Closed Quidditch for Beginners

Lucas Ames

Soft- Tall- Silent- Lost
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 inch springy Willow with unicorn hair core
1/21/2037 (24)
Lucas didn't really know much about Quidditch. He wasn't really a sporty kind of guy. He didn't watch football or soccer, though he did like to play basketball sometimes. But Einar was on the Quidditch team, so Lucas wanted to understand it. He sat in the stands, keeping a quiet eye on the people flying around the pitch as he leafed through a book about Quidditch for kids. He thought he was getting the hang of it, but he still was a little lost. Why would people play a game that purposely hurt you? It made no sense to him. He sighed, flipping the page.

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