Random Encounter

Alfie Martins

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Alfie was walking down a corridor on his way to explore the rest of the castle. He wasn't looking where he was going and felt something smash into him. Looking at the offending object he recognised it as a rude girl by the name of Sydney. "Fancy meeting you here."
Sydney was walking up to the towers from the dungeons. She heard a noise behind her and turned around but there was nothing there. She suddenly felt something smack into her, almost knocking her off her feet but not quite. At the sound of a voice she looked up and saw that stupid boy she had met when she met Brodie. "Great, exactly what I need today." She went to walk past him.
Alfie stood right in the girls way. "How rude." He smirked cheekily at the girl.
Sydney looked up as he stood in her way, she wasn't in the best of moods already and he really wasn't helping. "Please excuse me." She spoke through gritted teeth while cracking her knuckles without moving her arms from her sides.
"And why would I want to do that?" A look of innocence flickered on his face before turning back into a smirk.
Sydney sighed, This wasn't going to be easy. "Beacause I said please and other wise I'll force my self you stupid boy." She may have looked small and skinny but Sydney could pack a punch.
Monty was making his to the first floor. On his way down he heard a petty argument going on. As he made his way in the corridors, he noticed a girl and boy exchanging words. He stood a few feet and watched patiently as the two battled back and forth. The girl was attempting to get away, while the boy wasn't going to let it happen. Monty waited for one of them to notice him, or say something to him. Even though he didn't like people to fight, he thought this was interesting. A good place to start, Monty thought to himself.

Let me know if I am out of place. :)
You are perfectly welcome to join in our little fight. :D

Sydney waited but this Alfie boy just wouldn't move. "Just move it you stupid buffoon!" She yelled at him. There was some movement beside her and she turned to see a boy, looked Gryffindor, watching them. "Can I help you?"
"Is that the best insult you can come up with? You annoyingly funny brat of a girl." He saw a boy standing behind Sydney. "Would you like to join us?" He asked wondering how many people would join the two's little fight. Throughout the whole of that he had a look of innocence across his face.
Sydney was about to resort when she felt the drawing pad she had hidden up her top quite successfully, begin to slip. She did the first thing that came to mind and sat down. The book stopped slipping and she didn't look any different, except slightly shorted as she was on the floor. "No I'm just not in the mood for stupid games at this moment in time."
"Well that's a shame because I on the other hand am in the mood too. Seeing as it's you and I have nothing better to do I think I'll continue our 'stupid game' " He made little quotation mark gestures with his hands as he said the last two words. He joined the girl on the floor. "We may as well be comfortable hadn't we? we could be here a while." He smirked again still with a look of innocence on his face.
Sydney's expression soured drasticaly and she leant on her arm slightly, dislodging the, previously stable, drawing pad up her top. It slid down so it's corner was sticking out of the bottome of her jumper, she quickly moved so her leg was hiding it. "Can't you just play with him and let me go?" She jabbed her thumb in the direction of the other boy that stood behind her.
"He can join in if he wishes to, but unlike you i don't know him. Plus it's more amusing if you play." He knew he was winding her up but it was amusing.
Sydney glared at him, he was just trying to get on heer last nerve now. She reached up behind her ear and grabbed a pencil, she had one behind both of them. Sydney threw the pencil at him, aiming for his eye.
He suddenly felt a pencil hit him in the side of the face. "Now that's really not nice." He said in mock sadness and pouted.
Sydney smirked slightly. "I've got more, I can keep hitting you and I have other things to use than pencils." She thought to her charcoal in one front pocket, rubbers and sharpeners in the other. In her back pockets she had her small ruler, her wand and a packet of gum. Sydney was set for a battle.
The girl asked, "Can I help you?"

Monty simply replied, "Oh, no. Please continue."

After she had said something the boy had noticed Monty was standing there, "Would you like to join us?" The boy asked.

Monty leaned up against the wall, "Naw, I'm cool." He followed it with a laugh.

Monty waved his hand at the two as if he was trying to get their attention. "The names, Monty."

