Raleigh's Plots!

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Ebony wood, dragon heartstring, 12'', springy
So here's Raleigh Rhodes, my first charrie on here. She's a very brash girl who's always been taught that honesty is the best policy. As a result, she'll tell you the truth even if it hurts. Raleigh's also very open and outgoing; she has no problem talking to complete strangers if she has something to say (and she often does). She has a love for both the visual and spoken arts. Raleigh loves to draw and is very creative. She also enjoys arguing and will often provoke people into arguments. However, she hates losing and is quite the sore loser. A more in-depth personality can be found in her bio, which is linked in the sig.

She could use plots of any kind. :)
Hooray for another Gryffindor!

I have Margo here, and I think that her and Raleigh could be quite good friends. I also think it might be fun to Role Play them together, because their personalities, while meshing quite well, would also probably clash at times, which would make their friendship somewhat tumultuous, but we can worry about that later :)

Most everything you need to know about Margo is in her bio, but here's a bit about her: Margo is an outgoing outspoken girl (not as outspoken as Raleigh though). She's adventurous, and has a knack for causing mischief and pulling pranks (which might appeal to Raleigh's rebellious side). Loyal to a fault, Margo also has quite a temper, but that doesn't come out all that often.

Any who, let me know what you think. PM me anytime :)
Ooh, yes, I can totally see them as friends with a bit of a rocky relationship. Raleigh's not really a prankster (yet) and is still reeling from the shock of learning that she's a witch, so she's a bit passive at the moment. Maybe Margo could drag her along on an adventure/prank? Raleigh would definitely be up for mischief-making of any sort.
I have Darcy here, I don't know how she will fit for you but I will offer her anyways. She is a muggleborn, grew up not knowing her real parents because she was taken away without her real parents knowing, she has an identical sister inside the school but they don't know they are related somehow, she likes painting and had her paintings exhibit at Las Vegas public art center, smart, mean, selfish and loves shopping. Darcy loves winning but she always thinks she can won that she's getting tired of winning always, she isn't a loser but tired of winning. I would say they can meet anywhere but it's up you what kind of conversation they will do.

Let me know if you like :)
On one hand, they have a lot of similar interests (art, shopping, winning). However, it seems like their personalities would clash, so it's kind of hard to tell how Raleigh would react to Darcy without RPing it out. I can kind of see them being frenemies or rivals though...
Sorry for the late reply... Life's been pretty hectic.

Raleigh could find a reason for just about anything... xD She's the type of person who will race someone down a hallway and actually gain pleasure if she wins. So maybe she just wants to beat Darcy in everything? Or to be specific, maybe it could be over art? Raleigh would probably be envious that Darcy's artwork has been featured in art centers...
Well, I've got Annaleise Vermeulen? Anna hates losing so naturally those two would be at odds. She dances, and she has an active imagination and likes fantasy. She's very short-tempered and she's having an awful time at Hogwarts, and she, too, can be pretty upfront and tell it like it is.

If you want an explosive confrontation between the two, let me know :p
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