Open Quidditch Is Super Dangerous

Helios Obasi

kid brother | scaredy cat
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (13)
With the try-outs for the different teams under way, Helios had posted himself right at the entrance of the pitch with the statistics of quidditch players who died and when. Of how hurt people could get and everything else. Helios didn't understand the obsession and why it wasn't banned, or at least bludgers banned. Helios knew he wasn't going to stop people playing it, it was the major sport of the magical world, but he could at least try to persuade a couple of people to reconsider trying-out. Or at least question a little bit why the sport couldn't be made safer. "Do you value your life?" he asked someone as they passed to go to the pitch.
It was Evie's last year at Hogwarts and she wanted to make the most of it. One thing she knew that she'd miss was Quidditch, and so with classes not having started yet, Evie decided she would use her free time to head up to the sky and get some practice in. After all, what better way for her to end her time at Hogwarts than getting a house cup. But as she began to walk towards the pitch with her broom in hand, she was stopped by an entitled first year asking a rather out-of-pocket question. "What is that supposed to mean?" she asked, wondering if this boy was really all there. She wasn't sure if she should be angry or concerned for him.
Helios had said the question before he even realised who he was speaking to. This was a much older girl, and he immediately took a little step back from her before shaking his head. "Quidditch is dangerous," he said. "You could die, because of the bludgers, because of so much other stuff," he rambled a little, he was speaking quickly. "So if you valued your life, you wouldn't play because it's so dangerous to play," he finished, taking a step back from her, and he was visibly shaking, worried the girl might start yelling at him.
Evie raised her eyebrow at the boy in front of her. He suddenly seemed a little frightened, but the Gryffindor didn't mean to come off so confrontational. Was she really that intimidating? She scoffed a little. "I've been playing Quidditch for years now and not once have I been injured more than a bruise. If you've been taught properly, you have nothing to worry about." she reassured him, figuring he needed it. She didn't want Quidditch at Hogwarts to become unpopular once she left. "You'll figure out how fun it is once you start doing flying lessons."
Helios shrugged at her statement, he was still a little scared of her, but he knew this, knew how dangerous this all was. "it doesn't matter if you've not been hurt so far," he said, he went to the article he'd found from a number of years back. "This man died, after years of playing because the bludger hit the wrong way," he said. "All it takes if one person, flying incorrectly, one bludger in the wrong direction and boom, you're dead," he said. Hoping she could now understand how dangerous it was. "I do not intend to get on a broom, and the fact it's a compulsory class is terrible," he replied.
Evie couldn't help but scoff as the boy took out an article to show her. "You know the chances of that are incredibly low, especially during a school competition?" she said, getting slightly annoyed. She wanted to try and convince the boy it was okay though, so she kept herself together. There was no way she was going to let this boy go with this fear. "Once you get on the broom, you will see it's not that bad. Anyone can die in any sport, so that article is pointless."
Helios nodded, "Incredibly low, does not mean zero," he said with a shrug, so maybe it was unlikely, but it wasn't impossible. "All it takes is for something to go wrong," he said. "Have you asked if there are protections preventing players from falling to their death, should a broom malfunction? Or if the stands have a cushioning charm in case a broom crashes into them?" Helios pressed, he knew that magic could fix injuries, but all it took was one wrongly placed or timed one and something could go wrong. "Okay, so you admit it, you could die in this sport, so you don't value your life,"

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