughed softly as well, once more. "So you say. Well, you can leave, if you can manage to leave from a house with no windows, no front door, completely sealed off from the world. I would wish you luck with that because if you can manage to leave, I would applaud you because you thought of something I did not. Otherwise, you would be leaving behind our Lestat and Elysia." Hades had a valid argument. "Oh no, I would always come back. You can't get rid of me, no one else could. I will always come back for you." Hades shrugged once more as well. But he did not know that she would actually ask to where he had done, and wondered why he had ignored her but alas, she had. Hades stopped smirking completely, and he averted his eyes for a moment. He did not have an explanation for that. Instead, he placed his hand on Lestat's crib and he stared at his son. "I went to get my head straightened out. And with me ignoring you came with the one month vacation, for you from myself. Otherwise, if I had not, eventually I would have been killed by someone even I fear for not doing my job. So, I won't be doing that again, because if I die, I assume the object that caused me to behave like I had would also be killed, which would be you." Hades did not want that to ever happen to her. Death by Asparuh was the worst thing one could ever dream of. Hades would have to explain to her eventually on who he was talking about, which was Asparuh himself, but hopefully he was not noticing Hades was not doing his job at all. Hades heard her unfinished question, did not know what that meant. However, he decided to finished it, "Am I going to allow you to go shopping for new dresses? If that was your question, then yes, I will." Hades thought that allowing her to do that, it would help. "Just need someone to watch over the children, and I may have someone too."
Etoile could do nothing but deepen her glare once she saw him smirk at her. This was nothing more than a silly little game to him was it? Either that or he just got a sick sense of amusement from Etoile when she was upset or angry like she was right now. Which there was nothing to be amused about because if he really wanted to get her to trust and accept him like he said he did. Because being amused by her suffering was only going to make her more angry with him. He seemed to be amused by the idea of her marrying him some day too. He even went as far as to say that someday she could be his wife and if they someday did he would laugh at that expense. Etoile scrunched up her nose to show her disgust to Hades' comment about them possibly getting married one day. Her mind could not help but go deep into thought and try to imagine what her and Hades' wedding day would look like. She would be wearing a very long and elegant white dress that was so beautiful yet ugly. Her hair would be all done up and sparkly, there'd be family gathered around looking so happy and proud, and ugh then there would be him and it just would be so sappy and awful. That was not what Etoile wanted. Hell she didn't want to get married in general and if it was sappy it would make it even worse for her. Etoile was honestly to shy for one of those big romantic weddings with people all over the place and on a beach. Ugh no thanks. Etoile could barely stand to have people staring at her when she passed by let alone them all watching her walk down an isle pretending to be happy. "I'd rather receive the Dementor's Kiss than marry you." Etoile told Hades finally, hoping to strike him in some way, shape, or form. It was kind of true though. She didn't want to get married at all. But definitely not to Hades. Hopefully he would soon get that permanently pressed into his mind because she didn't want to have him thinking of marriage between them ever again. They already had two kids and an unbreakable vow between them which was more than enough for her. "Besides, before I would ever consider marrying someone I'd have to be in love with them. And I'm definitely not in love with you." Etoile stated with a roll of her eyes. She didn't have much to retort back to when Hades pointed out that there was some things he hadn't ruined yet. Like her pretty hair. Another roll of Etoile's Silvery Green eyes then left her and without another word she hurled a piece of her clothing at Hades. She hated him calling anything on or about her 'pretty'. It felt awkward to hear him say anything like that to her.

