Rate the Sig

9/10 - I love it but can't read the text
the pictures seem to be a little grainy. and the layout and the shape is a little unusual. I think i prefer slightly taller banners.

I like the Hell theme and the black and white, but there's something off about the composition that I can't place my finger on...it's almost like they're vertically smushed somehow. Plus I miss her wilder look. She looks too domesticated and I like to see the beast in her. I guess it's more of a party thing than a real wild hell thing. I'm missing a primal aspect.
It is really pretty but it looses a mark as the writing is a little small to read for the quote.
hmm I don't normally do this rating on my creations...

7/10 I like it but all the green is scary...oh wait look below there is more! :frantics:

But nah 9/10 I wish the name wasn't so on his head but it was the cool font that made it be like such.
There's no picture there! :(
it still isn't there just a missing picture box.
8/10 I like the faded pictures but the writing of the quote is a little big I don't like how it just sort takes over the photo, and I don't like how the name is over his head :r

You should also consider getting a photobucket it's very reliable and make sure you save photos as .png that always helps :)
I'm not a huge fan of the font and the way the writing looks on the right, but otherwise it's really nice!
it is so pretty, one of the nicest ones around at the moment I think. so simple but the wings are stunning, and the clouds make her look like an angel looking down.
the is just something about it that irks me. i am not sure what it is, partially the position of the people, and how one is a lot smaller than the other, and partially the colourisation (i am not a big fan of colorisation's) and maybe partially the fact that i had to wrk out where the map was (Antarctica right?)

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