Open Ready To Try Again

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser knew that he needed to practice, the try-outs were once again coming up and he just needed to make sure that he could actually be good at it. Fraser had his broom in hand and was about to kick off into the air. There was a lot riding on him, to finally now make the team. He had been trying and trying and perhaps anyone else would've given up but he didn't want to. Fraser knew he had to keep trying, keep trying to play. In saying that though the gryffindor wasn't sure if he'd try out again if he failed again, but if practiced enough and tried again then that surely wasn't going to happen. Fraser kicked off the ground and began to practice.
Dominic was quite disappointed to say the least that he didn't make the quidditch team last year. Now that he was back for a fresh year at the school, he wanted to try and get a little practice in with the hope that somehow he could make it this time. With one of the school's brooms, Dominic made his way to the quidditch pitch. His mother wouldn't get him his own broom until he actually made the team, which was a little frustrating, but to have a broom at all was better than no broom. When he walked onto the pitch he mounted his broom and kicked off into the sky when he noticed an older boy also practicing. "Hey! Mind if I practice with you?" Dominic asked, knowing he would get more out of it with an opponent.
Fraser hadn't been practicing alone for long when he was joined by someone. He welcomed being able to practice with someone, it did make it a lot easier to do so. "Not at all!" he said. "What position do you usually play?" he asked, keen to make sure they both get what they need out of it.
Dominic was delighted that the boy didn't hesitate in letting him join in. At his question, Dominic just shrugged. "I'm not sure. I tried out last year for just any position that they had, but wasn't accepted." He frowned a little. He just wanted to be prepared for anything that was thrown at him, and he thought that if he limited himself to a single position, it may lessen his chances of joining the team. "Do you think I should pick a position and stick to it? Is that what people usually do?" He wondered if the boy was part of the quidditch team himself. He hadn't seen him during the games, but perhaps he was one of the substitutes.
Fraser hadn't considered just trying for everything. He wasn't sure how well it would work, though his current method of doing the same thing every year also wasn't really working too well. "It does help to have specific skills," he said, "You can slot into other places but you'd...know one best and show that one off most," Fraser reasoned. "I picked a position and have stuck to it, but mostly because I know I'm best at it,"

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