"I've been inside this house for so long....I can't even remember what fresh air feels like. Hmph you know how to suck all the fun out of escaping...but fine. You win. Guess I'm staying here." Etoile kicked the suitcase off the bed and it landed with a soft thud. Neither of the babies stirred and Etoile reveled in the fact that they were sound asleep by this point. With the suitcase now on the floor she hoped Hades took that as a sign of her being defeated this time. Etoile didn't really want to leave her two babies behind with him anyways. Etoile listened to Hades but walked over to her vanity mirror where she picked up a big silver brush and started to comb it through her long hair that fell to her mid-back. As she did this she could see Hades in the mirror and her eyes met with the reflection of his figure for a moment. "I doubt that. One of these days you'll get tired of me...but-you left, because I have been causing you reason to need your head straightened out? Well....all the more better of a reason for you to kget rid of me, Ifd I cause you that much stress." Etoile shrugged her shoulders and continued to brush her hair for a little bit longer. Soon it returned to it's straight and silky form and it was tossed behind her back like an elegant black curtain. She knew she wanted to ask him if he intended to kill her but it seems that Hades misread her body language and thought she wanted something else. Etoile tried to find a possible dress nice enough to fit her for the rest of the day but the moment Hades mentioned shopping, she paused and for probably the first time since Hades had ever met Etoile, her eyes lit up ever so slightly. The thought of actual shopping and actually being outside sounded so perfect to Etoile. "You'd...let me go shopping?" Etoile asked with a raised eyebrow. She had to bit her lip to keep herself from smiling. How was it that he was capable of even suggesting something that made her happy. But she was way over that by this point. Etoile dropped the dress that she had been holding up to her thin body and approached Hades.​
Hades kept those onyx eyes on Etoile as she seemed to just deepen that glare. He enjoyed receiving attention from her, negative or otherwise, but at least she was looking at him and fighting at times so it was worth it. Hades may have been getting some sort of sick thrill from it, but it was just that. Hades did not know if he could actually gain her trust without acting like a complete arse like that Xelric or whomever he was did. He would not ever sink to that level because he wanted Etoile for her body. Though the thought of being married was not going through his mind, and he did not really wish to think on it. Most weddings that he had seen were always so white and happy. That was not the type that he would ever be in. His would be dark, exclusive if not just him and his bride. Hades would oversee it and both of the beings seemed to be oblivious to the fact that they both hated traditional weddings. Hades would love to have a wedding like his grandfather and Danielle Zhefarovich nee Lefevre had. However there was one issue, he would not want that many people at his wedding. Hades heard what she said and he averted his eyes back to his children. This was something that he should have prepared for. He had learned and braved himself for. He had learned to be able to suppress the love that he had for Etoile but he did not learn to take the words that she would throw at him. This time, they were really taking a toll on him mentally. He had never had to deal with this before, because all he wanted was someone to actually accept him and care for him because he never had that with someone that he knew was not right. The few other women, they only seemed to want him for good sex and power. Nothing else. He had thought that he had gotten that with Etoile, but perhaps he was wrong. Hades simply stared at the children, watching them sleep. 'Perhaps Asparuh was right, love is for the weak. Maybe like those on my mother's side, I am doomed to live alone, or even die for something so stupid,' Hades thought at he looked over the twins while they slept. They were gorgeous, and to think, Hades and Etoile made them. They were the results of something that Hades was slowly losing faith in. He might not have what he wants, but he should not give up. He cannot just give up. Hades did not want to, for the sake of the children here. It seemed for once, he did not have any sort of retort back to Etoile about her feelings about him. What was there to say about it?

Hades felt what seemed like a dress hit him on the shoulder, and he watched it fall to the floor, and his onyx eyes went to Etoile again, looking at her without what looked like no expression on his face. Hades motioned with his hand around the house and he said, "I am not the one that built this house, but there is one method of escaping, however it is impossible to find. It seems like you hate compliments too. Since you are staying here, you will receive compliments, because believe it or not, I can be a real gentleman." Provided that he had a good reason to give out those compliments. Yes, he wanted her here with him, but he also hated to see a woman in complete misery, yet a part of him got some sort of sick thrill from it as well. He could cause pain, misery and everything just by his desires alone. He glanced down at the suitcase now on the floor, and she was defeated once more. It seemed like Hades had his game now on his side, but there was still that lingering pain he constantly felt rearing its ugly head up. He hated feeling it, but it seemed like it would just get stronger until he himself would be careless, and lose his own life. Hades just hoped that he would still be around, no matter what, for the sake of his children. They needed him as much as he needed them. Hades could not resist looking at her as if she had grown another head when she had said that he would one day tire of her. Hades shook his head, "You must really have a death wish, or think that I would do such a thing. Look, something changed, something I am not used to, but I still refuse to have you out of my life, not matter what pain or whatever comes from it." Hades gave a lazy shrug, and he turned his eyes back to the twins. They were just beautiful. He glanced back over at Etoile and she seemed to get a little lighter with the mention of shopping. But he could not risk her going alone. She approached him and he raised his hand to tell her to wait a moment. He lifted the charms for a moment to apparate off and bring back a servant to watch the children. Hades nodded once and he said, "Okay, now we can go, and yes, I am coming along to ensure nothing goes wrong. I also have extra money, so you can get whatever you want." Hades placed a hand upon her shoulder, and he had apparated off with Etoile, bringing her to a magical community in southern Russia so that Etoile could go her shopping. To his dismay, it was daylight.
