Ready, Set, Roleplay!!

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OOC First Name
Cedar Wand with Core of Phoenix Tail Feather, Flexible
Hi people! I've been bored, and my characters need some plots. So, here I am. These are the characters I want to get more active.

Geminni Maliki. She comes from a island near Scotland, and she has five older brothers. She graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Slytherin and Prefect. Right now, she is in a unhealthy relationship. Her boyfriend is possessive, violent, and has some pretty backwards ideas on how woman should be. She is the owner of the Second-Hand Store, and she loves her little shop. Naturally, Gem is cold to people. She has trust issues, but once he sees that a person does not have any ill will, she becomes vey energetic and bold. She is very headstrong and confident. She could use some friends that try and convince her to get out her relationship with her boyfriend. Whether they are boys or girls doesn't matter. She can get along with anyone once she trusts them. She needed some enemies too. Geminni can be pretty mean before she trusts someone. Or she could have an old enemy from school come up? I am open to ideas. Love is not at all out of the question. Geminni wants out of her relationship, but doesn't yet have the motivation to leave. Maybe she can meet a nice guy and they can become, like, best friends, and he ends up falling in love with her, but she does not notice. I am open to other ideas too!

Rafa Della-Robbia. He is JazzyMae's half-brother, and he has a twin sister, Tiffany. He is a third year at Beauxbatons. He is very smart, and he gets top grades at school. He often judges people by how they look, so he treats people based on that first. He is well-mannered, and he is very reverent. He holds a deep respect for magic and life in general. He is not mean, but he can be cold to people who bother him. When he is around the right people, he can be quite the prankster. He mainly needs friends. He is very loyal to the people he sees as friends. Rafa is not very interested in girls yet. Enemies are welcome. He will get angry if he is provoked or someone pushes the right buttons.

Royel Santiago-Cruz. Royel is the younger brother to Fabio Santiago-Cruz. He is a first year Ravenclaw. He is very polite and well-mannered. At times, he can be pretty innocent and adorable. He is very interested in philosophers and activists. Naturally, he is very calm and collected. He does not have a lot of energy, but he is not lazy. He finds bold people and people with very confident and strong personalities to be overwhelming and sometimes intimidating. He is blunt and brutalky honest. He says what is on his mind, and this could get him some enemies. He is a Pureblood, but does not go around flaunting it. He keeps his blood status to himself, and he sees his blood status as his own business. He comes from a very strict family, so that also contributes to why he sees strong personalities as intimidating. Royel needs some friends. He is easy to get along with, and if someone engages in conversation with him, he tries to stay interested, or he bluntly say that he doesn't want to talk. Love is totally out if the question. He's eleven. Enemies and mutual dislikes are welcome too!
Hey Hey :DD

If you want to RP I may have a couple of options for you for Geminni (• ◡ •)

One: Kyoko Sato
She is 26 years old -so a bit older than your character- and is a Ministry Official. She is very similar personality wise, being also headstrong (varying on the stubborn side) and can be cold towards people before she gets to know them, but then becoming friendlier when she does begin to trust and like the person. She would be the sort of person to give the 'tough love' speech about the relationship with her boyfriend and the sort of friend that would really despise him for treating her friend that way. So it could be RP'd like they close friends or something and Kyoko could try and convince her to leave her boyfriend.

Two: Altiyan Lee
This ideas is kinda different to the ones you suggested but it's an idea.
Altiyan is 23 - so closer to your characters age - and is a Slytherin graduate and an aspiring Scitorari member. Well I was thinking that maybe it could be RP'd like Altiyan was friends with your characters boyfriend but never realized that he was such a bad boyfriend. And now that he does know he will try and convince her to leave him. Altiyan isn't the sort of guy who would fall in love with her and she wouldn't notice but maybe they could have more of a like brother-sister relationship where he is protective of her as if she was younger sibling... or something.

So yeah, that wasn't explained very well (• ◡ •) Oh well, sorry about that. Let me know what you think!

Hey Crystal!!

I think that this sounds great! Geminni tends to listen to people older than her more, and she is more respectful to older people. It will make it easier for their relationship. I think them being close friends would be awesome!

This idea is so much better than the ones I was thinking of in my head. I'm not very creative you see. xD Having another brother figure would be interesting. She already has a bunch of brothers, but Alti(Can I call him that?) would be a little different because she could more of an unbiased opinion on her relationship. Does that make sense? I think RPing these two would be interesting. She has nothing against the Scitorari. Tell me what you think.
Hmmm. I have a few characters that might be a possibility for Geminni.

