Prudence Audrey Euphemia Beauchamp

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
Full Name: Prudence Audrey Euphemia Beauchamp. Please, just call her Audrey if you don't want to get screamed at.
Prudence - from the Latin prudentia, meaning "caution" or "discretion"
Audrey - Anglo name meaning "noble strength"
Euphemia - "well spoken" or "words of good omen", from the Eastern Orthodox saint
Beauchamp - from the French for "beautiful field"

Date of Birth: 17 November 2047

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - passionate, intuitive, calculating.

Current Age: 12

Basic Appearance: As a growing girl in that incredibly awkward pre-teen stage, she's all limbs with a toothy smile (thankfully, her teeth are basically all grown in). She has dark hair and a strong jaw, sharp eyes that take a lot in and always seem to be plotting something.

Personality: At first glance, quite abrasive. She's the type of girl who likes to act out for attention, as her parents tend to be busy. She's intelligent, but doesn't have a good outlet or many opportunities to challenge herself, and as such often gets bored. She has a lot of fun with pranks, though they usually aren't malicious in intent. A little careless, perhaps, but not actively harmful. Mostly. She isn't exactly overly friendly, but she's not shy either. Audrey isn't the easiest to talk to, but she is not averse to making friends, especially if they can do something productive or interesting together. But she won't force politeness if she doesn't need to. Deep down, she can actually be thoughtful, and a lot of her ideas are actually constructive and helpful.

Family: Only child of Quidditch playing parents. Her parents bought a house off their meeting story - they were both national beaters, and in a world cup match between South Africa (her father, Ambrosius Beauchamp) and Australia (her mother, Bethan Griffiths, playing for her adoptive country at the time), her parents knocked each other off their brooms at the same time (they were both beaters). They met properly while being checked for concussion and were married six months later. At least that's how the story goes, they actually did know each other before that point but one must never get in the way of a good story. Bethan took a break from Quidditch to have Audrey, but returned to play for a little while after. They mostly coach these days, however. Her feelings to her family are...complicated. She both resents her parents, as teenagers do, but also desperately wants their approval and does actually love them. They're just...intense, and don't see eye to eye with their daughter.
Her cousin, Oswald ('Oz') Brambleheart, is also staying with them since his parents passed away (and his grandparents were not exactly in a position to raise a young child), except since he's a year above Audrey at Hogwarts and in a different house she doesn't really see him much. She can be annoyed by him and pick on him but deep down she does feel protective of him and cares about him. Very, very deep down.
Her favourite person is her other cousin, Gwydion ('Dion') Amos, who is a bit of a larrikin and often accused of being a deadbeat or a bad influence. But Audrey adores him, especially because he finds her entertaining and will always spend time with her at family gatherings, teaching her possibly inappropriate things like how to cheat at poker.

Pets: None, her parents don't trust Audrey to look after a pet. There is a family owl that has pecked her on several occasions. Mostly because of that time she tried to mail a howler to her parents while they were away. And because of that time she may have accidentally hit it with a bludger (legitimately an accident - the hit was not too hard and the owl was healed up without issue). Accordingly, birds do not like her very much, despite her being a Ravenclaw.

Area of Residence: New Zealand, not too far away from Brightstone Village. She was born in Sydney, Australia, however - though her parents travelled a lot for Quidditch, playing in various teams before settling in New Zealand. As such, she never really had the opportunity to make friends her age apart from the children of other players, and wasn't able to attend a muggle school or wizarding pre-Hogwarts education facility (like the Obsidian Daycare), doing most of her learning through homeschooling materials.

Blood Status: Mixed-blood.

Heritage: She's not quite pure-blood, but there's a few generations of wizardry. More so on her mother's side, which could probably pass for pureblood, though she has a muggle great-grandmother on her father's side.

Special Abilities: n/a

Interests or Hobbies: Puzzles and problem solving, pranks, Quidditch, gobstones, chess, cards, anything that can give her some entertainment and something to focus on and think about for a while.

Additional Skills: tba

Strengths: Academic intelligence, dedication to schoolwork, boldness, not easily discouraged, loves challenges, creative, energetic.

Weaknesses: Easily bored, can come off as rude, attention-seeking, blunt (for better or worse), lack of emotional intelligence, can't draw to save her life.

Describe your character in three words: Intelligent, boisterous, insouciant.

