Old School Week Quiet Day

Josephine Arora

Prim | HS Slytherin Graduate | Fashionable | Nurse
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Angel)
11/2019 (42)
It was a quiet day in the hospital wing, and Josephine hoped it could stay that way. She was lost in thought as she worked on changing the sheets on the beds, using her wand to do most of the work. She hoped she could have dinner with Angel tonight, but he was pretty busy now that he was head of Slytherin house. She was proud of him, though.
There were a lot of things Hester didn't like about growing up, and this was one of them. She had never really seen the point in all the makeup Brooke and the other girls liked, but she was starting to get it now. The zit on her chin was huge, and it hurt. She came into the hospital wing with a hand over her chin and hurried over to the nurse, embarrassed to admit what was happening. "Can you help me?"
Josephine looked up when a girl came in, sighing softly. The way the girl had her hand over her chin didn't promise much good. "Depends on what is wrong. Did you try a spell on yourself?" Josephine asked, eyebrows raised.
Hester's face wrinkled in pain and she shook her head, trying to push her embarrassment down as she uncovered her chin. "It's just huge, and really painful, and I don't know what to do!"
Josephine sighed when the girl uncovered her chin, glad it wasn't worse. "Good thing you came here instead of trying something yourself with magic." She told the girl, moving over to the cabinet to grab a few things. "Here." She said, moving over to the girl. "Let me see."
Hester hated showing such a pretty lady something so gross, but it was a relief when the nurse took it in stride, and she tried to keep calm and not cover it again. She waited patiently until the lady returned, shifting a little to give her a better angle. "It really hurts." She repeated, hoping the nurse would think the visit was more about the pain than any vanity.
Josephine nodded impatiently when the girl repeated it really hurt. "I know." She said, unscrewing the lid on a pot of cream. "I have some diluted bubotuber pus here, that will take care of it. I'm afraid the smell can't be helped."
Hester relaxed when the nurse opened a bottle of salve, though she couldn't help the wrinkling of her nose at the smell. "Okay." She said, trying not to breathe through her nose.
Josephine gently applied the cream to the girl's face, covering the zit entirely. She then put the lid back on the pot and put it down. She cleaned her hands with a cloth. "Leave it on for an hour and it should have improved." She said.
If having her zit seen was bad, having someone so pretty touch her face while it was like this only made Hester feel worse. She held a hand up to hide the salve-covered spot again as soon as the nurse moved away, nodding. "Thank you." She said in relief, hoping the smell wouldn't linger.

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