Professor Jasmin Rodriguez

Jasmin Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
_____YoU wIlL kNoW mE​
Full Name: Jasmin Marigar [sup]*[/sup]Chang Rodriguez
Birth Date: January 23 1982
- Age: 42
- Birth Place: Beijing, China
- Current Residence: London, England

Blood Status: Half Blood
- Blood Origin: Half Blood Father & Muggle Born Mother
- Heritage: Half-Chinese & Half-American

Civil Status: Married
Current Work: Professor

_____LeT's KnOw BeTtEr​
Hair Style: [sup]*[/sup]Long / [sup]*[/sup]Wavy / [sup]*[/sup]Black
Eye Appearance: [sup]*[/sup]Round / [sup]*[/sup] Emerald Green
Build: [sup]*[/sup]Slim / [sup]*[/sup]Tall of 5'8 / [sup]*[/sup]A bit of muscles

_____To LeT mE kNoW gReAtEr​
Hobbies: Jasmin always loves to cook and each children. She likes doing cooking with her three kids and sometimes teach children where they sponsor a charity work.

Personality: This Professor is a bit of both strict and loving mother. She will do anything for her kids. Jasmin once want to be a death eater, she hates her muggle born husband but change when one of her kids died.

Likes: Jasmin doesn't pick people it can be rude or nice to her. She doesn't judge people.

Dislikes: Scary stuffs and slimy one.

_____ThE lOvE oF mY lIfE​

Husband's Name: William Josh Rodriguez
Age: 43
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Birth Date: May 15 1981
Birth Place: Madrid, Spain
School Attended: Hogwarts Scotland (Gryffindor)
Current Work: Business Man

1st Daughter's Name: Lexi Clarissa Rodriguez
Age: 16
Blood Status: Half Blood
Birth Date: August 18 2008
Birth Place: London, England
School Attended: Hogwarts New Zealand (Slytherin)

2nd Daughter's Name: Alexia Rowena Rodriguez Dead
Age: 14
Blood Status: Half Blood
Birth Date: March 18 2010
Birth Place: London, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Son's Name: Angelbert Jason Swift/Rodriguez
Age: 14
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Birth Date: August 20 2010
Birth Place: Oxfordshire, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic
<B><SIZE size="150">_____A lItTlE hIsToRy​
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Jasmin Marigar Change is the 2nd child of Chin Wang Chang and Jennifer Sullivan Chang. A bright girl with a little attitude when she was a little girl. She has a 2 other siblings, a boy and a girl both have families now.

Jasmin is well teach because she finished her school at Beauxbatons Academy for Magic. She meet her current husband in England on a friend when she had her vacation there. Until then they are inseparable because of her parents knowing that William's family is a family friend of theirs.

They are married on July 23 2007 and on August 18 2008, Jasmin and William got a daughter named Lexi Clarissa. Then after a year they got another daughter name Alexia Rowena at the same time adopted a boy on their one of sponsored charity. His name is Angelbert Jason and now educated at Beauxbatons and the other is at HNZ but sadly Alexia is killed.

Jasmin now teach at Hnz as an Arithmancy Professor.

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