🌹 Rose Giving Red-dy For An Answer

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
red rose for @Friday Weeks

Audrey couldn't say she knew Friday well, but she knew who she was - they were in the same year, after all, and her name kind of stuck out. Not that Audrey could really speak on names, considering her parents saw fit to name her Prudence, to say less of her other middle name. She was half keeping an eye out for the girl, and eventually ran in to her between floors as she patrolled about delivering roses. "Friday, hold up," she called, not wanting to have to go out of her way to chase anyone down. "Got a rose for you. You want a painless handover or a big deal of it?"
Friday loved the rose giving, though only when it was to her advantage. She knew that it ould be hit or miss especially with Monday no longer at the school. But she hoped for at least one. She was making her way back to the dorm, going the long meandering route and was stopped by Audrey. She couldn't say she knew the girl well. "Depends on what kind of rose it is," she replied.
"Well," Audrey started, with some sort of air of gravitas as she carefully picked up the red rose and offered it to Friday with the note held with it. "It's red, so..." With her left hand, she raised her wand and made a small arc of sparks, like a very small and not especially whelming fireworks display. "Ta-da!" She blinked a few times, giving a small shrug and looking mildly sheepish. "Yeah, that kind of sucked, sorry, didn't really rehearse any of this. Hope it's a good note, though!"

Will you go to the dance with me?

Friday watched Audrey pick out a red rose, she hoped this wasn't another rose from her sister. She took it and then smiled at the display. "Didn't realise that was part of the delivery at all," she said since she was sure a little magic wasn't necessary. Instead she looked at the note and smiled. Of course.

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