Professor Aurora Merrythought

Aurora Merrythought

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Cherry Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Ms. Aurora Jane Merrythought


Name: Aurora Jane Merrythought
Name Meanings:
Aurora - "Dawn"/"Light"/"Mysterious"
Merrythought - "Happy"/"Joyful"/"Jolly"/"Kind"

House: Hufflepuff
Birthday: March 13th 1999
Hometown: Stamford, Lincolnshire, UK
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Pure blood
Former Head of Hufflepuff
Former Professor of Astronomy
Former Professor of Muggle Studies
Former Shopkeeper of Melody's Beauty Salon

Five words that best describe your character: Creative, Imaginative, Loopy, Dedicated, Mysterious


Aurora Merrythought is a loving, kind and thoughtful individual. This largely stems as a result of her developing great patience and knowledge in her various teaching positions at Hogwarts New Zealand. However, as with all people, she does keep hidden a focused and unrelenting 'mean streak' which is occasionally manifested in her use of magic. Indeed, her pure-blood status has never been anything to boast for Aurora, she is perhaps among the least judgemental people you will ever come across.


Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long and curls in places
Eye color: Green
Height: 5'6
Other distinguishing details: None


Father's name: Ambrose Merrythought
Brief description: Ambrose Arthur Merrythought was a pure-blood wizard of British descent. As with much of the family, he had a long career in the Ministry of Magic, serving in the Department for Magical Law Enforcement. In his childhood, he attended Hogwarts in Scotland and was sorted in to the Hufflepuff house. At some point, he became a Prefect under the headmastership of Albus Dumbledore. At school, his strongest subjects were largely academic in outlook: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and, surprisingly, Potions.

Mother's name: Phoenix Merrythought
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Phoenix Merrythought (nee De La Mer) was the only wife of Ambrose Merrythought. The daughter of an apothecary, she was brought up surrounded by potions and magic concoctions. In her early life, she also attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, like her husband, was sorted in to the Hufflepuff house. In contrast to Ambrose, Phoenix was very much a practical witch. The key strengths she displayed were in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms and, of course, Transfiguration. It would not be until her latter years that her true potential was realised, leaving Hogwarts with a strong set of N.E.W.T's. Unfortunately, these were never put to great use as Phoenix remained very much a 'stay-at-home mother' upon leaving education.


Her best subject: Astronomy and Defence Against the Dark Arts
Her worst subject: Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures
Extracurricular activities: Keeper for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team in her final year.
Favourite place at Hogwarts: The Black Lake
Least favourite place at Hogwarts: The Restricted Section
Did any of the staff members scare her?: None.
Did any inspire her?: None.


Interests/hobbies: Astronomy, Witch's Weekly
What she did after Hogwarts: Teaching, later became an Auror.
Someone she looks up to: None.​

In the gallery I shall post avatars, banners and general images I like of Aurora, please don't steal them :p I shall also give a massive thanks to everyone who made them for me. <3 Also, this is OOC, just so you.

B a n n e r s


This banner was the first I have ever recieved for Aurora, without request and it was made by the lovely and legendary Darren, he is such a brilliant graphic's artist, he just doesn't agree with me. But I think it's amazing and I will love it forever.


This is with out a doubt one of my favourites, once again made by Darren, I love it so much, the text is amazing as well as the images, i'm still searching the that flaming' image, Darren if you read this.


Look at this and tell me Abby is not a fantastic graphic's artist? It so amazing, I love the fonts and the images they go so well together, thank you so much, Abby. <3


This one is from one of my requests and I have to say, I really like this one, it's by Toni Addison and she's made me lots more, more then I could post here, so big shout to Toni. *hug*

A v a t a r s</FONT>
<FONT font="Times New Roman">
All four of these avatars were made by Abby, they are the most amazing avatars ever and I adore them. They are so awesome sooo massive big great mahussive thanks to ABBY!! *huug*
Extra Information

The Life of Aurora Merrythought

Aurora was born to Ambrose and Phoenix Merrythought on the date of 31st October 1999, in New York City, in the state of New York, United States of America. Here she grew up to the age of 11 where she was sent a letter of request to attend Oakvale All Girls Academy of Magic where she gladly attended and was sorted into the Hufflepuff house, where she enjoyed most of her educational life, taking a very significant shine to Astronomy and Potions. She made many friends and later found out that they aren't always what they seem, she kept this quote close to her for the rest of her life so far.

