Reading Up

Tyler Hawkens

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 ¼ inch Mahogany Wood with a Core of Hippogriff Talon
Tyler attendance in class was falling rapidly. Before he knew he was failing, passing with most A's and not enough O's. This didn't worry the boy much, he knew in a few weeks he could pull up his grades. But for now, he stayed in the library. Staying in the comfort of the books and dismissing the world around him. From where he was sitting the world was doing the same. Everyone who came into the library passed the boy without another glance, just how he like it. No disturbance, no one asking him typical questions. Tyler sat, recline against the comfortable chair, reading; Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires by Eldred Worple. Tyler being very interested by vampire in the wizarding world, none have been mention but they do exist.
Daichi walked into the library, telling himself that he should find a book that would interest him. He had been bored with classes lately, nothing interesting happens, and knowing Daichi, he could never sit still, he can never be satisfied with normal things, he wants his life to be lively, full of energy.

Looking around the books situated in every shelf, Daichi was a bit disappointed, nothing had really catch his attention. Deciding to just pick a Quidditch book that he had read a lot of times before, Daichi sat on the chair the is nearest that he can find.

Sitting comfortably, he flipped the books pages, trying to concentrate but he failed doing so. "I remember every lines here, I think I have remembered this entire book!" He exclaimed, noticing that almost everyone in the library had turned their attention on him. "Sorry for shouting.." Daichi said, bowing a little as he did so, he felt quite embarrassed, he did not realized that his voice was too loud after all.

Closing the hardbound book, he noticed that there was actually another boy who is currently sitting right in front of him. He cannot see the face though, the book kind of hinders his face. reading the book's title, Daichi felt really interested, it was really attention-catching. "Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires by Eldred Worple, may I read that after you?" He asked softly, reminding himself once again that he WAS in a LIBRARY.​
Someone loud and obnoxious had to been so attentive grabbing for him to stirrer away from his book. Its funny, guys like him was the reason why he got loud sometimes, loud and rude. In attempt to enlightening his mood, Tyler pushed the hard cover down to his lap. "yeah sure, be prepare to read about 600 page book. I'm still reading so it might be a while till than" he reclaim his attention back to the book. Ivory pages ripple between his fingers and a strong smell of blood trail away from the pages. Soon he will be hearing bones crushing and another human dying as the author went into details about grosome feeding of vampires. He liked this part of the book, very entertaining. He wonder, wouldn't it be funny to be a vampire too? Maybe it be a lot better than being a wizard.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, kinda stuck right now
Daichi was a bit disappointed when the boy said that it will sure take a while before he would be able to finish the said book. And it was so very interesting that Daichi would love to read it right away even though it had over 600 pages, Daichi can pretty much focus on someone when he wants to. Heaving out a sigh, he sunk back to his chair, reading the quidditch book once again, he would occasionally glance at the book that the boy is holding, thinking how long it would take for the said boy to finish. Not being able to stay quiet anymore, he tried to call the boy's attention. "Hey, my name's Daichi by the way, so, just tell me if you're finish ne? what's your name?" He asked quietly, hoping that the librarian wouldn't reprimand him for talking.​
His neighbor interrupted him again, Tyler look him over briefly and thought what the hell. Now after getting a good picture of how the boy really look like, he saw the one blind eye staring at him back. You could tell when someone blind, the foggy pupil washed all over and no hint of a perfect view reflect back to the world. "It will probably take me a few days to finish it. Its like very detailed to the point they make your hear everything" he crept open the cover and a chilling scream came out of the pages. Scream of someone dying from vampire bite, glady it wasn't a scubuss creature. Those are the ones that suck the life source out of you.

"I'm Tyler nice to meet you, was that an accident? Qudditch that blinded you? Or?" Tyler ask the boy without hesitating a word. Tyler knew it wasn't polite to ask someone that but he was curious. Formal bad habit he couldn't help it. He ask, not to be rude, just curious.
"I see, I'll just wait then..." Daichi said with a smile as he looked expectantly at the boy. Though it would took a really long time, he decided that he'll just wait, the book seems so interesting to pass up after all. Daichi wouldn't miss the opportunity to read such a great book. DAichi winced a bit when he heard a chilling scream came out from the book that the boy was reading, it piqued his interest once more. The book was rather different from the ones that he had read before.

"Nice to meet you!" Daichi said enthusiastically, he then noticed that the boy was actually curious about his blind eye. Who wouldn't be? It's really unusual to seen someone with a foggy and pale eye after all. "Quidditch? NO way, it's not that... it's just some prank going wrong, a firework exploded near me, thus it became like's been too long actually..." Daichi said in a matter-of-a-factly way, he doesn't really mind talking about his eye, it's not something that he's ashamed of after all. It's something that defines who he is.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, I took so long to reply, I just asked the previous owner about the reason why Daichi's blind.. :)
"Fireworks did that to you? Weird..." to think that it never happen to Tyler before, thous his father works for fireworks too. "My father makes fireworks, didn't think his warnings were true.." now he could seriously what kind of danger fireworks can do to someone, before Tyler seem invisible with them, now he had a new perspective about them. "I would really go with another story everytime someone asks you what happen. It would be like coming up with a new story all the time" he somewhat laugh at his own joke, Tyler meant no harm in it. Its something he would do just to make himself laugh about it more.

OOCOut of Character:
Its okay :)!
"Yes, weird right? I haven't thought that the warnings about fireworks were true at first, not until I looked in a mirror and see my right eye like this, then I tell myself, wake up man, it's true, see what you got for not listening...but don't mid it, I'm used to this now, at least, it makes me different.." Daichi said with a light chuckle. He was not one to dwell about negative things, he would prefer to smile rather than to frown about his own misfortunes.

