🌹 Rose Giving Prowling The Open Plains

Peregrine Piper

Amateur Magical Paleontologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
yellow rose for @Marley Owens-Lee

Peregrine had a few roses to deliver to very important people. She was a bit nervous, fearful that she'd somehow do the wrong thing when delivering the roses. But she would manage and just had to reassure herself that she wasn't going to somehow poke the Hufflepuff co-captain's eyes out with her own rose. She had heard Hufflepuff had been training so she had headed out to the lawn for fresh air and to hope that she might run across Marley as she walked. Seeing some older students coming back from the pitch she walked up to them. "Um, excuse me, hi, sorry, I'm looking for Marley? I have a rose...for the rose delivering?" She was starting to think she might have preferred to do some gnome tossing than to hunt down students.
Marley was enjoying her day today, with the roses she had received so far as well as being busy with the things she needed to do. The Hufflepuff had just finished quidditch practice and was heading back when she had heard her name being called. She smiled at the younger girl. "Hiya! That's me" Marley says with a smile and wave.

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