Favourite place to be: Anywhere that isn't home, though she does like her room. She's become fond of the Ravenclaw dorms since getting to Hogwarts.

Friends: Her cousin, Dion, and her dormmates, Lucy Montague & Kit Tolentino.

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: She wants to learn a lot and feel challenged. She'd love to learn something like becoming an animagus, just because it would be something that would be really impressive and because she would have something really challenging to focus on. Plus, the pranks she could pull with it would be amazing.

Best school subjects: She does pretty well in all of them, but Charms is her favourite.

Worst school subjects: Probably Astronomy. Not that she doesn't like it, but she's not very good with late nights and struggles to stay awake during the class.

Extracurricular Activities: Quidditch (Ravenclaw beater), Student Defence Association, Heta Omega.

Graduation: tba (class of Y50)

Current Job: Local nuisance and total know-it-all. (Otherwise known as a student).

Plans for your future: No idea as yet, but she knows she'll work it out. As long as whatever it is is amazing and interesting. Maybe something like Experimental Charms, because she'd love to be able to workshop her own spells/is very interested in modifying existing charms to add a unique spin to them, i.e. changing colours for Lumos.

Your Patronus: Unknown, probably a crow.

Your Patronus memory: tba

Your Boggart: Being forgotten about, seeing her family completely forget about her and abandon her entirely as though she never existed.

Your Animagus: An octopus. Extremely intelligent and a great puzzle solver with the ability to pull pranks, entirely niche in actual use as an animagus and mostly would end up being a fun party trick more than something that would see frequent use.

Mirror of Erised: She would see herself being successful and surrounded by admirers (or more appropriately, friends).

A page from your diary:

Prank ideas:
- deliver letter filled with glitter to mum's work
- mess up the lounge and pretend kidnappers tried to take me when they were out
- swap the salt and pepper
- boot blackener in dad's bat polish
- hide and see how long it takes for them to find me
- start talking backwards
- forge Hogwarts letter earlier so they take me to get a wand

Buy blue, green and red ribbons for any house. Please not Hufflepuff. Yellow and black? Gross.
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OOC Development (aka in which the roleplayer nerds out for a bit) [WIP]

If Audrey was in _________, she would be...?

Dungeons & Dragons?
: Either a sorcerer of some type or an arcane trickster rogue. Transferred directly she'd probably be a gnome (intelligent, a prankster, inventive, but overall good-hearted and not especially malicious), but if she was to play the game herself she'd play as something more unique like an aasimar, a changeling or a fairy. Because of course she would.

Final Fantasy?: A black mage. Quite possibly a red mage, though she would probably be a little slack on healing. In the MMOs, she'd be a Tarutaru or Lalafell and would spam laugh emotes.

Fire Emblem?: A troubadour, likely a noblewoman of a neighbouring kingdom who you rescue early on from the first major villain and is not at all grateful to you but does join your cause. Is technically a healer but doesn't have the stats for it, really would scale better to being a dark knight instead (magic and swords/lances on horseback). Definitely does the noblewoman laugh.

Pokémon?: Fairy or dark type trainer, possibly a gym leader with overly annoying puzzles. Warp tiles, spinning floors, plus the trash can puzzle from Vermilion City. Just painful.

Okay, enough games, what about a Regency era novel/series?: Thinking along the lines of Jane Austen - Audrey would be the supposed rival for the heroine's affections, comes off as more accomplished and makes the heroine somewhat insecure. Probably runs off with a cad and ends up said to be unhappy. Alternatively, a very flawed heroine who grows as a person but not without getting comeuppance first.

Supernatural fiction?: Something with vampires. Some dramatic and no doubt trashy gothic romance (although she often finds the heroines of those ridiculously boring!)

A genre of her choice?: Film noir. She'd be the dame with a secret walking into the detective's office.

Star Wars or Star Trek?: Trek, for sure - she'd be better served in quests for knowledge and furthering human understanding. Would perhaps lack tact and diplomacy skills but would improve over time.

A real world sport?: She'd play netball. She'd be brutal. Sure, it's a non-contact sport, but that doesn't mean it isn't rough. I could see her as a softballer (or baseballer), though.

Five songs that you either associate with her or use as inspiration?

I'm specifically picking songs by female artists/bands with female leads, so:

1. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
I mean, obviously.

2. Army of Me - Björk
More for when she's a bit older, though if Audrey knew anything about muggle music, she'd love this.

