🌹 Rose Giving Red sounds like cymbals

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
Niamh was making her way across the lawn after asking around she had heard that one person on her list may be out there she had never met Salem but had asked one of the other students what they looked like so had a vague idea what she was looking for she saw someone who she thought met the criteria and made her way over. "Hello. I hope I am not interrupting anything important but are you Salem Lee?" she asked hoping that she had the right person and they were indeed not doing anything that would mind an interruption.
@Salem Lee
Salem had always enjoyed festivities at school and she had to say having rose deliveries on Valentine's day made it extra fun. She'd been running all over school doing her deliveries and had taken a moment to enjoy the breeze out on the lawn before trying to find the next person on her list when someone walked over. "Yeah, that's me!" She said happily, hopping up to her feet and brushing the grass from her palms. "I'm just sitting, it's all good," she added with a smile, keen to see if the girl had a rose for her.
Niamh was glad that she had found Salem. out of everyone on the list she was one of the ones she knew least about. "Yay. I have a rose for you, a red one" she said taking a seat next to her her feet thanking her for the rest. she was not used to standing or walking that much. she reached into the bunch and handed the girl the rose and then shuffled the few remainng notes and passed the one with Salems name on it.

You're adorable

@Aubrey Miller
Salem smiled when the girl joined her, pretty sure she knew her from the Wild Patch but struggling to remember her name; Salem hadn't never been great with names. She was distracted when the girl joined her on the grass, handing over a red rose. "Ohhh," she said appreciatively, taking the rose with a thank you and reading over the note from Aubrey. "Hm, I sent her a pink one, do you think that's bad? It's from my girlfriend but I didn't really think about it," Salem said after a moment. She'd only been with Aubrey a few months and Salem had pointedly decided to ignore the advice she'd gotten from the seer over the holidays, but the unease did linger.

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