Etoile was actually taken aback when she saw Hades' face over her response to the two of them being married and in love. He didn't say anything to her and instead averted his eyes from her to the sleeping babies in the corner of the room. Normally Hades no issue retorting back with something that would justify what she had gone and said to him. But for now he was silent and slightly reminded her of how he was before he went away for that long month and a half. Etoile breathed out and dropped her head a little. She felt bad. She didn't know why, but she felt bad for some strange reason. After the dress had hit Hades he didn't really reacted but he did say something that was really interesting to her. At least because it made her feel differently than the way most of his words made her feel when he spoke them to her. "I just....I'm not used to compliments alright? So I don't really like being given any of them." Etoile explained as she rubbed her cheek again. It was sore from all the rubbing she had done earlier, she had really disliked the kiss that Hades had given her on the cheek earlier, or had she? Etoile knew that Hades could very well be a gentleman when he wanted to be but he rarely ever treated her like that. He seemed to enjoy picking on her and getting her upset more than he did anything else. So why point out to her that he could be a gentleman? He was probably never going to treat her like so but it wasn't like she wanted them anyways. Hades net response made her feel a little bit worried as well because it seemed like Hades was testing her. Was he trying to tell her something that she could not understand. Etoile did think that he was going to kill her, everyone did. What was there for her that would prove useful to him if she was kept alive? "I've had a lot of people do harmful things to me, a lot of it was for no reason other than personal gain, what else am I supposed to think whenever I'm around you? What in the world would have changed to make you think like that? Pain and suffering is definitely not worth having me around." Etoile gave Hades an actual worried glance. What could be so important that he felt like he needed to have her around no matter how much suffering she put him through and no matter how much suffering he put her through. Although Etoile approached Hades he told her to wait for a moment. And that was when she went searching for her money. Etoile had a tonne left over and she was intending on using that go to dress shopping with, so she didn't need to depend on Hades for money. She hated depending on anyone for anything. He came back with a sitter and told her that he was coming with her. Of course she let her face drop a little at that. What could go wrong while shopping? Etoile just wanted a moment or two to herself. "I have my own, I don't need you to buy anything for me." Etoile responded softly. Maybe she would lose him in one of the store's so she could have a moment or two to herself. A strong hand was place on her small shoulder before they were Apparated off and taken to what appeared to be a large magical town.

The first breath she had taken was wonderful. She had not been in the outside world in so long, it felt like this was a dream. In fact she had been inside the home of Hades for about a year now, and boy did the outdoors feel great. The breeze brushed by her skin and sent shivers down her body. Her dress was probably more revealing than it should be, but Etoile didn't care and hurried around, she practically spend walk away from Hades and towards a store. The stores on the inside were so wonderful, there was so much fabric and accessory's. For once Etoile's horrid and depressed mood faded and a light hearted smile went onto her lips, she was happy. Being outside and able to shop for dresses actually put her in a good mood because she had missed this. About half an hour later Etoile had bought nearly twelve brand new dresses, a few pair of shoes, some new lingerie, and of course a few necklaces. Luckily she had a bag that they could all fit into and not have it weight a ton or take up a lot of space. But now that the shopping was done Etoile intended to get a drink then try and find Hades so she could go home and try all of them on. Yes she actually planned to go home instead of running. Etoile didn't want to leave her babies behind, plus she actually got them some cute little onesies too. Etoile exited the shop and looked around, she saw no one. Hades was nowhere to be seen. 'I hope he hadn't left me here.' Then again did she? Etoile wasn't sure what to think so instead of looking for Hades she she shrugged and started to walk down the street to head to another shop and get something to drink while she waited. Etoile passed by a darker looking shop with a glass window but failed to see the darkened face watching her from inside. Etoile continued passed the shop until she felt a large hand clasp itself painfully on her shoulder. "Ow!" Etoile hissed figuring that for a second it was Hades that had done that, because he was upset that she was not finished yet. Etoile turned to shout at the person but instead he used his strong arms to turn her around, and immediately her heart sunk, and she felt her back collide quite painfully with the brick wall behind her.​
