Relaxing by the Lake

Myra Copperfield

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myra sighed as the she watched the warm sun sparkle on the water. Sat here, her chin resting on her knee, she didn't feel obliged to do much.

Her small frame was covered only in a white strappy top, blue denim shorts, and black strappy sanldes.

With another contented sigh, she lay back, spreading her cherry red hair above her, straitening out her legs, and closing her forest green eyes.

What could possibly go wrong?
James had been in a great mood all day, thanks to his sister finally starting to speak to him again, after the whole mother incident.

He smiled to himself enjoying the warm suns rays he had decided to go for a walk near the lake, although he wasn't really sure why, the last few times he had been there he had almost been drowned and got into an argument each time. third time lucky he thought to himself.

Soon arriving at the lake he ambled along deep in his own mind until his foot caught on something soft, he hit the ground with a large thump. He sat up with a rather confused look plastered across his face, he turned to see what had tripped him up.

His gaze was met by the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he felt his mouth drop open in awe but he seemed to have lost the ability to close it again.
Myra felt a foot get caught on her leg, then heard the thump of someone falling. She lazily opened one eye, immediately saw who had fallen over her. "Smooth."

The boy didn't seem hurt, so she shut it again.

"My name's Myra."
James felt himself blush as the girl looked at him and if it was possible is face grew redder when she spoke.

He cleared his throat and tried to make his voice as cool as possible, "James" he replied in an surprisingly high pitched squeak.

Sighing he decided to give it one more shot at talking to the girl but if it didn't go well he would get up and walk away before he embarrasses himself too much, "so.... What brings you to the lake today?" thankfully his voice remained steady-ish during the sentence, he smiled and moved slightly closer to the girl, she really was beautiful.
Myra chuckled at James's squeaky voice and sat up; all thoughts of just relaxing having fecked off as soon as this boy had fallen over her.

"It's a beautiful day, if you hadn't noticed," she said, gesturing at their sunny surroundings. "I thought I'd come down and work on my tan."

Noticing James move closer, Myra edged away. "Excuse me, personal space. Learn it." She moved a stray strand of hair from her face. "What about you, why'd you come down to the lake?"
James cleared his throat, he wasn’t sure he was annoying the girl or not.

He scuttled backwards tripping over his own feet and falling back on his bum, when she told him that she was getting too close.

“Just thought that I would come down and see who’s around”
Myra stood up. "Well, here I am." She said, one hand on her hip, the other flicking the tips of her hair and her eyelashes fluttering. "Not quite what you were expecting, am I?"

She added a wink to the end of her question, hoping to make him blush again, as she thought he was cute when he blushed. He's cute anyway, she thought, but he's cuter when he blushes.
He felt his mouth drop once again, she was beautiful, “what was I supposed to expect?” he asked immediately feeling stupid and blushing yet again, this girl was going to think that he was a complete freak that can hardly form a sentence. Her cheeky wink caught him of-guard he was thankful that his bum was already firmly planted on the ground because if not her beauty would have caused him to faint.

He coughed to clear both his nervous throat and his mind that was slowly turning to mush in front of the pretty girl.
Myra giggled and sat down beside James. "You're cute, y'know that?" She edged closer, until their hips touched. "D'you have a girlfriend?" Please say no, please say no, please, PLEASE say no, you cute, cute boy. She thought to herself.
Immediately he felt all colour fall from his cheeks as he felt her hip against his, he could honestly say he had never been so close any girl let alone someone as pretty as her, he coughed at a failed attempt to calm his voice "I'm what?" she couldn't seriously be coming on to him, she was way too beautiful to be at all interested in him, he was even more shocked when she asked the next question, she WAS coming onto him!! his breathing started to become quick and shallow, he had never been in this situation before.

"ummmm, no... I don't have a girlfriend" he said slowly "girls dont tend to like me" he said amazed at how easy it was for him to say it. He was at a loss as to what to say next, he was so aware of the girls closeness, she was so beautiful, she even smelt amazing.

He felt his breathing slow slightly but he knew he still looked white as a sheet.
Myra noticed that the colour had drained from James' face, faster than a wine glass in front of a desperate alcoholic. She placed a gentle hand on his face, her own showing a truly concerned expression. "Are you alright, James? You look so pale."
James froze as she touched his face, a girl had never been this close to him before - they always seemed to dislike him from a distance.

