Asher and Nina made their way from the Owlry to the grounds and toward the tents on the Lawn. Asher hoped that Professor Davis there...she hated seeing Nina so upset.
Calypso had been tidying up around her tent, before she headed out around the lawn for a small walk. Spotting Asher and Nina she smiled, before her face dropped, Asher didn't look to happy, worried even! "Are you alrite?" She asked, concerned.
Asher looked up at Professor Davis's voice. "Hello Professor. Um...Nina needs some help." Asher said looking down kindly at Nina who still had her head on Asher's shoulder.
Nina looked up and walked towards the Professor and mumbled, "Its my little brother, Darcy he isn't well and the doctors don't seem to know what is wrong with him and I was curious if it is anything you could point out for me." Nina said nervously hoping to god Professor Davis could help her.
Calypso smiled a small kind smile before looking down at Nina. After Nina had told her what was wrong Calypso just wanted to hug her. "Oh, Nina I'm so sorry! Do you know whats up with him? Like what's been happening to him, sore heads, stomachs? I could help you!" She said, smiling softly and setting a hand on Nina's shoulder.
"Well my little brother, he is only 4 months old but he looks like he is two years old, in size. And it is quite odd to have sucha growth spurt. Darcy also has a terrible fever." Nina said, hoping it wasn't something aweful. "My mom seems to think it might be something with magic, but both she amd my father are muggles. So they don't know."
[Lets pretend we think he might be Metamorphagi k?..I am rping that i got a letter from my parents saying that his hair changed to brown one day then back to red the next day .. ]
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