Real life taking over :(

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Aiden Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
I am not going to be on very much, I have a lot of work to do and everything else. So I probably wont be on for the exams :( Sorry I really hope you wont fail me but I will try my hardest to get to them.
Sorry everyone if I have existing RPs with you don't be surprised if I don't reply
Awww :(
I'm sure that if you PM your professors then they would be willing to work with you.
They're really good like that ^_^
We'll miss you whilst your away, but RL has to come first (unfortunately <_< )
Good luck with everything and see you when you return!!
Yeah but I havent exactly been the best with attendance, I have been more than busy and I am sure Aiden will fail :(
Unless they don't fail students like in grade school, because that would be awesome for now, I will RP aiden catching up in the second semester if things calm down which I hope to god that they do.
And Thanks Kat:D
I am back now...I don't think I will be busy/grounded very often any more, I figured out the problemo :D

So Nina P and Aiden L have returned for 'good' :D
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