Closed Recognizing the names

Loki Styx

quiet • loner • proud
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Silver lime Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Loki Styx never came down this way and thought that this would be the best way to see some of the trophies for the more esteemed students. As he looked over the names, some of them he knew. Sergei Zhefarovich. Victoire Fontaine. Desislav Zhefarovich. Liusaidh Fergusson. Zared Katsaros. Even Cassius Styx. He knew them all either by family or if they were the Minister - which was the case with Victoire Fontaine. Loki wondered if he would see his name on any of those. Definitely not on the Quidditch part because he had no reason to ever do that. Flying was okay, and he was good at it, but he did not care for it. Loki didn’t think he would ever join the team because, let’s face it, he did not work well with others. He looked at the amount of points it would take to win the top points earner and wondered if he would see anyone in his year win that… There was no telling.
Melinoe often found herself wandering the halls for some kind of inspiration to actually study or even read anything. It was a nice distraction if she could just thing of the things on the walls, instead of her new impending semester. The second year was making her way through the third floor corridor when she spotted someone familiar. Someone that made her smile more, though she was often still quiet around him. Melly made her way to him, and once close enough to not have to speak up she greeted him. "Hey, what are you up to?"
Loki was not the type to be startled, which luckily, Melinoe’s voice was so quiet that she didn’t actually startle him. Loki shifted his blue eyes over to Melinoe since she did ask what he was up to. He gestured toward the names on the various trophies. “I am just looking at the trophies and the names on them. Some of the names here are those that I know and are related to.” Loki pointed to a couple of them with the surname that he had, as well as the Zhefarovich name. “I do wonder if anyone we know will be there one of these days.” Loki didn’t recognize many from the current years, but the lack of caring he had was immense.
Melinoe followed where he gestured, looking at the names in front of her, and coming closer to see them better. As he spoke she looked back at him, his question stumping her. "You don't think you'll be on there?" She asked curiously. She then remarked. "I'm surprised my sister isn't on any of them yet, she's so good at everything she does." She said, though her tone didn't sound happy about that. Truth was, Melinoe was a bit jealous of her sister's abilities. She shifted her weight a bit awkwardly as she stood there. "Huh, Cassius... your brother right?" She asked. Loki had a large family, it was hard to keep up with sometimes.
Loki wanted to laugh when she asked if he thought that he'd be on there. He managed to keep a straight face, much like his father had taught him. He gestured toward the trophies, "Most of these won't help you get anywhere in life, so I don't see the point." He might have thought that top points earner meant excellent grades and that will get anyone further in life. However, he knew he couldn't touch this 'Monday' fellow. "There must be someone doing better than your sister if she is not there." Loki meant little to no harm by his words, so much as he was stating a fact. "Cassius is a nephew. But if you wanted to get specific, he is my older half-brother's son. So, half-nephew might be the official title, if it exists." Loki paused before pointing out. "He's a lot more hotheaded than some of our family members. We prefer if our family remains calm in every situation."
Melinoe looked at the trophies when he motioned to them. "They may not get you anywhere in life but having your name on something shiny is kind of neat." She admits shrugging. Mel nodded. "Yeah, I think Cassius had beat her out, but she's... she's only interested in things that serve her and she doesn't think most of these classes do." She said, though Snow probably wouldn't appreciate her telling someone this. "Are you so calm all the time then because your parents want you to be?" She asked. She wondered if Loki had some emotions under the mask that he was just keeping at bay. Melinoe could never, she was too much of a cry-baby.
Loki gave Melinoe a look when she said having a name on something shiny was neat. He pointed out, "You can always get a locket with your name engraved on it. If kept clean, it would be shiny if that's your thing." Loki knew that they would likely have to shorten her name for the locket, or have it in tiny letters. Jewelry was certainly not his thing. Listening to her talk about her sister made him wonder if she looked up to her, or if she was jealous of her sister. "That's how people need to be. Take things that only suit them." Though why was he calm all of the time? He shook his head, "I just take after my father. I have more control over my emotions than others, and showing them can be seen as a weakness. That might change when I hit puberty." Hormones could change that easily. He might even laugh, who knows.
Melinoe laughed slightly at the notion of a locket with her name on it. It wasn't the same as a trophy but he was smart for thinking of something alternative for her. She listened to him talk about himself and couldn't help but wonder if she should try and no show emotions. Though it would be so difficult. She was such a cry baby. "I wish I had more control over my emotions. Sometimes it feels like they control me." She admitted. She didn't know how much she wanted to talk about that though and so she shrugged. "What classes do you think suit you in the future?"
Loki shrugged his shoulders when she said that she wished that she had control over her emotions, but her emotions controlled her. That sounded miserable. "You might have more control over it in the future. Although, at least people don't have to really guess what you are feeling." Loki did wonder what that was like, but his first instinct was to hide it. "I think Potions mainly. It is straight forward and doesn't require emotion. Even casting spells require some sort of emotion for them to work properly. Especially curses. But I rather not think of classes unless I am in them."
Melinoe supposed Loki was right. No one ever had to guess how she felt - she wore it all on her sleeves. He mentioned his class preferences and that he'd rather not think about classes and immediately she apologized. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm not very good at small talk." She laughed a bit anxiously. Loki was the first friend she had made at Hogwarts and was often worried about messing it up. She didn't have many friends outside her family after all. "What would you rather talk about. Or we don't have to talk at all." She urged, she was happy to stand in silence with him as well.
Loki gave her an odd look when she apologized. There was no need for that, but he wasn't going to explain that to her. He just shook his head. Melinoe asked if there was anything he would rather talk about, or not talk at all. Loki looked over the trophies and shrugged, "Silence is gold." Loki could tolerate her presence without actually having to talk. Talking could be boring to him, which he did give her a small smile to let her know that she was welcome to stick next to him. He even reached over to pat her on the shoulder just to reassure her. He had a feeling that she might be the kind that would need such things.

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