3. Hieronymus - Clouds
Sweet yet sinister. Beautifully harmonic with mildly unsettling lyrics.

4. Juice - Lizzo
Similar vein to #1. Gotta keep it upbeat, since she's a pretty upbeat kind of girl.

5. Buffalo Stance - Neneh Cherry
But it's all about having the right attitude, being tough and uncompromising to get by.

What about five characters?

1. Biggest inspiration is Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks) (down to the name) - lonely rich girl who stirs up trouble and gets in over her head trying to help but her heart is in the right place. (If you haven't seen it, please don't look into Twin Peaks if you have a sensitive disposition).

2. Emma Woodhouse (Emma). Probably not much of a matchmaker yet (give it time), but like Emma she's too clever by half and can be snobbish and a little...oblivious. Thoughtless, even. But not out of a place of maliciousness, just immaturity.

3. Nemona (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet). This is one I didn't really realize until I thought about it more, but highly capable daughter of a well off family with somewhat absent parents who struggles to connect to people as equals and desperately wants to be challenged more than she actually wants to win? Yeah, that tracks.

4. Phryne Fisher (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries). May have been binging the show when I started writing Audrey. Phryne is clever, resourceful, stylish and independent who won't back down until she gets to the bottom of a case. Audrey isn't quite there yet but again, give it time.

5. Dr. Veritas Ratio (Honkai: Star Rail). High opinion of herself and can be a bit rude and disrespectful but genuinely loves knowledge, advancement, and sharing knowledge around. He believes in the dissemination of knowledge and individual growth, and she wants to push magic's boundaries to create new things, including medical advancement.
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Audrey's Notebook
or, brilliant ideas that may or may not come to fruition
  • Colour-Changing Lumos - plain white light is fine but what if you could make it a different colour? or even better, flash in different colours? There must be a way to combine a colour-changing charm with the Lumos spell for a personal light show! Maybe even with the marking charm for a unique light for the caster? Must research the colour-changing charm.​
  • Shielded Quidditch Gear - if you can't take bludger hits you shouldn't play Quidditch but it wouldn't be bad if we could have Quidditch gear that has a shield charm in it so nobody gets like, actually really badly hurt.​
  • Boomerang Bludgers - this way I don't have to resummon them!!! You hit them and they go flying but then come back so you can keep hitting them. They'll stop when you miss or catch it. Might be a training bludger or something but it will be huge for beater training. Ask Dion but only if he gives me at least half the profits because it's my idea. Combine with shielded gear and the schools will buy heaps and so will clubs around the world!!!​
  • Jelly-Legs Jelly - a bit like other prank food items like Canary Creams. It's a simpler jinx not a transfiguration so it must be a bit easier to make. Jinx applied to jelly crystals that are made into jelly? Does the water stop the jinx from working properly? Or jelly lollies instead? They don't have the wobble though...​
  • Potato and Leek Jinx Soup - this idea actually sucks but maybe come back to it one day???​
  • Scourgify Eraser - think up a better name!!! Cleaning charm can clean messes but can it remove mistakes? Saves ink and parchment if you can just clean spelling mistakes and wrong words! Profs probably won't let it be used in exams but I bet they would rather read tidy homework. Ask a prof that gives essays like Moncrieffe or Zumwalt.​
  • De-Bloating Draught - diluted version of the deflating draught for when you're feeling a bit bloated. You could sell monthly care packages with anti-acne potions and chocolate, make $$$. Also I would drink it.​
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Audrey's Animagus Report
(in extracts)

Part 1 : History

For as long as magic has existed, witches and wizards have striven to break the boundaries of possibility. From teleportation magic, to flight, to changing the very nature of objects, creatures, and most importantly, the magicians themselves. There is perhaps no greater evidence of this than the tradition of animagi. For how could a magician truly claim to hold mastery over magic and an understanding of the natural world if they can not change their physical being?

Animagi have been long since documented in magical history, one of the first being the ancient Greek wizard Proteus. Merlin was documented as being an animagus, but it's also alleged that his achievements were exaggerated for muggle retellings - though that Merlin's mastery over magic was enough that he could freely shapechange is not in doubt. Closer to home, the great Maui is seen as a trickster deity of Polynesia, whose ability to change from human to animal was central to the story of his demise. It is not only humans who could transform in to animals, historically. In many mythologies, animals too have been said to have been able to transform themselves from animal to human. Selkies and nixies are prime examples.