He didn't think it was possible but his breathing become even faster putting him in serious risk of passing out. He seriously considered jumping up and running as far away from the girl as possible, his muscles tensed even more in readiness to sprint away, when something in him reminded him that he liked this girl and she seemed to like him too.

He realised that during his internal debate his breathing had started to slow not much mind but he wasn't at risk of passing out any more.

"Yes, I'm fine" he said slowly trying to think about how to word an explanation "It's just girls don't ever get this close to me, especially not any that are as pretty as you...." He felt the red hot blush return to his cheeks, well at least she couldn't call him pale any more.
Myra gave him a sweet, lopsided grin and giggled at his blush. "I don't see why. You're a cute boy, and your reactions are just adorable!" She leaned in a little closer, dropping her hand into her lap.

"Y'know, I don't have a boyfriend myself..." She said. And no real experience with them, either, she added to herself. Just casual flirting. But I'm willing to give it a go for you, cutie. She hoped her eyes were giving out the right message. Kiss me. C'mon, you're the boy. Kiss me!
His whole body was shaking, but he knew that if he didn't go through with this then he would regret it forever, He knew his face was as red as a tomato after Myra's last complement.

He gulped loudly, "I could change that, If you want me to?" his voice came out in nothing more than a whisper, but he knew that she was close enough to hear him, he moved his hand up to her cheek, it was still shaking like a leaf, but he could still feel her cheek was as smooth as silk, he wet his lips only slightly and closed the distance between them, he closed his eyes before, gently pressing his lips to hers. He let the kiss last a short while, wishing that it would never end.

He pulled away and looked Myra straight in the eyes, he knew that his face would still be red, but he no longer felt uncomfortable, he was on cloud nine, "wow" he said simply a smile plastered from ear to ear, he hoped that it wasn't completely obvious to her that this was his first kiss.
Myra blushed rose pink as James's warm hand touched her cheek. She became hyper-aware of him as the rest of the world seemed to fade away. She could feel his pulse rasing in his finger tips. She could tell the exact colour of his blush (Crimson, it looked like). She could see the cute little pink tounge that slipped out to wet his lips.

She leaned in as he did. His lips were soft on hers, and he was gentle. Her eyes drifted closed as the kiss continued, and she moved her lips against his.

It seemed to last forever, but it was only a short kiss. She giggled and opened her eyes, grinning like a maniac. "Wow is right," she said. "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"
James let out a breath that he had only just noticed that he had been holding once he was sure that he wasn't about to get slapped, he chuckled feeling completely at ease with Myra now, “Well, I didn’t, that was my first kiss” he admitted without much shame, he was still floating way above cloud nine, and he wasn’t going to be coming down for quite some time.

He rubbed his thumb gently across her soft cheek bone, before moving his hand away and liking his fingers through hers, “what about you, you seemed to know what you’re doing, and there is no way that such a pretty girl has never been out with anyone”
Myra shivered at his gentle touch and giggled at his compliment, looking down at their interlaced fingers and blushing more. "Not really," she admitted. "I've flirted, but..." She shrugged. "I guess you read me better than other guys."

My first kiss, she realized suddenly. They say it's something you never forget. And I probably won't. But... She leaned into James again. ...I want more.

She pressed her lips against his again. Her tongue slipped out and gave his lips a cautious lick, inviting his to dance.
James smiled, he could feel her warm breath against his skin. “You know, you’re really cute when you giggle like that” he realised after a while had passed that she had just told him that he was her first kiss as well.

His smile grew as she leaned closer to him, he moved one of hands round her back and softly met her lips with his, he felt a rush that he would never get bored of, he moved his lips over hers tenderly, he only froze for a moment when he felt her tongue against his own, it just felt right. The kiss instantly deepened he rubbed circles on her back with his thumb, the kiss lasted a while, he tried different ways of kissing her, trying to work out what she likes most.

After the kiss had ended he didn’t move away as much as he had done the first time, the closeness felt great he lent his forehead on hers, he noticed that his breathing was quite fast, but for once not because he was on the verge of passing out, their breath met between them creating even more heat. He pulled his face away from hers just a little feeling the loss of heat immediately, so that he could look her in the eyes, He used his free hand to push a stray piece of hair out of her face behind her ear. He let his hand fall away with only the very tips of his fingers brush down her neck. “You really are beautiful, and I am so lucky that all those other boys couldn’t read you.”
Myra hummed into the kiss. If you're so new at this, she wondered, how come you're so good? She shuddered with pleasure as he began rubbing circles on her back, and threw her arms around his neck.

