
Freya Rennell

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OOC First Name
If there was one thing that would ensure exploration it was being forbidden. The forest on Hogwarts grounds had the word in it's name and it was all too tantalizing for the first year so she told a friend or two or three just where she was going so that they could give her the attention she yearned for even now. The Gryffindor grinned churlishly as she sauntered into The Forbidden Forest. If she could survive all the snakes, spiders and a kangaroo or two Freya was certain that this would be nothing to think on. So she pushed her ginger hair behind her ears and pressed forward, thinking of how she might return to the castle with mud on her shoes and a big smile on her face with the other first year girls impressed at her level of bravery which she knew her friends had not attempted. Bravery, they said, is one thing but rule breaking is another.

With the thick brush all around her it was hard to see much far ahead but she kept walking, making a path and keeping it alight with her wand in front of her. Not that lumos did seem to help much anyway. Scrapes were made on her arms as she trudged through the muddy forest but she was glad to be hidden from the sun a little and feel the cool breeze pass by her. There was not much of that in the castle, especially after walking up all those bleeding staircases and how they decided to switch their path at the most opportune moments. Freya had experienced warmer weather, yes, but a beach was always a walk away and so without the sea nearby she was happy with the forest until she stopped upon hearing a crack of a stick from further away. It was not her who had made that noise but more curious than anxious she turned her head to find the source.

"Hey there, mate?" Freya asked, her accent mulling her words together sounding at times more German and at others more Australian. It was, people had told her, a confusing accent to place despite living most of her young life in the large Oceanic country. Freckled and flushed she was a character in red from her thick, curly hair to her school robes which she had already gotten dirty enough. The Gryffindor wondered who she might meet in a place like this.​
Takuya sighed deeply. The one part of the job he hated the most was having to check out the Forbidden Forest. Ever since that messy business with the Professor and his death it just wasn't the same coming out here. Everything was creepier then it had been before, and it was certainly a lot more ominous knowing that there was giants out here now. But, being Deputy had it's strong points also & it meant that the benefits outweighed the worse parts, so it was something that he did, albeit still unwillingly. How hard was it to just stay away from the Forbidden Forest anyway?

Takuya paused when he heard a noise, and he suspected that the source of the noise had heard him making a noise because they addressed him. They had clearly heard him make a noise. Takuya noted that it was the sound of a student, he didn't really feel like punishing anyway today, but he knew he would have too if he caught them. "Who's there? You know the Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason, right?" Takuya said, sighing, as he walked closed to the source of the noise. He raised an eyebrow when he saw who it was. Most first years new better then to come out here, but this one didn't seem to care. "Well, what brings you out here so late at night?" Takuya asked.
Aspen was walking though the forest. it was night time and it was such a clear sky it was like someone had removed every trace of cloud and even under the cover of the foliage Aspen felt the sun bearing down on her. she had left the depths of the forest and gone on a walk to gather food (and possibly hunt if the opportunity arose). she had a dagger in her hand and was just cutting some fruit off one of the trees when she heard noises nearby and two people talking. one voice sounded familiar and she glared at it. "Who goes there?" she called walking over to them. not sheathing her knife just yet, not that she was planning on using it at all. she just didn't like the man and anything that made him uncomfortable was welcome. she saw the two people there in a slight gap in the undergrowth. "you are not welcome here man" she said looking at the man her voice stern the glare still on her features, yes she was an outcast, but she has been in the forest for a good while and it was her only home now, and she was almost being accepted as not an outcast but almost as a neibouring tribe. she then looked at the girl and smiled. "It's nice to meet you, You look like my sister, I think it is the fiery mane." she said.
[Since my first post literally said that she was hiding away from sunlight I'm gonna continue on with it being daytime. Sorry.]

Freya pierced her bottom lip with her teeth hard. She didn't have to see the person's face now to know it was a Professor. Her first thought was to run and she was about to when she heard a second voice. Slowly she stepped back when she heard the anger in the stranger's voice. She might be brave but she didn't want to be killed just because she wanted attention, although it would likely garner a lot of it. The ginger girl continued to bite her lip as she looked at the centaur. She'd never seen one before. One of her parent's had always believed them to be fictional while the other had told her to avoid them at all costs and so the young girl was conflicted although she did smile in return. "You too. Err thanks," she replied, self-consciously touching her curly, red hair. The girl looked at the knife that the creature wielded and wondered aloud, "Don't you get wands too?" She knew so little of the wizarding world and the intricacies between wizard and beast. She didn't know if they could use wands or if they even wanted them but Freya Rennell had always known that having a wand made life easiest - it made it better. Living in a forest didn't seem either of those things so perhaps a wand might help? She waited for a response as she avoided the Professor's general direction, hoping to get off without a punishment.

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