🌹 Rose Giving Red Rendezvous

Ryan Fisk

Odd Duck | Silver Snake Assitant |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
03/2039 (23)
Red Rose for @Jordan Harris

Hunting down deliveries for other people also giving out roses was a lot harder but Ryan was always up for a challenge. Jordan Harris seemed fairly well known by some of the other kids in his year, so with a vague description of curly hair, Ryan had kept his eyes peeled, gratified when he spotted another deliverer who he was fairly sure was Jordan. "Hey, are you Jordan? I have a rose for you," he said, tapping Jordan on the shoulder before he could get too far down the corridor.
Jordie had been floating on air ever since he'd received his anonymous pink rose. He was drawn back to earth just a bit as he was stopped by a boy. He turned, smiling softly. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm Jordie," He replied, struggling to focus but trying.
Ryan checked over his shoulder briefly, wondering if one of the school ghosts was floating past due to the unfocused look on Jordan's face, but he couldn't see anything. Shaking his head, he turned back to Jordie, handing over the red rose and nodding to the other roses already in the boy's hair. "How many can you fit in there before they fall out?"

I miss you, kiddo. We should hang out before I graduate-
Jordie blinked at the question. "I dunno, but I guess we'll see, they're staying so far." He took the note and glanced it over. "No signature on this one either... but it's gotta be Kiara," he mumbled, almost to himself.
Ryan tilted his head in acceptance of Jordan's answer, peering curiously at the back of parchment of the note when Jordan mentioned it was unsigned, interest piqued by the potential mystery. "You recognize the handwriting?" He asked, wondering if people often sent unsigned red roses. Ryan had figured the pink ones were usually unsigned, since people got so worked up about not telling their friends if they liked them, which seemed like a lot of unnecessary fuss in Ryan's mind. Why bother keeping such a boring secret.
Jordie nodded at the boys question, tilting the note a bit. "Yeah, and the wording. It's definitely from Kiara. I'm not surprised she forgot to sign it," He chuckled, shaking his head. "She's also the only person that's graduating that would send me a red rose." His smile faded then, shifting into a pout. "Now if only I could figure out the other unsigned note I got today, I'd be set," He pouted, unthinkingly fingering the pink rose stuck through his lapel.
Ryan nodded at Jordie's reasoning, agreeing it seemed like sound logic from as much as he knew. His interest was piqued when Jordie mentioned another unsigned rose he'd received, shuffling his feet slightly. "Do you need help figuring it out?" He offered, glancing at the rose Jordie was fidgeting with at his collar. It'd taken him a bit, but he had successfully tracked down Augustus' secret admirer, a rose note couldn't be that hard.
Jordie was taken aback as the older boy offered to help find out who'd sent it. "You could really do that?" He asked, turning the note over in his hands as he considered the offer. "Can I think about it?" He asked, rubbing his thumb gently over the parchment.
Ryan took a moment to think of the logistics of trying to track someone down via a note, though it was mostly for show. "Yeah, definitely," he said with a shrug. "There's handwriting analysis, probably other clues in the ink and parchment used, some magical tracing spells I know," he ticked off. "Plus my sister's running the whole thing I could probably just ask her." Or steal her notes, Ryan thought quietly, but it'd be more fun to track the person down with in a clever way than that. "If you want," he said when Jordan seemed unsure, not bothering to hide his annoyance at his lack of enthusiasm. Maybe Ryan could track the sender down on his own, just for fun.
Jordie was too caught up in his own thoughts to pay much attention to the older boy, chewing on the corner of his lip gently. He hadn't expected the option to find out who the note was from. Did he want to do that? He gave the boy a half of a smile, struggling with himself. "Thanks, I'll let you know," He managed gently, before turning and starting to wonder away. He almost wished the person that sent the rose would just tell him. What happened if the rose wasn't from who he hoped it was? What if it was? But that idea seemed so far fetched to Jordie. There was no way he would like Jordie. Never in a million years. He sighed, frustrated.

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