Relaxing in the sun

Corrie pretended to be hurt and put his hand across his chest. "You wound me with your distrust." He yelled into the tree before stepping backwards, tripping over in the process. Corrie attempted to make the fall look planned but wasn't sure if he had managed it. He was a great actor but she was good at guessing. After a while he looked up into the tree. "That was completely on purpose."
Kaede laughed at his show of being hurt. "Oh, I'm sure it's excruitiating." She kept laughing as she moved down on the next branch and sat on it, hugging the tree's trunk. Swinging her feet, she laughed as he made a big show of being wounded. All of a sudden, he tripped, and despite his efforts of making it look planned, she saw right throught it. He commented on it and said it was completely on purpose, but Kaede knew better. Yelling down from the tree she said, "Oh, I could totally tell." From the looks of it, he looked ok, and he had said something, so she was sure that he wasn't hurt or dying.

Her eyes smiled as she laughed uncontrollably.
Corrie stayed on the ground abd pretended to pout, upset she didn't buy his act. "It is painful and that was on purpose." He insisted but his case was badly made as he cracked up laughing straight afterwards. By now he was dry again so he put his shirt back on, looking up at the tree again he beckoned Kaede down again. "Come on down, I'm getting neck cramp from talking to you while your up there."
She laughed as he put on a pouty look, and insisted that it was on purpose. Before she could protest it he ruined it himself. He had started laughing, which made the small Hufflepuff laugh even more. "Oh yes, that was totally not on purpose, " she teased.

He beckoned for her to come down, saying that she was gicing him a neck cramp. Laughing, she jumped down, but ran to the other side of the tree. "This tree makes a very good window." She nodded in agreement with herself, realizing how silly she was being. She had always liked to mess around with friends, and that's what she was doing right now. "You can talk to me through my window," she said, looking right at the trunk of the tree. She started to laugh as she kept looking at the tree, waiting for a response.
"It was!" This time Corrie couldn't even keep the straight face, he grinned the whole time he spoke. The slytherin frowned in confusion as she ran to the other side of the tree and yelled that it was a window and he should to through it. "Umm. No." Corrie shook his head, laughing at her antics. "I ain't gunna talk to you from now on unless you come out from behind that tree and sit down next to me. A'rite love?" He clamped his lips shut for effect though it didn't actually work.
Kaede laughed as he continued to insist that his actions had been acted, but she wasn't going to fall for it. She laughed as she refused to come through the tree. She decided that she had to show him. "Yes, you can jump through the tree, and you will talk, you know you can't resist because I'm so awesome." She loved teasing her friends, but in a good way. "Look, I'll go through the tree first, to prove that it's possible! And I mean without magic as well!" Jogging a little bit aways, she got ready to prove to her friend that it was possible.
Corrie looked at the tree, the genral area he thought Kaede was behind it. He was so tempted to ask if she was crazy but he had said he wouldn't speak. The boy leaned back a bit, so ohe could see round the tree, and frowned in confusion. Kaede was jogging away from the tree. "What the..?" Corrie didn't count that as talking because he spoke it in general and the rules were that he wasn't talking to her.
Kaede looked back at the tree and saw Corrie peeking around the trunk. Smiling at him, she waved frantically at him. "Came to watch didn't you?" Laughing, she rubbed her shoes in the dirt, to get some traction. She started jumping up and down to get the blood pumping through her body. All of a sudden, she took off full speed at the tree, her blood pumping faster and faster every second. As she got closer and closer, she didn't slow down, she got faster and faster. Almost to the tree, she closed her eyes and waited for what was going to come.
Corrie nodded as she asked, reasoning it by saying he had only said he wouldn't talk to her. He looked at her, puzzled as she began to jump up and down. "What the..?" He repeated, only this time he stopped because she began to run. At the tree. Full speed. It made no sense to him. Corrie's eyes bulged as she was almost there and not slowing down.

The slytherin took the only action he could think of. He jumped up and launched himself at her, tackling her to the ground. While Corrie would've loved to believe she could run through trees, he didn't. "What the hell was that?" He asked in a not so calm voice. He was sitting on her legs from the tackle.
The Hufflepuff made a oofing sound as she was tackled to the ground. Her attempt at jumping through the tree had been foiled, but she wasn't upset. It was the reaction she would have hoped for, that her friend wouldn't let her do something so stupid. She had known it was stupid, but she had never intended to hurt herself.