Once she had finished her time at Oakvale she decided to move to New Zealand to get a new start in life, she went to the Ministry for Magic there and got through her Auror exams, but due to the many deaths that took place there, she lost many dear loved ones and soon resigned from her post and decided to go into teaching Astronomy at Hogwart's New Zealand, despite her young, ripe age of 22 she knows quite a lot about the stars and planets, it had always been a pleasure of hers and now she can pass on her information to the next generation of students.

She had once had a partner, who went by the name of "Levi Summersbee who she wished she could spend the rest of her life with, but he died tragically in an attempt to save a child, drowning in a river, the girl was safe, but they couldn't help Levi and he died, Aurora had never really fully recovered from that dreadful experience, as it broke her heart to pieces.

Exam Results

Astronomy: O
Potions: O
Muggle Studies: A
Herbology: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Transfiguration: E

Auror Training

When Aurora was training to be an auror she did struggle at first, be did magnificently at the end, despite her young age she could perform brilliant magic that most people would expect from a professional auror and trainer,

Concealment and Disguise: Passed
Stealth and Tracking: Passed

About her Coat of Arms and Family

The Merrythought family come from a long line of rich pure bloods, who did not follow the way in which many pure blooded families did and be snobby about their position in the wizarding society. The Merrythought's were kind, caring and welcoming, however despite this they kept strict restrictions on who they married, determined to carry on the tradition of pure blood, only marrying into other pure blooded families. Many would think that pure blooded wizards or witches will be sorted into the sly, cunning houses (i.e. Slytherin) but the Merrythought's have had a long rich history of being sorted in the Hufflepuff house.


Orange Color: Worthy ambition
Blue Color: Truth and Loyalty
Silver/White Color: Peace or sincerity

Stag: One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmony.
Cross: Faith; Christianity; Service in the Crusades
Ship: Ancient sea voyages

Professor Aurora Merrythought's Wand


Aurora's wand is made of Elm Wood, it's abilities will be explained later in this post and fairy dust, same as above, and is 13 and a half inches long, she obtained it from the obvious Ollivander's and has cherished it since. Though she does not use her wand extensively and usually takes the muggle route of a lot of things she does use it in combat and sometimes doing a bit of work.


Elm is considered a Border Tree that marks the boundaries between this world and others, and, because of the blight that affects it, is associated with death and rebirth. Elm can protect against danger from unknown directions and shadow the user against discovery.

Like Alder, Elm is thought to be the tree of old Family and family tradition. Elm is often associated with Mother and Earth Goddesses, but it would be completely wrong to say that it represents ‘a female spirit’. The main aspect of Elm symbolism is strength; and in that quality it leaves behind even the most powerful trees, such as Oak, Alder or Yew.

Elm strength is dark and heavy; it feeds on primary instincts rather than conscious decision. This tree is quite inert and rigid, and its power is not rash; but when Elm gets ready, its strike will completely smash an enemy. Despite such prominent warrior qualities, Elm is not always good in battle. The matter is that this tree has much too passion for ‘classic war activity’ and in its anger may become totally unmanageable. It personifies a mad berserker, blinded by his rage of blood, who kills everyone on his way, even if it makes no sense. Due to this ‘blindness’ Elm, though strong and active, is usually not a leader, but a follower.