Iulian took a break from his duties today. He never ever took breaks unless he was ordered to take one but today just felt different. There was something strong and vocal within him demanding he took some time off. There wasn't much to do when he wasn't spending his time on hunting down families and killing members to make sure his line of power wasn't in any way altered. He wanted the most powerful family ever, but there came sacrifices with that. Right now that sacrifice involve him going around from shop to shop, where he bought tacky little potions and weapons to keep his mind from wandering off too much. So far it still wasn't clear why he was here yet. But by the feeling in his gut he could tell that sooner or later he would find out what it was. 'Or else someone is going to pay.' Iulian breathed out and headed over to look at some books containing some old spells as well as bottled potions of all sorts, it was right next to the window so he could see outside at the busy street folk. Not that they mattered to him much at all. That was, until a very familiar figure walked by the window of the very shop he was within. It was a young woman, not much older than twenty-five or so. She had moonlight pale skin, long midnight black hair that fell to the mid of her back, and very familiar silvery green eyes. 'Etoile are still among the living?' Iulian would have guessed that Etoile would be dead long ago, but alas she was here and right within his grasp. Iulian smirk and left the shop hurriedly, his newly dyed white hair flew behind him as he did so. Etoile had grown up a lot, but she was still as scrawny as ever, yet her body held a glowing beauty to it. Interesting. Iulian clasped a large hand down on Etoile's bony shoulder, so tightly he could crack her little bones if he so desired. It would definitely leave a bruise or two. She even cried out in pain from it too, oh how marvelous! Iulian turned her around to face him and pressed her roughly into the brick wall behind her. "Oh little Etoile, how you've grown since I've seen you last!" Her eyes widened and she suddenly knew exactly who it was. Good, Iulian felt a little neglected by younger brother's favorite little pet. Then the struggling and fighting began and Iulian grew agitated. "Leave me alone you disgusting piece of-" Iulian shut her up, his hand gliding right across her cheek in a smack. He did not have time to listen to her wretched mouth. Since Iulian had her shoulder pinned she wasn't dumb enough to retaliate. "I don't have the patience to listen to your mouth. I just wanted to see how my brother's favorite little pet was doing. Yes he's passed onto the next world but he misses you, he loved you. " Etoile whimpered ever so softly and Iulian rolled his eyes before his hand went up to caress her cheek lightly, it was red from where he slapped it. And never had he seen such a look of disgust on Etoile's face.​
The moment that Etoile seemed to speed walk from Hades to go into the store, Hades did not really think that he should take off with her because he was sure that she would not want to leave the children. Perhaps he was doing wrong by using the twins as leverage but it was a sure way of having what he wanted. Hades had climbed the fire escape on the side of the building, and he might not be able to see Etoile right now, but he was sure that she did not have a wand on her. But he trusted her not to run. Instead, he would watch from above, and make sure that nothing were to happen to the one that he vowed to protect. Hades did not want to be around her when she shopped anyway, because that woman would need her privacy to shop alone. While she was working on that, Hades was busy working with some of the weapons within his trench coat. He had out brass knuckles, and he rested them in the right pocket, and then he pulled out a long dagger from within as well. One would never know the type of situations that one would get into while out here in Southern Russia. He did not know if anything would happen but one could not help but be suspicious. He was highly protective over the one that was mother to his newest children, and even so, he would soon have those other two pureblooded girls with him as well. The ones with Anastasia Katsaros as the mother, where he had broken off their engagement. Hades too thought that he needed to have them with him, because they were getting older and he could not stay away from them for too much longer. He had to have his children all with him. Hades was thinking of a way to retrieve them without upsetting another Death Eater. That was one of the last things he wanted. He pulled up the sleeve to his trench coat, and he could see his Dark Mark, and all of its shining glory. He traced the marking of it with his dagger, wondering how the other Death Eaters were doing, but he had no relation to the ones in other countries, as well as other ones that were newly recruited. However he had heard that his distant cousin, Aleyha, and another, Hadan, both were accepted as Death Eaters. One would be proud, especially when his family were full of Death Eaters or those that supported the Death Eaters. Not a single Zhefarovich or one that had lost his or her name were ever Aurors. The closest that they would get to Aurors is Axel and he was good at framing them. Hades could not help but vaguely wonder if Etoile would ever join up and he thought that she would make a wonderful Death Eater.

