Read this if your Chattie is over 28!!

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Kailey Valentine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Well I decided since Zander is finding it hard to cope with all the Valentine siblings that they should get fostered for a month until Zander gets back on track. So here are the siblings;
Mara and Robin Valentine

They are 20 years and are still looking for OOC's. They should be together. They are very mature but they are in University/ College/ School.

Kyle and Ciel Valentine

They are 18 and right b@stards. I would love it if they were put in a foster home with Justin and Kailey.

Justin and Kailey Valentine

Always together and with Kyle and Ciel please!

Tyler and Jamie Valentine

Not twins but they are close

Plz reply!

Just a few thoughts on this..

Mara and Robin, Kyle and Ceil, are all technically adults now, though the younger two are still in school, so they can't go into foster care. And the rest are suppose to have school now, though with the younger two they are at a muggle schooling system (correct) and don't really cause to much issues but Mara and Robin can take care of them giving Zander a break if Emzies wants to post a thread with someone where he is on vacation or something...

Actually I checked the british laws you are still counted as a teenager until you turn 21.

It's not true. I've done bar licensing training.
And you are classed as a child 0-15, then classed as a young adult 16-17, then 18 your legally an adult. I had to do two hours of bar training. Unless that's just Scotland, I can't imagine it being different for England.
In any case, the whole point of Zander is that he finds it so difficult for him to take care of them. Because he isn't much older and that he doesn't really know how to control teenagers. But, he would never give them to someone else, just because it was hard. He couldn't live without his family. While he struggles, without his family, he'd be alone and it would just cause his entire world to completely collapse. Even more than it has already. Plus, it would only be difficult with all the siblings, once most are at school, he doesn't need to deal with as much. So, he wouldn't give them up for adoption.
Not adoption! Short term fostering.

But if you guys are gonna be so touchy about it then fine.

It was a way to get more RPs and more relationships for the valentines.
Please don't edit your posts so you make everyone else look like that bad guys.
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