Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Ravenclaw, GryffindorA misty rain was falling but it was more annoying than particularly troublesome. Of course, it meant everything was a bit more slippery but most players wore gloves that would help with that. It was the fog that Reeve was curious to see how players would handle. By the time Reeve had completed setting up the pitch, it had lifted some but the goal posts were still shrouded by fog. What fun! Reeve couldn't wait to see how the players would manage.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only.
Captains, don't forget to set up your lineup in the QCP prior to posting in here.
((Reeve taking inspiration from my IRL weather I see :r))

Rāwhiti almost felt sick, walking out on the pitch. It had come far, far too quickly - his last Quidditch match at Hogwarts. Possibly his last match ever, at this rate. Every goal he'd spent his life striving for, all of it had been for nothing. There was no chance any professional teams would want him; a loser start to finish. The end of his time at school was approaching much, much too quickly, and Rāwhiti looked past it to see absolutely nothing. He didn't have the grades to do anything else, even if he had any interests besides Quidditch. Which he didn't. Quidditch had been it for him from day one, and after today he wouldn't even have that.

Try as he might, biting the pain down was too hard, and after handing the lineup in to Reeve, Rāwhiti had to take a moment to collect himself before returning to the team. He knew they could see it in his face; tight jaw, drawn cheeks, eyes damp and tired. Even his voice was hoarse when he called the team in for a huddle, usual ferocity gone as he lowered his head. "Wāhia, wāhia, wāhia mai rā te uru tapu nui o Tū-mata-uenga. O Tū-ka-nguha, o Tū-mata-whāiti, o Tū-whakaheke-tangata. E moe te mata hī tuna, e ara te mata hī tauā. He pōkaitanga ā-nuku, he pōkaitanga ā-rangi. E Rongo whakairihia ki runga, kia wātea te tinana, te hinengaro, te wairua i te ara takatū. Whano, whano, haramai te toki huaki pōuri. Haumi e, hui e, Tāiki e.*" He let out a slow breath, eyes finally raising to look at his team around him one last time. "Thanks, guys." He said slowly, voice having steadied a little as he spoke. "You've been an awesome team, and I've been honoured to be your captain. Let's get out there and just play for the love of it, one last time." Gone was his usual bluster, barked instructions, stern reminders of expectations. Fat lot of good it had done him. If this was going to be his last game, the least he could do was just enjoy it, alongside the team he had called family for five years.

*A karakia (prayer) for athletes calling on the spirit of the god of war, Tūmatauenga for support. Source, translation, and pronunciation here. Karakia are commonly given at the beginning and sometimes end of meetings and events.

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
Beater@Santiago Torres
Beater@Miro Morales-Albertson
Chaser@Joshua Lynch
Chaser@Fraser Fergusson
Chaser@Ivy Cullen
Keeper@Teddy Pirrip
Alt. Seeker@Milo Frogg
Alt. Chaser@Alicia Richelieu
Alt. Chaser@Veronica Walden-Cade
Lucy buzzed with nerves as she made her way onto the pitch, beaters bat swinging cheerfully at her side. She loved Quidditch and every chance to play was a thrill, but she felt more pressure than usual this time. Of course, nobody was putting it on her but herself, but that hardly made a difference. They had won her first match subbing in last year, and Lucy had even earned herself a little MVP title. And then she had made it onto the team for real, and they had been destroyed. She had to pull it together, had to make this one count and prove she was more than a one hit (ha) wonder. Especially because this was Michael's last game, and her heart sank every time she remembered she wouldn't be seeing the handsome captain anymore after this year. She almost wanted to tell him how she felt, but Lucy knew he would just think she was a silly little girl. Maybe, if they won...

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