Monty didn't even want to jump in. He thought he'd make it less amusing. The girl seemed to be ready for war. Monty watched as the pencil smacked the other boy in the face, he followed it with a small chuckle. The girl mentioned she had more than just a few pencils. This was about the time Monty just slide down the wall and sat. He waited, he knew it was coming. This should be fun, Monty thought to himself. It was as if he went to a show and didn't even have to pay for the ticket.
Sydney looked sideways at the boy that introduced himself as Monty. "Sydney, and that over there is a stupid Hufflepuff baboon."There was the natural ice in her voice mixed with curiosity, no-body other than Slytherins or Slytherin wannabe's had spoken to her before. She glared at Alfie before realising that anyone could walk down this corridor and see her talking civily to this boy, she didn't even know what house he was in. "What house are you in?" She really hoped he wouldn't say hufflepuff.

As she spoke, Sydney didn't notice the sketchbook come out from her jumper completely and land on her lap.
Monty listened closely as she introduced herself. He was sometimes bad with faces and names. As she presented herself as Sydney, Monty began to laugh at the "Hufflepuff Baboon" comment. Monty waited for her to make another move. But she hadn't yet, instead she asked him a question.

"What house are you in?"

Monty darted his eyes over at Sydney. "I am a Gryffindor."

Monty smiled, "And you, mam?"
Sydney groaned andslouched. She had been sitting here arguing with a hufflepuff wannabe (she doesn't know he actually is a hufflepuff yet.) ans talking nicely to a Gryffindor. Who knows how many people could have seen her. "This is just perfect.
2 She looked down and noticed her drawing pad in her lap. Sydney grabbed it and shoved it back up her top, hoping they didn't ask her about it. No-body was supposed to know about her drawings, no-body.
Monty propped his legs up and rested his forearm on his knees. He was waiting for the girl to respond to him, Monty, being a Gryffindor. He didn't mind having Slytherin friends. But it wasn't his problem. Most Slytherin try to exclude everyone, other than Slytherin. Monty paused as he watched a drawing pad fall from underneath her shirt. Monty's eyes widened.

"You like drawing as well, Sydney?" Monty asked, with a modest amount of passion in his tone.
Sydney shook her head. "No I don't." She knew it was no use denying it but drawing was her secret. It was the one thing she did that her oarents couldn't limit and she would hold onto it for as long as she could. "I don't know how that got there, someone must have put it there when I wasn't looking." She mentally sighed at how bad her excuse was but it would have to do for now.
Monty let out another giggle. He enjoyed sharing his drawings with other, specifically his father. Monty didn't have his drawing pad, he left most of his stuff in his dorm. The only thing he had was a pencil and his school robes.

"Well thats an odd place for someone to stick something, without you knowing." Monty said.

He knew that, maybe, she'd feel more comfortable if he had his drawing pad. But he didn't.

"So, what do you draw?" Monty asked, as he tilted his head to the side.
Sydney was acting like a spoilt toddler and she knew it but it elped her out sometimes. "I don't draw! It's not mine! Leave me alone!" She yelled at Monty in a very childish manner before chucking her drawing pad on the floor half way between her and Alfie but as far away as it could be from Monty. Sydney huffed and crossed her arms, throwing a full paddy on the floor of the corridor.
Monty paused, as he waited for her response. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. But he was gonna try and at least get a glimpse at what she draws. He was very infatuated with the different ways people drew. Almost as infatuated with drawings, as he was with eyes.

"I don't draw! It's not mine! Leave me alone!" Sydney yelled.

Monty jerked after each sentence she screamed. He was actually pretty scared a little bit, but he was a Gryffindor and he wasn't going to show his fear. As she launched her drawing pad, Monty eyed it for a second. As he thought about it for a minute, Should it. Monty jumped up and threw his body at the drawing pad. As he did, his chest landed right on the drawing pad. He picked it up and moved quickly back to his spot before.

Monty began to collect his breath. He began to look at a few pages.

"Nice drawings." Monty said, while looking up at her and smiling.

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