Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

Isabelle Marie

🦅 Quibberon Quafflepunchers Seeker 🦅 French 🦅
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6/2028 (21)
Ravenclaw,Practice Izzy finished getting everything prepared for the team‘s first practice of the season with her fellow co-captain. She was pretty sure that she wasn't the only one who felt that they all needed some extra practice and it would be good for the alternates, especially after the game against Hufflepuff. As people started to arrive, Isabelle and Theo instructed them to warm up and do a few laps around the field. Hopefully, today would actually amount to something. It was her last year playing Quidditch at the school and Izzy had no intention of not trying to win the cup. Or at least, win a couple of matches.
Soohye was keen to get in a little practise before their next game, just in case she was called in. Even though she was an alternate she wanted to be ready, and after heading down to the pitch she joined her new teammates. She'd played as a Beater at Beauxbatons a few years ago, but she was both out of practise and a different position now, and looked forward to being able to score a few goals instead of bludgeoning anybody. Eventually the team would be coming against Slytherin, and Soohye wanted to be more confident in the knowledge that if she came up against her sister she would be able to keep up. Smiling at the Captain, Soohye quickly mounted her broom and began to begin her warm up laps.
Flavio did not play as well as he wanted to during Ravenclaw's last game, so he had practiced often since then, hoping that during the team's next game he would be able to make everyone proud. He showed up to his team's practice that day with this goal in mind, greeting both captains with a smile. He then mounted his broom and flew into the air to complete his warm up laps, preparing for the practice ahead of him.​
The last match played out horribly for Elly and she wanted to improve on her skills as a keeper. She even thought about leaving the team if she played so horribly like last game. Elly had practiced quiet a bit and she still let a couple of goals through last game. She arrived at the pitch and greeted her two captains. Maybe they wanted to boot her of the team. Although she didn't know how good the alt keeper was. She flew up in the air and did some warm up laps, she hoped she could stop some quaffles now.
If there was one thing October really wanted for Quidditch, it was more practice. She had been doing her best on her own, but she was terrified of the prospect of taking over the Seeker position full time and letting the team down, when Isabelle was so amazing. She made her way down onto the pitch with her broom under her arm, greeting her teammates as she joined them, holding her broom and trying not to let her nerves show.

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