Daichi laughed along with Tyler's little joke. He do understand what he's trying to say. "Well, I try to make up a story once that something sharp got into my eye that's why it became like this, you know the ending? The person freaked out at me... that's when I decided not to make up another story..." He said animatedly, almost forgetting that they were in the library, not until he saw the sharp look that the librarian gave him. "Shoot, I'm going to be kicked out of here if I keep being too loud..." He said in a whisper, averting his gaze from the said librarian.
Tyler found this amusing a little. Back he would've already been making fun of the boy with the mess up eye, calling him every name in the book. Maybe gone taunting with more than just two allies to make his life hell. Now, he wouldn't do it, not even on a dare. The kid seem alright, why make fun of those who didn't care for looks or who has what. Shame on his old self for being that way, if his old self remain to exist and behave that way.
"That's life, what can you do? Muggels would do anything to repair themselves to look perfect,we have magic and still we embrace are scares and wounds without using our magic to look perfect. Being perfect so old school" Tyler chuckle, he was totally being a hypocrite than. His friends at home will probably call him a fake if they heard him speaking in such ways.

The next thing Daichi said made him laugh, really loud. So loud he drop the book and the screaming of human echoed across the library. Tyler drop to the floor scrambling up to pick the book. He shut literally on his thumb, holding the pain in way to avoid the already temper librarian.

"Your not the only one, I think she giving me that look to get out" Tyler went back to sitting, the book held shut between his thumb and index finger. He heard a bit of laughing in the back, a few younger students were laughing behind books. "Damn first years...laughing at about everything. Glad I'm not one of them anymore" he silently shook his head letting out a low chuckle.
"I definitely agree with you.. what's with the physical appearance anyway.. years would pass and that young look would definitely grow old with wrinkles and stuffs..." Daichi said with a nod. He just can't understand why some people spend lots of their money to do some make over on their self, and then they won't be satisfied and spend more money to try to make themselves look perfect. "that's just stupid..." He added with a light chuckle.

Daichi had to clasped his hands on his mouth to prevent himself from laughing so loud when the book which is being held by Tyler was suddenly dropped in the floor. A very earsplitting scream had escaped from the books cover and he knew that a few minutes or so, the strict librarian would go to their place and tell them to go out.

"Man, I think she's going to drag us out by our ears if we keep on doing this... come on avert your gaze, let's pretend like nothing's happened..." Daichi said with a slight whistle as he tried not to look at the librarian which is just a few meters away from them. "Yeah, first years... laughing as if they lack common sense..." He added as he laughed silently with Tyler.
Pretending just made him laugh more. "You know what we should do to them first year. I've always wanted to levitate someone from their under pants. You ever wanted to try that?" he asked Daichi. The librarian had gone out of their sight quickly when a student came asking for assistance. Tyler laughed some more when she was gone but he really did mean the whole underwear ordeal. "That's something my cousin will do in a heart beat. To bad he's part of the first year. Maybe next year we can totally challenge him on that" next year he'll be a third year, and assuming or remembering Daichi did say he was a third year, fourth year he'll be a fourth year next year. Wow time was flying by.
Daichi was amused by how the boy's mind works. It was really a great idea if not a sadistic one. "You really are a ravenclaw aren't you? Your ideas are great... and well... with what you said, I must admit, I sometimes want to do that as well, teach them a lesson that life is never that easy.." He said, nodding in agreement as a glint of mischievousness twinkle in his eyes. He smirked when he noticed that the librarian had finally stopped stalking them, with relief, he sighed and tilted his chair a little bit back to take a look at where the librarian had gone. "And she finally made her exit, good gracious, what is she? She's like a hunter stalking her prey.." Daichi said, smiling at what he had just said.
"I am so a Ravenclaw you Gryffindor mate, I just get these bad influence by muggel comments" and a few muggels back home who though bullying each other was a good American past time. "Besides, you know you would do it. You have to admit it would look hilarious?" he grin mischievously at a head tilt. "Yeah that summons it, plus she has to watch the restriction section of the library. The forbidden zone, that's just over there" Tyler pointed, it was conceal though he could see it from where he was sitting, not many notice but Tyler did. It was part of the library he wish to explore one day, to see what they were hiding back there.
"It would, it would... but bless their poor souls... they're just first years anyway.." Daichi said with a light laugh, careful as to not earn another glare from the Librarian. Really, if looks could kill, he had already dropped dead a few minutes ago, he would have died a gruesome death. He then looked at where Tyler was pointing. It was the restricted section. Really, after all the years that he had been at Hogwarts, he had not even set foot near that section, however, he had always wondered what was in there, always had the desire to explore and read the books situated there, that was then that a strange idea crossed his mind. "Forbidden e? That makes it sounds more like an adeventure, as if calling you to go and check what's in there..." He said with a knowing smirk, wondering adventure there was any way that he could go in that area.
"Daichi? Your insane, you've been here longer than me and you dare test those waters?"Tyler eyes nearly bolted out of his sockets. Anyone who knew about the restricted area of the library knew it was forbidden, unless otherwise. "The only way you'd be stepping in there if you want to get expelled or for some real good reason you need to look up forbidden magic for an assignment. Though I doubt they'd give you any kind of assignment like that!" he pick the book up, the one he was reading. Blood brothers was nothing compare to what's in there. Besides, Tyler thought being a vampire would've been epic if he were born an the dark ages. Now, it would've been hard being a vampire, cause new vampire get killed easily by their bloodlust. Still the thought made him imagine it, and what he saw was very interesting in his mind. The abilities and the immune powers against magic, he had loads of theory of what happen when you "change". However it wasn't significant as this book, this basically told you everything.

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