Using his intuitive skills, Hades peered over the side of the building to see Etoile leaving this shop, before he watched her vanish into another shop, and he apparated to the top of that building. He had to keep a close eye on her. Perhaps he could trust her to not run off. Hades pulled the sleeve down from his elbow to cover the dark mark and he walked the ledge on the top of the building. From where he could see, there was someone else watching the same building as the one that Hades was watching, and the man seemed highly suspicious. He had long blonde hair, and he just seemed to make Hades' blood boil within his veins. Hades did not like the fact that this man was eerily sneaking around because one would think that they could be a little more discreet about it. However, he noticed that Etoile was leaving, and then the man seemed to ambush her. Her cries out in pain caused him to clinch his dagger, and then he could hear their words. Hades then saw the man smack Etoile across the face, and his jaw hardened. His whole demeanor darkened to where he just seemed like the type to kill anyone right now. It was the same with Kalif, and that was where he had gotten it from. He stepped off from the building, and he landed in his feet right next to Etoile and whom he had figured out as Iulian. He had pushed Etoile away from Iulian, and then Hades clinched Iulian by the front of his robes. He lifted the other Death Eater up into the air, and he threw him into a close shop, through the glass window. Hades stepped onto the ledge, glass crunching beneath his shoe as he watched the Death Eater collide with shelves of figurines. Hades knew that the man had to be in a lot of pain from this. Hades stepped further into the store, and though as silent as he was, he bent down over Iulian Pisces, and started punching him as hard as he could, hoping to have broken some bones, any bones in that face of his. Then he clinched the dagger, and he hissed, "Touch her again, I'll rip your f*cking head off." He rose his arm with the dagger, and before he could plunge it into the man, he had apparated off, leaving Hades to stab the floor. Hades rose from the floor, and he stepped outside, before he put his dagger away, and he flourished his wand, to repair the damages to the shop. Hades turned over to Etoile, before he cleared his through and he averted his eyes to the ground. After a moment, he had cleared his throat and asked, "So, done shopping? Are you hurt?"
Etoile was not an easy person to scare or intimidate. One could be an infamous serial killer with millions of innocent blood shed by his or her hand and Etoile would still be stubborn as ever. But there was one man that could always bring a twinge of fright and despair to Etoile whenever she least expected it. That man was Iulian Pisces. If his brother was still alive today he'd be right up there with his brother because he had done far worse to her than Iulian ever dreamed of doing, but Iulian had done things that definitely hurt her and would come to live in her worst nightmares for years and years to come. It was Iulian that had killed her mother when she denied his brother's proposal to be his bride. They had warned her that if she didn't accept the proposal and become Xenon's, then she would suffer by having the one thing she had left in her life taken away from her. Her mother was killed because Etoile was dumb enough to be selfish when they threatened her. Back then she believed that no one could be cruel enough to kill a young girl's mother when they had already so much from her. Etoile didn't think anyone was cruel enough to want her either, but they proved her wrong on all of it. That was why they were able to possess such fear in Etoile's heart. Because they had taken away every single thing she cared about in the end and left her with absolutely nothing. They knew her fears and she had very few of them. Etoile struggled against Iulian and tried to be as nasty and viscous as possible. But boy did he have a strong grip on her. After she tried to him to leave her alone and he roughly smacked her across the face Etoile just narrowed her eyebrows and remained silent for a moment. His brother felt nothing close to love for her, love wasn't violent or cruel. "That's bullsh*t and you kno-ow-" Etoile tried to speak against him but this time he gripped tighter on her shoulders and she could feel her exposed back being scraped against the brick wall behind her. It hurt but not as much as the memories she was seeing while around this man. 'Hades...' Etoile thought to herself, wishing that he was here at the moment. Something within her argued that she didn't need him here. That he would only make the situation worse. But the other half argued that Hades would protect her. That he wasn't all that bad. That Etoile needed to give him a chance. Iulian went as far as to even whisper in her ear that she should remember what happened to her mother because the same thing could easily happen to her if she wasn't careful. Etoile didn't like threats and she didn't always believe them either. Etoile grew worried, if Iulian was back did that mean he was going to resume taking over families? Were the Lefevre's in danger or was it just her? Etoile wanted to ask but Iulian just gripped her harder. At least that was until she felt someone land right next to her, surprising her and Iulian both.

