Present Giving

Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Imogen walkedz silently to the north tower. She liked it hear. It was nice. Calming. In the few times that she had been to the tower. It was a good place to think. Immy walked to the window and sat down on it's ledge thinking about everything that had happened. The holidays. Everything. Imogen had never known about the ups and downs being at school brought. Imogen sighed wondering if she might meet a familiar, friendly face

((It's lame, sorry))
Neita ran around looking for Immy, she was one of her few close friends out of Hufflepuff and Neita always had so much trouble trying to find her. She'd just been running around the school looking for her and almost gave up when she decided to check to Tower before giving up and heading back to her dorm. Out of breath she slowly climbed the stairs. She stopped at the top and caught her breath and saw her friend.

The Hufflepuff girl ran towards her friend, "IMMY!" she cried happily and out of breath. "I finally found you, I've been looking for you, I have something for you" Neita said quickly in one breath, a habit of hers when she was excited.

She whipped a wrapped present out of her back and handed it to her friend "Merry Belated Christmas" she said smiling nervously "Open it, I hope you like it"

[Immys Present]
Inside the present there is........
Lol Gryffindor earrings & a Gryffindor Necklace
Immy looked up in surprise as her name was called. She smiled as she saw a familiar and friend face coming towards her. Imogen almost caught on to everything Neita said but it didn't matter she was glad to see a friend. And a very good friend at that. Imogen took the present uncertainly. She looked at her friend confused.

"You shouldn't have. I mean I didn't buy you anything. Sorry" Imogen said blushing slightly and looking down at the box. She opened it and felt a smile pass across her face. It was lovely.

"Oh, wow. It's brilliant. Thank you so much" Immy said before pulling her friend into a hug.
Neita rolled her eyes "Dont feel bad!!" she said with a playfully annoyed face, "I didnt want anything, my muggle mother didnt understand the value of wizarding money and she didnt know what to get me, so she gave me ALOT of money"

The hufflepuff girl hugged her friend back, "Try them on" she demanded playfully. "You do have pierced ears right?" she asked suddenly nervous as she observed the girls ears.
Imogen took the Gryffindor necklace and placed it around her neck. It was perfect. Immy smiled her thanks as she took down at the necklace that was sitting above her clothes. She looked down at the earrings then looked up at Neita with a wide and friendly smile.

"No, I haven't, I keep meaning to but don't." Immy started "Can you get it done in Brightstone Villiage?"
Neita pouted "You dont have pierced ears" she said sadly. "Im sure they can do it in Brightstone" she thought for a moment, "Hopefully"
Imogen just nodded. She had been a little scared to have it done. For the fact that something was going through part of her ear, so if she was to get them done, she would need heel loads of moral support.

"You'll come with me, right?" Immy said with a small smile. "We could the next visiting weekend? If you wanted."
Neita completly perked up "Definately! I'd love too!!" she answered happily, thinking about how much fun they could have there.

"Soo tell me," Neita asked excitedly "How were your christmas holidays?"
Imogen smiled brightly. She was both really excited and quite scared with getting her ears pierced. She was more than just a little glad she was getting it done with a friend by her side. It would be a lot than doing it alone.

"My holidays were good. I went back to Wales for them." Immy said with a smile. "How were yours?"
Neita sighed "I spent most of them here... but towards the end I went to stay with my family, they'd been busy before" She frowned thinking of how different holidays were now she didnt have her dad around. She smiled "Had to hide all my wizarding stuff in the attic so my brother couldnt find it"
Imogen, hadn't really hidden her stuff from her sister but had shown it. Let her sister flick through the wizarding books. They would of course be hers one day. Unless of course Pixie decided she wanted her own set of books, which Immy would understand. She smiled to Neita.

