Quick, While They're All Gone!

Sexual Orientation
Jeremy Jackson hadn't exactly had the most luck when he had tried to explore the castle during the first semester of his schooling. During the day they had classes, and when they didn't there was always professors around to discourage the kind of exploration that he wanted to undertake. He wanted to find the secret passages that led out of the school, because you knew in a place like this that there was definitely passages like that to say the very least. At least, there had to be right? What if there was an emergency and someone was stuck on top of the Astronomy Tower?

It was pretty late at night, and so far he hadn't come across any professors, and he was hoping that they were all away spending time with their families or something. He knew that the Slytherin Head of House was away on leave, at least he had been for the past semester... and the other Head of Houses were probably away as well. He continued searching the corridor outside of the Hufflepuff Common Room, he had thought that it had been his best bet moving forward, and maybe he would get lucky and actually find something. Jeremy knew, of course, that there was every chance that what he was looking for didn't exist but he didn't have time for that kind of negativity in his life!
Signy wasn't often out of the form room, of course she tried often to get out and about as it were, but she spent so much of her time working and studying that she didn't often spend much time outside of it. However on this day she was half way through her work when she realised there was a book she needed that she had to get from the library. The blonde put her hair out of her face, brushing it away from her eyes, putting on a thick jumper to keep her warm before she left the dorm. It was as she made her way to the library that she spotted a boy acting well, somewhat weirdly, or it was then also when she realised that it was rather late. Had she not noticed the time while working? That seemed more than likely, but her gaze lingered on the boy until Signy decided to let herself be curious enough to say something, "Excuse me, what are you doing?" she asked quietly so as not to be over heard by various professors but not so quietly that this boy wouldn't hear it. She didn't want to get into trouble, but her curiosity and lack of time keeping had just resulted in this. The boy didn't seem to be doing anything wrong but she could not say that for certain. It was hard to tell what he was doing at all.
Jeremy was so lost in the task at hand that he barely noticed that someone had stopped to talk to him as they exited the Hufflepuff common room. It was certainly not right for him to be out here this late at night, but it didn't make things any better for her. "I.. uh.. what are YOU doing?" He asked her, trying to discourage her from digging too deep into what he was doing because the last thing Jeremy wanted was for someone to tell a professor that he had been snooping around. He did wonder why she was out there at this time, perhaps he had been making too much noise and the Hufflepuffs had heard him and sent her out to check up on it? He couldn't be sure, but the sooner she left him to his task the better.
Signy was almost surprised when the boy turned it back to her, he asked her what she was doing and she definitely was surprised. She ran a hand through a hair, and frowned at him, "I asked you?!" the girl returned with a slightly anger tone, she wasn't sure how much she actually cared about what this boy was doing. She was just curious about what exactly he was doing, but she didn't know how important it was for her to know but she decided she wanted to get to the bottom of it. He wasn't in her house or year and so he definitely wasn't just looking for hufflepuff having forgotten where it was. Signy took a little step forward, "Just tell me, then I can go about what I was doing," The young hufflepuff tried to bargain with him, "I won't tell on you, unless it's something really bad," Signy then added really hoping that that would help him in telling her. Perhaps he was trying to break into hufflepuff for some real, there had been rumours of people breaking into the ravenclaw common room, so perhaps that had caught on with this younger student, who probably thought the hufflepuff dorm would've been the easiest to break into.
Jeremy blinked when she reaffirmed her position and pressed the matter of why he was here in the first place. How did he even know that he could trust her? The only other option was that she would go and get a professor and he would get in a lot of trouble. He sighed, "I'm looking for a secret passage out of the castle." He told her with an awkward look on his face. He hadn't been planning on people - on anyone - finding out what he was doing right now but if it meant that he was able to continue what he was doing undisturbed than it was a secret that he was willing to share and hope that she would also keep that same secret. "Is that really bad?" He asked her, arching his eyebrow in curiousity.
Signy narrowed her eyes at him, why on earth would he want to leave this school, and more importantly why would there be a secret passage out of the school? The hufflepuff didn't really understand, she didn't understand what he was doing, or why. She didn't believe that he would find what he wanted, though she didn't necessarily see it as a bad thing. It just wasn't something that she could do. "Why do you want to leave? Hogwarts is great," she said to him, with a tone of disbelief that he might think over wise. Though she missed her dad and the farm, she was perfectly happy at school, there were plenty of amazing things in the school for her. The hufflepuff believed it would be the same for him, plenty of things in the school to keep him busy. At the second question, Signy just shrugged, she didn't think it a bad thing, though to her it also wasn't a good thing,"Nah, it's weird, but not bad," she wouldn't tell on him, she believed he was telling the truth to her, so she had no reason to think he was doing anything worse than what he was saying. She still couldn't really understand the why, but she understood at the very least that he wasn't doing anything bad.

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