The kiss deepened. Her fingers slid into his hair, which she found was surprisingly soft. What the hell was I expecting, stone? Myra started to feel light headed as the kiss was broken, and she gasped in lovely, fresh oxygen (plus whatever other crap was in the air). Her chest kept on heaving for a few seconds as various oxygen debts were repaid.

The closeness was amazing. James didn't move away as much this time, and the heat of their mixing breath felt like bliss on Myra's already warn skin. As he moved away a bit, she looked into his eyes. They were beautiful, shining grey in the sun, with the slightest hint of blue. His fingers were soft as he moved a strand of her hair (which she hadn't even noticed yet) from her face, back to its place behind her ear. His digits delicately trailed down her neck, making her shudder again.

"Maybe I'm the lucky one," she replied. "Those boys had nothing on you."

Sudden, gut-wrenching fear flooded her as her 'this is too good to last' instinct kicked in. "This is going way too quickly," she gasped, backing up. Not too far though. She still liked James. That was the point.
"hey, hey, It's okay." he said soothingly, he moved so he could touch her again but not too close as to freak her out again, he understood what she was on about, "he reached out to touch her cheek once more, it was a different touch than earlie, just to let her know that its ok.

He took her hand back in his, "this doesn't have to go anywhere else, untill you want it to babe, we can just hang out for a bit, and really get to know eachother" unlike most boys he did not mean in the physical sence, he actually thought that he liked Myra, he didn't want to skrew it up by pushing her too far.

"but..... I do have one question" he paused and took a breath "will you be my girlfriend?"
Myra scooted round to sit in James's lap, her back to his chest, and placed a finger on her lips. "Hmm... I dunno..." She leant up and captured his lips in a quick, soft kiss. "What the hell. We're young and in love. What's wrong with taking a chance?" She played at intertwining their fingers. "And if I find you're too much of a weirdo, I can dump you like a ton of hot bricks."

She looked him in the eyes for a moment, her own twinkling, then threw her head back against his shoulder and started laughing.
James was taken aback a little by her quick turn around, but he was happy that she didn't run screaming at the words 'girlfriend', he put one of his hands lightly on her hip, he smiled into the quick kiss.

He felt like jumping for joy, but he managed to keep himself in check and on the ground, he wasn't so sure about the in love part of it but he knew he liked her....alot. He could feel her laugh through her body

"i'm not that weird, but agreed" he grinned and kissed her cheek, he stayed still just for a little while, he liked how relaxed he felt with her, "i'm so glad my sister isn't around here, she would make my life hell in a second" he chuckled, "do you have any siblings?" he felt as if he should of known this sort of thing before kissing her, but thats just the way things go sometimes.
"I've got a little step-brother," said Myra. "He can be a real pain, but he's alright." She snuggled into James's shoulder. "What about this sister of yours? Why would she make your life hell? And how easy does she bruise? "Because I'll beat the crap outta her if she tries it, she added to herself.
"step brother, cool" he commented simply, "so do you live with your mum or your dad?" he guessed seeming as she had a step brother that her parents had split, he nuzzled into her soft hair and kissed her head sweetly.

He laughed "that sister of mine is my Twin, Sam" he smiled, "and trust me, she doesn't bruise, she's definatley the fighter of the two of us, always has been" he guessed that she was planning to do some damage to sam if she made his life hell, that would not be pretty he thought to himself "she just loves to tease me, and at the moment were not really seeing eye-to-eye to say the least" he chuckled he hoped that one day that they could talk out all their issues but that wasn't going to happen while every time that she catches sight of him she goes on a killing rage.

"what's your step brothers name then?, and is he that much younger than you?"
"My dad was a drunk," Myra said flatly. "He skipped out on me and my mum before I was born. But," her tone turned cheery, "then my mum found George. He makes her happy, and that makes me happy."

Myra listened closely to what James had to say about his sister. "Sam, huh? Sounds like a real b!tch. Why torment her Twin brother? Aren't you, y'know, connected on some weird level?" Her mind caught up with her tongue at that point, and she hit herself in the head. "Sorry! Just ignore that last bit. I read way too much Sci-Fi for my own good." She grinned apologetically up at him.

"My step-brother's name is Lucas. And yes, George did the whole 'Luke, I am your father' thing," She chuckled at the memory. "He's only two years younger than me, so he'll be starting Hogwarts next year."

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