Closed Quiet Dinners

Cooper Gates

Kind- Sweet- Puff- Chef- Stubborn
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8 inch slightly bendy straight oak with essence of belladonna core
5/12/2033 (27)
With takeout in hand, Cooper apparated home with Cyazarine in tow. He had a nice little place on the edge of town, unlocking the door and leading her inside. It wasn't an especially large home, but it was open and airy, each room spacious and decorated in a simple black and white. The living room, dining area, and kitchen, were all in an open space, with doors on the far wall leading to the single bedroom and bathroom. "Make yourself comfortable," He told her, motioing to the living room- several plush couches circling the fireplace and the large wallmounted television gave her plenty of options for where to sit. He moved towards the kitchen. "I'll get dinner served up and be right over. Want anything to drink?"
Cyzarine still wasn't totally sure about this, but she had agreed to it. She followed him into his house. it was a nice place, not too dissimilar to hers, though she had a slightly bigger place since up until recently had another person in it. She walked into the space that was the living area, and then sat down on one of the plush couches, noticing the tv on the wall. "You have a muggle television?" she commented lightly. She hadn't seen one of those in ages. "I'd love some wine if you have any," she said in reply. Just looking about the room as she spoke.
Cooper had plated up their food, and took a minute to pick out a good bottle of wine to go with it. "Yeah, course," he offered back easily. "My mom was muggle, we grew up with it," He chuckled, and wine in hand moved to sit with Cyzarine. "I love watching movies. We could put something in if you like, just watch tv and relax?" He offered. He kicked off his shoes and propped his legs up on the couch, tossing her an easy smile.
Cyzarine gave a little smile, as he mentioned his mother being muggle. "Oh that's cool, must've been like a foot in both worlds then?" she asked before giving a little smile. "both my parents and grandparents were magical, the first time I saw one of these was at school," she motioned to the tv and then looked back at him. She shook her head slightly. "I haven't seen a movie since muggle studies, so probably best to not, I have no idea what we could even watch,"
Cooper nodded. "Oh yeah, it's part of what got me into cooking- comparing recipes and just being curious," He chuckled. He sipped his wine, not too fussed when she denied the idea to watch tv. "Oh no worries- I certainly watch enough on my time off," He laughed. "What hobbies do you have?" He asked, hoping that it would be a nice ice breaker.
Cyzarine thought that was interesting about him and thought it was an interesting way to approach cooking in general. "Well, it's worked, because you're a great chef," she told him lightly, sipping the wine lightly. "I don't really have any anymore, I was just focused on my work, on creating the company and building it up...other things just became less important..," she felt a little silly as she said it. "Maybe I'll take up rock climbing," she joked trying to move away from her own awkwardness.
Cooper laughed lightly. "I'd hope so- I'd hate to think you're just paying me for my good looks," He teased gently. He hummed as she mentioned rock climbing. "Well, all work and no play is never good," He sipped his drink. "Do you want to learn to cook?" He asked. "I might be biased, but I certainly enjoy it. Maybe baking?" He mused.
Cyzarine blushed lightly and just shook her head a little, before sipping her drink. She hadn't really wanted to learn to cook, partly it reminded her of him and it just wasn't something she'd been good at. "Maybe baking, cooking is a bit much still," she said, saying hopefully enough for him to figure out why and where she wouldn't have to then say more.

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