Open Questioning

Jonah Edogawa

chaser • tiny steps everyday • struggling • 2nd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Jonah didn't know how to feel after the loss against Bowtons - the French school. He knew it wasn't his fault; seekers could end the game with a catch of the snitch, and the only way for him - a chaser - to win against an opposing seeker was to score goals enough for a 150-point gap. Even in Professional Quidditch Leagues, that gap created by chasers was rare. Making it happen in a school game would have been next to impossible - mostly because he doubted the professors would actually let a game last long enough for that kind of gap to be made. The six goals made this game alone felt so long, and there hadn't even been a gap between the chasers. He knew all that, which was why he didn't know how to feel. Or if he should feel anything at all. He had seen the expressions on his teammates' faces when the game had ended, while all Jonah felt was a fleeting second of disappointment before it was gone into the usual fluctuation of emptiness and anxiety that now surrounded him every moment of every day except for when he was up in the air. Not that being up in the air was any better. There was only the constant frustration and yells of "again, again, again," and "be better, do better, not good enough" circling his brain. At least, there was still the fleeting rush of adrenaline in his body whenever he scored. Even if it was only for a second or two. As soon as he could, he snuck away from his teammates and tried to find a place where he could just... figure things out. But there were so many people coming down the stands as well that all he could do was hide underneath it. It wasn't the most comfortable place. Nor did Jonah want to be here of all places. But it was better than nothing because at least here he didn't have to deal with people.
Kanako had watched the game with a cursory interest. She was still new to quidditch, but something about it intrigued her. Even though it hadn't been Slytherin playing, Kanako thought maybe she could attempt some school pride and at least watch. Disappointingly, they had lost. Kanako had sat, wallowing in the aforementioned disappointment, and watched as the players all landed and dispersed. She was walking down from the stands when she noticed someone she recognised from her year go underneath the stands. Kanako followed, more out of a lack of things to do than anything, to see what he was doing. When it turned out he was just apparently hanging out underneath the stands with nothing of interest in sight, Kanako regretted her move. Still, she was there now so she opened her mouth and let the first thing that came to her mind come out. "Uh, hi. I followed you here because I thought there'd be something interesting but you're just here to hide, aren't you? I thought you did decent. You know, for a first year." Kanako gave a disinterested shrug. That was as close to a compliment as anyone was likely to get from her.

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