Raining Assignments

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam left his dorm in utter fustration. The second semester had just begun and he already had a large pile of assignments waiting for him. He had spent the whole day just looking at the pile and not actually doing anything about it. Well maybe not the whole day. He did manage to slip in one of his daily flying sessions but that was about it. He didn't even spend any time in the common room, he was just in his dorm- his empty dorm.

As he walked through the many corridors of Hogwarts he told himself that when he returned from this 'break' he would try and get at least one of the assignments finished. He was wearing a pair of old jeans, a Beatles t-shirt and one of his signature hats. He couldn't really believe how early in the semester he got caught up in work, but that was just typical Sam. He never really was one for classes.

Once he left the castle he didn't really know where he was going but his feet seemed to. Eventually he found himself standing at the edge of the lake. He looked around him to find many students scurrying back into the castle. It had started to rain. "You have to be joking me." Sam muttered to himself angrily. There was no way he was returning to his dorm yet. The rain seemed to be getting heavier and it seemed that it was only Sam left out in the rain. Though he didn't mind not having company or being wet. In fact after realizing that he couldn't get any wetter he took his hat off of his head and let his hair become soaked just like the rest of his body.
Jemma had been walking around the grounds, she did this alot. She found the castle quite crowded for her liking.

She noticed a boy walk out of the castle and walk to the lake, but Jemma left him to himself. It had started to rain, she half expected the boy to go straight back into the castle but he stayed where he was.
Jemma watched him, as she walked toward him, her feet taking her toward him without her say so.

She stood next to him, she looked out into the lake. "Hello," She said without looking at him, the rain soaking her dress.
Sam looked up at the sky letting the rain fall onto his face when suddenly he heard a voice come almost out of nowhere, startling him. His chest and shoulders jumped out of surprise and he quickly turned his head to the culprit. "Gees you gave me a fright. I didn't hear y-." Sam stopped abruptly and then asked, "H-how long have you been standing there?" He asked her curiously, he didn't hear her come over to him so merlin only knows how long she was there. As he waited for her response he realized that he had never seen this girl before in his life at least he didn't think he did.
"Im sorry," Jemma said to him, keeping her eyes on the lake.
H-how long have you been standing there?

"Oh not long, but I was watching you for a while before I came over." She told him, turning to him as she added, "I was just curious, im not a creeper or anything. Dont worry yourself"

Jemma hoped the boy didnt think she watched people all the time, for she was just curious to why the boy hadnt gone in when the rain started to fall.
Sam looked at the girl curiously. She certainly wasn't like most of the girls at this school. Who openly admits that they were watching somebody? Sam had to laugh at this fact. "Don't worry I didn't think you were...a creeper was it?" He continued to laugh. The rain continued to pour heavily on top of them, at this stage water dripped off his eyebrows and nose, his hair was completely soaked as was his clothes. "So what are you putting off to be here in the rain?" Sam asked her raising an eyebrow once he had stopped laughing. Sam didn't know wheter or not she was even putting anything off to be here in the rain. Maybe she just liked the rain?

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