"Hade-" Etoile was suddenly pushed away from Iulian where she ended up landed on her ass and looking up at the two of them in stupor. What in the world was Hades doing?! Her eyes widened ever so slightly when Hades grabbed Iulian by the robes and threw him through the store window, which was made of pure glass. Etoile was honestly impressed by this to some degree because she never thought Hades was that strong physically. Shakily Etoile stood herself up and peered into the destroyed shop. She felt so overwhelmed and light headed. Just as her silvery eyes peeked inside she saw Hades' bare knife stab the floor and Iulian was nowhere to be seen. Just bloody coward Apparated away. Hades excited the shop and fixed the repairs with his wand, the whole time Etoile merely stared at him blinking and trying to wipe away the dizzy feeling. "Why did you do that? I could have handled that myself! No but you had to get yourself involved and upset him...and what if he kills you two!?" Etoile realized what she said and immediately her eyes shifted to the side, now it sounded like she cared. Etoile knew she didn't care, or did she? "Not that I care if you get killed or anything." Etoile quickly added in. Hoping to recover what she had said earlier. He didn't need anything boosting his eager any bigger than it was already boosted to. The dizzy feeling that had overtaken Etoile because she was so overwhelmed and such must have affected her thinking because she had spilled that first part out without even the littlest thought. Etoile nodded her head to say she was finished shopping. "Can we just go home? I'm fine." Etoile kind of lied about being fine, she felt dizzy, her shoulder was obviously bruised, her back was probably scratched up, and there was a red glow upon her cheek where she had been slapped. Etoile just wanted to get home to her babies, when did she start thinking of Hades place as home?​
Hades looked over at Etoile when she asked him why he had done that, and he had no explanation. He was just protecting her, but there was oh so much more than just that. Not that he could ever tell her though for the most obvious of reasons. Hades could not tell her how he really felt because he thought that she would just reject or not believe him which was the same thing to him. But what else she said made him look over at Etoile with some question in his eyes. Huh, that was completely unexpected. Hades smirked lightly, but he did not want to show what she was obviously bad at hiding now, maybe she cared about him even just a little bit. It sounded like she cared, and he was going to hold on to that. He had to because right now he did not have anything else really going for him except the twins. Hades would do nothing more but to smirk and show it off to her, but he was going to be hiding right now. He had to hide it for the time being, so it would not be too bad at least. Hades finally said, "He would not be able to kill me, and I had to do something to protect you. Natural instinct." Hades looked over at Etoile and he gave a lazy shrug thinking that it was not a big deal. So he had some power-hungry man after him but he did not care. He dared Iulian to come close to him so that he can turn his insides out and paint a picture of it. Hades hated seeing her practically glowing with pain, and when he got her home, he would gladly heal her, but he would love it if she put up a little bit of a fight. He could handle some feisty attitudes at times, but he would give in after some time. He was not as relentless as his father, but he could be if he wanted to actually. Hades raised an eyebrow when she wanted to go home, and wondered when she thought of his home as her own. But that was a good step forward. Hades slowly approached her, and he put his arm around her waist, to pull her closer to him. She was carrying a lot more now and did not want to splinch her. He murmured, "Yeah, I'll take you right on home." Hades took a deep breath and he apparated with her. He looked around the bedroom and he waved his wand to put the charms right back on. Then again, he did not know if he would even need them back on. He sent the servant away, and Hades looked upon Etoile with that same, vague, unreadable look upon his face. He could not tell her. But at least he would be there for her, no matter if she wanted him gone from her life or not, he would still be around, haunting and as cocky as ever.


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