Hearing the shakyness in his voice, she went to turn around, but was again, foiled at her attempt. Corrie was still sitting on the back of her legs. She didn't answer his question, but went to say something else. "Are you Okay?" Her voice was quiet, because she had feared she had hurt her friend, which had been something she hadn't intended to do.
Corrie's eyes bulged. "Am I okay? You're the one running full speed at a tree. Do you know what kind of damage that could do, hitting a tree full on. They are tougher than you you know." He was breathing quite heavily, not even notcing that he was still on his friends legs. The slytherin's voice was slightly higher than usual and his pace was sped up alot. "Are you crazy?" This time Corrie's voice was calm, a slight hint of disbelief hidden inside.
Seeing that he was okay, her smile returned. "Yes, Yes I am crazy." She herself thought she was, but she wasn't that crazy. "Did you really think I was going to run into that tree?" Kaede laughed a little bit, Waiting for what Corrie was going to say to that.
Corrie smiled, it was a small, barely noticable smile, but it was a smile. He crossed his arms and huffed in a very over dramatic way. "Well of course I didn't." His voice was also very over dramatic and fake. He then realised he was still sitting on his friends legs. His smile widened as he waited to see how long it would take her to try and get him off of her.
Kaede kept smiling as Corrie put on his dramatic acting again. She couldn't tell if he was smiling, due to the account that he was still sitting on her, but she guessed he was smiling as well. Putting on her own act, she grinned. "Oh your such a drama queen." She was a smart aleck, and she knew it. Her smile grew wider as she thought about what he was going to say to that, and had to clamp her lips shut to keep from laughing.
Corrie looked down at Kaede and moved his position so she couldn't get up now, even if she wanted to. "Hmm, I wonder if you're ticklish?" He smirked for the second time that day. He hoped she was, it would help this situation muchly, give him the upper hand. This was one of the very few times Corrie was able to be himself, accent and all, and he was making the most of it.
Kaede's smile faded as she realized she couldn't get up. Her eyes widened as Corrie asked if she was ticklish, and that immediatly made her spring into action. She tried to kick her legs so she could get leverage on the ground, but that was foiled on account of Corrie sitting on her legs. Using her arms she grabbed the grass in front of her and tugged hard, trying to pull herself out from under him. She didn't answer his question, because she knew that she wouldn't be able to lie to him and tell him that she wasn't. The only thing she could do was to try and pull herself out of the sticky mess she was in.

Noticing that he was talking in his natural accent, despite her situation, she had to smile, she was glad he was talking the way he usually did.
Corrie grinned more as she reacted and she began to skwirm (sp?). "Me thinks you are ticklish. Am I right love?" he laughed before tickling her softly. Eventually he stopped and grinned innocently down at his best friend.

Sorry Lame
Kaede started to respond "Me thinks you are wro-" but was stopped by the tickling that Corrie had started. She started to laugh uncontrollably. She had always been super ticklish, and she had tried to not laugh, but she couldn't resist. She had given herself away, and wanted to slap herself for it.

Corrie stopped tickling her after awhile, but did not move off her, even as she continued to try and squirm out from under him. Blowing her bangs out of her face, she wondered what kind of look he was giving her, or at least what look was on his face.
Corrie laughed as she began to squirm again, trying to free herself. "Wow, you really aren't ticklish are you love?" He laughed again. He looked down at Kaede and smiled, not a smirk or a fake innocent one, but a real smile. Corrie rolled off of his friend and onto the grass next to her. "Bet you got pins and needles now don't ya?"
Smiling, she said, "Pfft, I am not. What you are you talking about?" She heard Corrie laugh, which automatically made her laugh. He finally got off her and sat next to her instead, and said something about pins and needles. Kaede has never heard that term before, and got a quizzical look on her face, not sure what to say. "Pins and needles? What?"

She was confused, and didn't know what in the blazes he was talking about.
Corrie looked at the girl. "You've never had pins and needles before?" This sounded ridiculous to him, how can someone never have had pins and needles before? It's physically impossible. "How can you not have had pins and needles before?"

Sorry, Lame again
Kaede gave him a weird look. She had no idea what pins and needles were. He was confusing her beyond her brain capacity. "Pins and needles? What are pins and needles? I have no idea what your talking about." She was serious, it had to mean something, but she had no idea what. Her brain hurt from thinking so hard, but it would be worth it.
Corrie thought for a second, maybe she had had pins and needles but she didn't know it was called that. "Have you ever sat cross legged for a long time before and when you got up your leg was all tingly?" He knew it wasn't the best way to describe it but it's all he could think of for the moment.
Kaede still wondered what he had meant till he said tingly legs. "Oh! You mean when a body part falls asleep! I know what you mean now. I've never heard of it being called that before. I guess you learn something new every day huh?" She smiled at Corrie, realizing that you learn a lot of the things you know from your friends...well part of it. A lot of people learned a lot of stuff from their parents, but she had never had that privilege, so for her, most of what she had learned was from anyone besides her parents. Which wasn't always a good thing.

Sighing heavily, she put her head on her hands and propped up her elbows.
"What's wrong?" Corrie asked, his friend had sighed heavily and, for some reason, Corrie didn't think it was because he told her what pins and needles were. He figured it was something distantly related to the topic like, her friend told her that and another friend had told her something aswell but that freind wasn't a good friend and abandoned her. Corrie knew it probably wasn't that but something like it.

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