Audrey Love is a 22 year old singer/songwriter. Fairly well known. She's part-veela and graduated from Beauxbations. She likes to be the center of attention, but she's funny, flirty, and very sociable. She's pretty easygoing until you upset her. Audrey likes to have fun. I'm not sure about this one. I don't know if they would get along well or not. Audrey also has an older sister (Lindsay Hall) who is a shopkeeper for The Magical Menagerie.

Chloe Livingstone is a twenty four year old international model. She is from a wealthy family. Her father is a wizard and her mother is a muggle. They own a chain of hotels around the globe. Chloe grew up on the upper east side of New York City. Chloe is very beautiful, and she is most certainly vain. She is a complete flirt. Chloe is used to getting whatever and whoever she wants. They could be friends.

Or I have lots of other characters if you have a different idea ^_^
I have Sydney Caine here for Geminni if you want. She is 21 and graduated from HNZ where she was a Slytherin. She's generally nice to people now, having changed her ways a bit, but doesn't stand for people treating her or her friends badly. If she became friends with Geminni she would do as much as she could to help her out.

I also have Markov Kalforovich for Geminni who is the person Sydney is currently living with. He has the same values as Sydney but is generally more vocal about them and will happily state his opinion to her face. He is 22 and recently graduated from Durmstrang. He would probably enjoy her being mean to him as he has a weird sense of humour and likes messing around with people sometimes, not in a mean way just to have fun.

Finally I have Lucille Holmes for Royal. She is also a first year Ravenclaw. She is quite shy and enjoys books a lot more than people but is slowly going to break out of her shell over the course of the year. She loves learning new things and has a habit of remembering the silliest facts that generally have nothing to do with anything and will use them as an icebreaker often. She can be sassy and, while she would be reluctant to start with, does enjoy a good adventure. She hates getting in trouble and does enjoy saying I told you so.
Good golly!!! Sorry far my lateness all!

I think these two can be, like, party buddies. Not like best friends, but they would go shopping, partying, and stuff like that. Her liking to be the center of attention would be something that would make Gem not want to get super close to her. I think they would get along to some extent.

Geminni comes from a poor family, and she is used to hand-me-downs. Gem does not think of herself as very important, so Chloe's vanity would either anger her or intimidate her. I am thinking that Chloe could be a person that Gem tolerates. Tell me what you think.

Geminni could use someone that keeps pushing her to make the right decisions. I can see them being good friends!

I think Gem would be a little creeped put by him. She is used to people blowing up when she is mean to them, so if interpreting it as something funny would throw her off guard. She is used to being messed around with due to her 5 brothers, so I think after awhile she will be able to take a hint and go along with it.

I think Royel will find Lucille interesting. He loves fun facts. He is not really the adventure type, but I think that he would be willing to go on one with her if he was bored enough. They could also be like study buddies or something. Royel is pretty adorable at times, so...tell me what you think!!! :)
Geminni and Audrey

I think that sounds good. Audrey is a lot of fun to party with if Gem doesn't mind being the center of attention as well. I think that when you hang out with Audrey, you get pulled into the spotlight as well not so much that she steals it away from her. Should we start something?

Geminni and Chloe

I'm not sure if this would work out. It's hard for Chloe to have female friends as it is. I feel like she would annoy Geminni then. Though she might tolerate her. It really just depends on how Gem feels about Chloe. Faxen Lowart or Kiera Potter might be better choices if you want friends for her. Both are shopkeepers in the Harbour.

I also just created Caroline Beckett. She's a first year Gryffindor. She's more reserved than most Gryffindors, but she still likes to have fun. She comes from a family that has never paid much attention to her. She was raised mostly by the house elf. Her parents are wealthy, but just too busy to spend time with her. She likes to read and write. Caroline tries to keep all of her emotions under check at all times.
Awesome. If you're up for all three of them then that's great. Sydney and Markov are quite close friends (They're practically family) so if you wanted she could meet Sydney first and then meet Markov through her or something like that. Or we could do it normally, up to you.

I think Royal and Lucille sound like they would be good together. She needs a friend in her house and he sounds like someone she would be comfortable around.

I am currently in my last week of exams so I will be more able to roleplay from Monday :)
Kait: Can you start something for Audrey and Geminni? Do you think we could try Faxen and Geminni? Geminni and Chloe may end up not liking each other. As for Caroline, I can have her RP with Royel. I can start a topic for them if you'd like.

Summer: We can have Geminni and Sydney meet first. I think it would work out better this way. Can you start a topic for them? I can start a topic for Lucille and Royel. :)

Sure! I will get something up for Audrey and Geminni today.

I think that Faxen and Gem would be the better idea. I don't believe Chloe would get along well with her.

As for Caroline and Royel I think that sounds good! Just pm me the thread!
No. Put it wherever you want!
Thanks Summer!
Kait: Can you start a topic for them? Sorry it took me so long to reply!
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