"How old is your brother? I just let my sister at the wizarding stuff. She was very curious." Immy said.
Neita sighed "Hes ten..." she bit her lip "but he's a muggle and he's terrified of magic" she frowned "he watched a movie based on Voldemort and it scared the wits out of him, and we told him it was all made up and he believed us" Neita looked away "And then when we find out about Hogwarts, because we know of his intense fear, we didnt tell him"
Immy placed a comforting hand on her friends shoulder. She wondered if maybe this boy would turn out to be a wizard or if Neit would be the only witch in the family. Imogen was a little unsure of what to say.

"Thats terrible. You must really hate hiding all the stuff away from him." Imogen said, trying to pick her words carefully. "My little sister is only 6 and she is so enthralled(sp?) by magic, it's almost like she'd start now."
Neita smiled "Its fine," she shrugged "Im sure either he'll get over it, or I'll get used to" she said. She grinned "Your sister sounds so cute!"
Imogen nodded understandingly, though she almost nothing about the girls situation. What Immy did know was that lying to siblings was always harder than parents thought. She also had to agree that Pixie, her sister was very cute.

"She is. But she can be so hyper sometimes I wonder if she has a hidden box of sugar I know nothing about." Imogen said. "Little sisters tend to be cute with a hidden demon though."
Neita grinned "Little brothers too" she told her friend thinking of how she'd given her little brother half a ber of chocolate and he'd become a crazy man running around their house, arms spread screaming at the top of his lungs. "Wonder if there's a spell to shush up hyper children" she wondered aloud with a smile on her face.
Immy laughed. She wished there was. It would be a great help at times. But even if there was they were not allowed to do magic outside school so learning the spell pretty useless. But Imogen nodded and smiled.

"That would be fantastic. I love my sister more than life, but I swear to god, I wish sometimes she wasn't excitable." Immy said. "Are you and your brother close?"
Neita smiled "We are... we used to fight alot, but since I came to hogwarts we get along alot better" she frowned "but worse, if that makes sense?" she pulled a face "We get along better, but theres always this wall because of all the lies I have to tell" she explained.
Imogen nodded as Neita spoke. She could understand why it was better and worse. Imogen had always gotten on excellently with her sister but Immy had put that down to the fact Immy had basically raised her sister.

"Well at least everyone is a little happier through the lies. One day you won't have to lie to him." Immy said "How are your classes going?" Imogen asked moving the subject along slightly.
Neita was happily when Immy changed the subject as she did not feel like admitting that she highly doubted she'd ever be able to tell Timmy the truth. "Their great" Neita said with a grin "I love Transfiguration and Astronomy and Herbology is frustrating Im just so glad Potions is over" she told her friend "How are your classes? Miss flying?" she asked.
Imogen nodded. She was very much missing flying. it was like Relief at the end of the week after all the hard work. But Imogen was very happy with her classes this term.

"I'm loving them. I get to do history of magic this term." Imogen said excitedly. "It's my favourite class of all time." immy added begining to think that she sounded like an over excited first year.
Neita grinned "I loved History of Magic last year... and I still like it this year" she bit her lip "But I more it alot more difficult" she finished. She still hadnt received her HOM mark from last term but she crossed her fingers and hoped hard she did well.
Immy knew things would get harder as you moved up but she was looking forward to the harder lessons. She'd learn more and become more knowledgable in matters to do with magic. She smiled.

"I'm sure you've done brilliantly." Immy said "How were you other exams?"
Neita winced thinking of exams "They were all okay I guess..." she finally answered. She had actually felt that they were pretty good but as she hadnt gotten any of her marks back she never liked to say they went well just in case her marks said otherwise. "How were all your results?" she asked.
Immy nodded. Her marks had been pretty good. She was pleased with them. Since it was the first form of testing Imogen had ever done she had actually quite enjoyed them, though she'd spent more time trying to get everything planned for the holiday aFter.

"I did well surprisingly. There is a lot more to planning a trip out of the country than I'd first thought." Imogen said with a smile. "I prefer taking the classes than the exams. It would be so much simplier if there weren't any exams."

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