Raging against stupid horror

Damien Lachance

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Maple - Crystalized dragon blood, 12"
Okay, I can take a lot of violence.

I can handle gory movies, violent action. Movies that don't take it seriously (Tarantino films) or display actual violence correctly (Scorecese films etc.) I can let pass. Horror done correctly, (28 Days Later) I can enjoy. Movies with violence with purpose more than to disgust (Oldboy) I can appreciate. But there are some things that go too far, some violence that makes me sick.

This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Check your taste at the door, we've got a nasty one!

The above movie has no point other than to disgust, to fall into the pit of shame populated by Saw and Hostel and their ilk. I don't feel comfortable discussing the details here, but let me say the movie serves no purpose other to satisfy tasteless gore junkies.

I like to think I have a decently tough stomach, I mean, I sat through Schindler's List (a movie with a PURPOSE), but simply the trailer for this made me feel sick for the entire day. The director even admits it was simply because of a joke between his friends of how to punish child molesters and criminals. How that changed into innocent people being treated in such a fashion is beyond me.
Sorry, needed to vent and I don't have a blog. Though if you feel as I feel, feel free to join my ragefest!
I have to see this. I just have too. Disgusting as it is, it's just one of those movies you HAVE to see just so you can tell your friends about it.
Boudicca Durand said:
I watched the trailer and it is seriously sick. Doesn't look like there's much of a plotline.
I'm normally ok with horrors but this.. No.
It goes one step too far. It goes SEVERAL steps too far. And the worst part? There's going to be a SEQUEL.

This director needs a Falcon PAAAUNCH
I cannot even bring myself to watch the trailer. This whole concept is just disgusting. I can handle well done violence and horror, but this is just sick.
Alyssa Snow said:
This looks sort of interesting.
I know I'm a fan of Hostel and Saw so I'm a little unsure if I would want to see it. I know the gore wouldn't bother me as much though. :tut:
I agree. Saw and Hostel were very good. The acting in this movie doesn't look that "great" like any other horror movie, but I think it's worth the watch...you know to at least say you sat through it.

Of course...this is coming from someone who couldn't stop chuckling through Black Sheep. Haven't seen it? Google it. It's hilarious.
Blacksheep doesn't take itself seriously. It gets a pass, in my book.

And yeah I do wanna see it.
Hey, Its science and I don't insert myself as a Slytherin in this movie because Slytherin are cruel, Its curiosity not cruelty.
Lexi Rodriguez said:
Hey, Its science and I don't insert myself as a Slytherin in this movie because Slytherin are cruel, Its curiosity not cruelty.
I... WHAT?


it's science... WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE? :frantics:
It is science. He somehow made their digestive tracts attached to each other... Ew.

Alright, I'd be the first to admit that I have a sick and twisted imagination (ask Thom), and I'll also admit I'm the type of guy who'd think of something like this.

The thing that causes a double-take here is the fact that someone would take the time and money to actually to make a movie about it. That part's ridiculous.

This is me in this situation;

"What would it be like if somebody made a centipede out of humans? Huh. I'll draw a picture sometime, maybe."

This is the writer:

"What would it be like if somebody made a centipede out of humans? Brilliant! I should take out a couple-thousand dollar loan to make a movie out of it!"

Not to mention it just doesn't look like a very good movie. Seriously, just draw a damn picture next time you get one of these ideas. It's cheaper and doesn't make you look like a particularly stupid gorn fetishist.
Oh gross! Thats so sick :( What is the point in it?? Ew ew ew.
Riley Sparkles said:
Oh gross! Thats so sick :( What is the point in it?? Ew ew ew.
Welcome to our little rage club, riley.
I don't think it would be a good movie anyway. It sounds a bit like 'Slither'. Gross!
Riley Sparkles said:
I don't think it would be a good movie anyway. It sounds a bit like 'Slither'. Gross!
Slither does not take itself seriously, plus it has nathan fillion. It gets a pass.

This one lacks any actor I care about, and is supposed to be serious. FAIL

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