As appears from the above, Elm is not ‘an easy’ tree. Nevertheless, it should not be seen as completely ‘evil’, and no other tree should either. Some of Elm spiritual qualities are very valuable. For example, few trees can do better than Elm in defending interests of family or close group. It stands to the last, and will continues to fight even in hopeless situation. Elm loyalty is unquestionable; and it will despise everyone, who shows a sight of weakness or hesitation.

Elm is good for any magic workings, which are involving strength; and it also has the ability to add stability and grounding to a spell. Elm does well in dark practices, especially in spells that can bring irreversible material damage. It is known to dull the senses and cause depression or darkness, and is often used in dealing with shadows.

Keywords: strength, stability, grounding, foundation, rigid structure, darkness, pressure, blind rage, devotion, loyalty to family, dark passion, fighting to the last.

Elm can bring purification and cleansing. It is excellent for re-energizing the tired mind and balancing the drained or over-emotional heart. It gives the desire to move on and alleviates feelings of failure, despondency and inadequacy.


Fairy Dust

This core is specifically good in charms and in love spells, however doesn't do very good in subjects such as defense against the dark arts and transfiguration, hence it being a rather weak core. However, charms as mentioned before and divination give it it's main power as a core.

Aurora's Love Life

Aurora did once have a partner, someone called Levi Summersbee, who she had planned to get married to at the age of 20, as he was to, but, he was killed trying to save a drowning girl in a river, this shattered Aurora's heart and was diagnosed with depression for a year, when she turned 22, she made it her aim to recover from her experience and go into teaching.


Many people would think that Aurora is heterosexual, but she did take a turn to homosexuality for a short time, before reverting back, however she does not intend to engage or take part in any sexual or martial relationship, as she is still mourning over Levi.

The Family Home


The Merrythought household, more generally known as Tranquility Castle, it is one of the very few, muggle repellent places in Oceania, with the exception of Hogwarts and the other famous schools and manors, many bloody battles have taken place within it's walls for example the Battle of Auckdale, which the resident town, this was taken as the headquarters for the royalists, or shall we say ministry favoritism. Aurora being the last remaining 'Merrythought' currently owns the castle but does hardly goes there.

The Merrythought's had cast away their gallery, as it holds many dark secrets and items, and thus it leads to the library where books on ancient dark magic and manuscripts dating back to witchcraft in Ancient Egypt and dragons being hatched on the manor grounds, there is an extremely large challenge of wizard fears, such as boggarts, dementors, sphinx's all of which the witches of the Merrythought line have managed to capture.

According to popular belief and people of the local town, the castle is home to a basilisk which dwells below the dungeons, weather this is true, it has not been confirmed, but Aurora darn't go down to check and see for herself. However, Aurora's mother and father being the nice witches and wizard they are, cut it off using a charm that is unknown by the ministry. Among other rumors there is one that a secret organization was formed there, which is beyond knowledge of the ministry of the outside world and they fight for the ancient magic of New Zealand and the forces that can be unearthed in the mountains.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, and governs the feet. Positive traits include idealism, wisdom, intuition, empathy, imagination, creativity, adaptability, compassion, and an uncanny connection to all that is spiritual and otherworldly (which makes for talent in magic); negative traits include being easily influenced by other people, gullibility, a lack of backbone, escapism, addictive personality, impracticality, emotional game-playing, delusion, and a total inability to say "no."

Community service? Of course, what else is magic for? Hufflepuff Pisceans live to please. They literally feel pain when other people feel pain, so often wind up doing intensive study of healing magics. Potions come naturally, too, for Pisces is a water sign, and all wizards born under water signs have some talent at potions. The temptation to make love potions and mood altering substances is very great, for Pisces is in love with love, and almost as much in love with easy escapes into altered states of consciousness. Hufflepuff Pisceans have somewhat less of a work ethic than average, but will apply themselves to their studies in the hopes that what they learn will benefit humanity somehow. They are followers, not leaders, but they do make good teachers, for they are very patient and have a gift for making subjects seem interesting to learn.

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