Rachelle Woodmansee

OOC First Name
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Full Name: Rachelle Woodmansee

Date of Birth:July 21, 2016

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance:Blonde hair, gray eyes in the day, blue at night, small build, tan skin, no braces,no freckles.

Personality:Rachelle is a very bubbly and athletic person. She is also a straight A student.

Family: Mom: Camron Kelly, A single Bi-Polar car technician, Sister: Elise Kelly, An average, teething toddler, Father: Jackson Woodmansee, Six-feet under.

Pets: Three troublesome tree frogs, all named after Greek Gods and Goddesses: Artemis, Ares, Apollo. A 2-year-old pit-bull with a nasty habit of licking EVERYTHING, her name is Haylee.

Blood Status:Muggle-born

Special Abilities:None that is known yet

Interests or Hobbies:Art, and Lacrosse

Additional Skills:None yet known of.

Strengths: Cooking

Weaknesses: Cleaning

Describe your character in three words:Bubbly, Athletic, Independent

Favourite place to be: In a tree, on the beach, or under a blanket by the fire.

Friends:Masami: A hard working, intellectual Asian who loves all animals and is a little dare devil. Dezeray is a unique, smart person who has issues with love/hate relationships.

Hogwarts House:Hopes to be a Ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:Intellectual achievements, Quidditch seeker, girl prefect!

Extracurricular Activities: Hopefully Quidditch

Your Patronus: Green tree frogs

Your Patronus memory:My very, very first frog.

Your Boggart: Spiders, and murderers

Your Animagus: Bald Eagle, or a Snow Tiger

Mirror of Erised: To be a Doctor for the Army
Hey, just a few questions:
Why is her patronus a tree frog?
Why did she name her frogs after Greek gods?
Does she have any traumatic, events with spiders to be scared of them? Or murderers?
Why does she want to be a doctor for the army?
1.Well her patronus is a tree frog because 1. they are her favorite animal 2. They are loving and full of energy and 3. They remind her of her father.
2.She named her frogs after Greek Gods because of the way they acted and her obsession over Greece and it's myths.
3.No, she doesn't with spiders, but with murders she watched one to many CSI shows. :)
4.Well she wants to be a Doctor because she likes to help people but she also wants to serve her country so that is why she wants to be a Doctor for the Army.

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