Razor Scooter are Awwwsum!

Embry Makwa

Active Member
He had one scooter attach to his back, while the other was laid out in front of the boy. The other scooter had been for his brother in crime but Quil was nowhere to be found. Which left Embry to travel down the Brightstone village at a speeding rate of 30 M.P.H maybe more. It felt like it was more, with the wind whipping at the side of his face and his umbre cheeks becoming more beat red as he screamed out, "Wooooot!" for the million time that day. Embry loved to blade, it was his favorite past time whenever he was in a new country or city for that matter. It was a way of shouting look at me! Or watch out the Makwa brothers are in town. Either way, he was enjoying his time going down that steep hill and all the citizens around him, stopping to stare at the weird looking boy shouting woot! It was fun so heck what people say, he never care for their opinion anyways.

J.R. had come into town to buy some food and a gas cooker. Since discovering all the food at Hogwarts was made by creepy magical creatures, she'd been on a hunger strike, and it wasn't good for her concentration or energy levels. She'd never been one to worry about weight - if anything she already looked underweight, although she wasn't because she was basically all lean muscle. The only thing that took her mind off magic was running, so that's what she did, every single morning. She was running now because she'd just eaten her first proper meal in over a week, and she felt great. She wished she had her bicycle. Stupid wizards - half of them didn't even know what a bike was, and even the ones who did just wanted to fly around on broomsticks all day.

She was just thinking that when she heard the thrum of wheels on concrete, and the sound of a happy voice shouting in the air. Watching warily as the noise came nearer, she observed an older boy - a cute older boy - whiz past on a scooter. It didn't look magical, and it looked like fun. J.R. wanted a part of that! But she was too shy to stop him and ask him for a go. Besides, he was already way past her. Sighing, she kicked the pebbles at her feet and imagined how wonderful it would be if he stopped and came back to talk to her, and told her she was beautiful, and fell in love with her... of course, that was pure fantasy. Besides, the last guy who'd told her she was beautiful turned out to be a lying, rat-faced cheater! No, she'd never trust a nice guy again.

She continued walking in the same direction. It happened to be the way the boy had gone, but she wasn't following him. She walked along, too depressed to run now, watching the road. She hadn't gone far when she came across a plastic and rubber wheel. It looked like something that might come off the type of scooter the boy had been riding, but surely he'd have noticed if he'd lost a wheel? She picked it up and continued walking.
Embry kept going at a faster pace not looking back once at all. When he did though, he noticed a wheel had popped out of his brother scooter. Quil was going to kill me! If he didn’t get that wheel back there was mayhem to be cause and Quil had a mean streak of pulling pranks. Embry was older than Quil but still he never trusts his brother, not after what he did last year. It had been hilarious but left Embry to rethink hard and long what he can do to get Quil back. Loosing a wheel was lame for revenge, so he pushed his leg up and back to where he may have drop the wheel.

He had passed a few heads when he saw this girl holding a wheel looking sort of down. Embry never dealt with a depressing person before, so he didn’t know how he was gonna go about this. He pushed his legs to slowly approach her way, than came to a sudden stop to gaze down at her. "Aloha! I believe thats my wheel!" he exclaim a little to happy to be talking to a new girl. She didn't seem bad looking for what Embry would consider pretty. What the hell was he thinking? Quil would be laughing if he saw hia brother right now. Trying to talk to a girl, he was sure to make a laugh of this!
J.R. heard the scooter coming back towards her and looked up as the boy arrived. She was about to hand the wheel back to him, so he wouldn't have to talk to her, but what he said made her giggle. She'd never heard anyone say "Aloha" before. Well, not in real life, only in movies.

"Kia Ora," she replied. The boy was cuter than she'd originally thought, and she felt like an idiot for speaking Maori to him. "Um, yeah, I found it on the ground. Here," she said, holding it out for him to take. Then she realised that this was her chance! "Um, do you mind, it's just, I mean, I haven't in ages, and um... can I have a go on your scooter?" She finally managed to get it out.
Embry smiled as the girl spoke to him in a different tongue. He reached out and took the wheel in his hands as he re-attached it to the scooter. Looking up as the girl spoke he had just managed to click it into place and make sure that it would stay there, Quill wouldnt need to know.

With a smile and a nod Embry agreed to the girls request about going on the scooter. "Yeah sure. You want to go solo or do you want to go on the back while i drive?" He asked her with a grin on his face. He liked his brothers scooter and wondering if he could use it as an excuse to get close to the girl. "Im Embry just to let you know." He said with a smile as he introduced himself to the girl in front of him

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