Lycanthropy, too, is in essence a kind of animagus transformation, albeit an uncontrolled one...

Part 2 : Theory

We come back to the point of mastery over magic, that of being able to change one's very nature through transfiguration - but retaining their mind. Young witches and wizards are taught animate to animate transfiguration in their early years of magical study, which requires the caster to be able to change the entire nature of a creature into that of a different creature. The physical essence of the transfiguration remains the same, but with the obvious major differences: that the caster is performing the transfiguration on themselves, and that the mind of the caster must remain intact so as to end the transfiguration when they will it.

In a way, then, we should be looking at the logic behind apparition as another reference point. When one apparates, they completely change their physicality in terms of where their body is. The process of apparation is to be in one place and then another almost instantaneously. This is a transfiguration the caster performs on themselves with a not insignificant risk.

Author's Note: I realise I don't learn apparition until sixth year, but I'm well aware of the theory...

Part 3 : Personal Risk Assessment

Naturally, it is very dangerous to try and turn one's own body from that of a human into an animal while still retaining their mind. Similar to the risk of splinching, there's a risk of an incomplete transfiguration in which one might become a hybrid human/animal, which is either an incredible Halloween costume, or fatal. Or even not managing to retain one's own mind in the transfiguration and being unable to turn back.

I'd argue, however, that if intellgent animals have been historically known to change into humans, then a witch intelligent enough to do a self-transfiguration would still have enough brainpower to work out a way back. But that's getting a little bit into meaning of life debates, Professor, and there's plenty of opportunity for that at a later date.

I've considered the following plans in relation to training:
  • supervision from professors in practice who are able to intervene in an emergency
  • go do beater practice instead of attempting any transfiguration when feeling stressed or anxious
  • don't start any major full body transfiguration if possible until after mastering apparition
  • visit nurses for checkups frequently (if I absolutely must)...
Part 4 : Strengths & Weaknesses

This is the resume part of this report, I assume. If Teddy ever sees this I'm reporting you for breach of confidentiality, Professor.

My strengths include my creativity and problem solving capabilities. I have excelled in all my studies and am at least an adequate to decent Quidditch player (as my parents forced me to be) so I am in good physical and mental shape. I'm great under pressure (I have no problems with exams) and love challenges.

For weaknesses...well I can get a bit unfocused and impatient and try and do a whole heap of things at once, and sometimes I jump ahead two steps before I've finished the first part, and I've been working on getting better at that ever since first year, Professor, so trust me when I say I am trying. I learned from the boggart class I'm really terrified of being forgotten which I guess is a weakness everyone's somewhat aware of from that class (and they also saw me get Imperiused and nobody else did so my strength there is that I'm courageous for the sake of education).

I'm also not very good at people, apparently. And I guess you probably want me to say that I put on a front to be more confident than I actually am because I don't want to be ignored. So, there you go.

But I really am smart! Not that that's a very high bar in this school. I mean, you should see the fifth years! Outside of a couple of people like Teddy and Lucy it's dire.

I hope this is satisfactory.

Part 5 : Why I Want This

Professor, you asked why I want to become an animagus and I told you it wasn't just for fun. Certainly, there is an element of fun involved, but it's because mastering magic is fun and rewarding in and of itself.

Well, I am in Ravenclaw.

I don't know what type of animal I could become and I don't know if I'll succeed. Perhaps I'll make a mistake and become a psuedo-mermaid or centaur before my body shuts down. Perhaps I'll get trapped in the body of a toad and never be able to turn back. I can't say for certain, but I'm not afraid. That's part of magical discovery, isn't it? It's better I put my own body on the line for the advancement of magic than experiment on someone else.

If you'd asked me before I would've said it's so that my parents might be proud of me but it's never going to happen. I'm never going to be the quidditch star they want and none of my achievements are ever good enough for them. Second place is the same as failure.

So I'm doing this for me, because I want to. I want to push myself to my limits, and I want to break them. I want to overcome pain and suffering and transform myself and when I'm done, I want to take all the knowledge and power I've acquired and use it to innovate and refine spellcraft. I want to leave my mark on the world. If I become a bird, I want to use it to improve flight. A fish, then I'll bring a greater understanding of aquatic magic to the world. No matter what sort of creature I become, I will use it for good.

I want this to mean something, Professor, and I will fight tooth and nail to ensure it does.
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