Rate the Sig

10/10. I like it. Its simple but its cool.
10/10. I like it. Its simple but its cool.
8/10 It's a bit plain and there's a line near the bottom but it looks cool.
Its a bit boring and something about it doesnt look right also the writing doesnt suit the banner

Too simply. The background wasn't fit with the character. But, I love the fonts ;)

I like it very much, the blending is good and everything! Plus, I love Alyssa Milano

It's a little in ya face, and it's kind of just a picture with writing on it. Sorry, I like imaginative things. :D

in all fairness, it was a biased judging. I don't like Kristen Stewart that much. But, it is a good signature.

Looks good. ^_^
9/10 I think it looks great and it suites the character but the text is hard to read

Love the pics and colours, suits Shaylah, just don't like the writing being almost in her face. Love it though :)

i like this, because it looks old fashioned, like a sixties type thing, but, I don't like the bubble that the costume name is written in.

Really good touch on the banner but the color was red. It was too lightly for me. I mean, I can't see too long because it will be so tired to see on it. Everything except the color is really good !

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