
Charlotte Harper

International Confederation | Workaholic | Direct
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Yew Wand With a Veela Hair Core
Charlotte wanted to prepare herself the best way for the second semester. She had done a great job with recieving all O's except for flying class. But she saw some truth in what Simon had said to her. Flying class wasn't the most important class, they only got it in their first year. But still she had a better great than he had for it. She felt confident but was not satisfied, it all had to be perfect and flying class wasn't. She could have done better, since she started to like flying on a broomstick more and more. Perhaps she would like to try out for the quidditch team once. It would make her known when she would be succesfull around the school. How more she thought about it, how more she became certain of trying out next year. She had no clue which position she would like to play though. She would ask Matthew about it, but she didn't talked to him at the moment. She was sure she would one day again, but he made her very angry. And until he was gonna be honest with her she would ignore him.

As the blonde entered the library she found a spot at the first free table. She had brought along some books for the classes she would have in the second semester. She was looking forward to charms and transfiguration, but herbology seemed like a total disaster. But still she wanted perfect grades for everything, and that ment caring for stupid plants too. Charlotte opened her first book that went about charms and was ready to become the best of the class again.
The first semester hadn't been too great for Xavier, he'd been distracted and that was not a good sign for someone as studious as him. Almost as soon as he came back from the holidays, Xavier decided he would be prepared in advance in his classes and do as much as possible to make his family proud. After all so far he was the only one in his family attending Hogwarts in New Zealand. He needed to show his brother and sisters how great this school actually was. With everything going on, the hufflepuff just had to focus on school and sooner rather than later, make friends. He grabbed his books and headed to the library, proceeding to find a table. Most of them were full, and when he looked around him he noticed a girl occupying a table, upon closer examination he saw she was someone he recognised from class. "Hi. Mind if I sit here?" he asked her as he approached, trying but failing to remember her name.
The first semester ended great for the youngest Kramer despite the struggle she had for in Astronomy. It was even a surprise for her when she got Os in all her subjects. With this, she was eve more motivated to excel in her studies.Sure, she still had time to roam around the school, she decided to get some reading done. Looking at the books on her bed, she contemplated on what to focus on. She already got Charms done and had already familiarized herself with History of Magic,she opted for her Herbology book and went out of the Ravenclaw Tower. She made her way for the Library although she preferred to read in the Student's Lounge. She was hoping to bump into some of her classmates and catch up with them.

Alexis stepped into the Library and after greeting the librarian on desk, Irene Meredith, she scanned the massive room, hoping to find a vacant table. There was none, but she spotted Xavier Mackintosh and Charlotte Harper on the nearest table. She went over to them and sat across the Slytherin girl, beside her Hufflepuff friend. "Hi guys! Mind if I join?", she asked, placing her book on the table."Hey, Xavier. Enjoyed the holidays?",she turned to her friend with a smile. She met Xavier on their way to Hogwarts on board the Hogwarts Express. With Charlotte, she had met her up close during the Yule Ball when the girl went with another of Alexis' friend, Simon Vanity. However, Alexis really hadn't known her that well unlike her other friends whom she had talked to a couple of times.

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