Pre-teen peoples

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Hiya peeps

Just made Rogue and want some people to RP with to help me build her as a character and to get her some friends, enemies, crushes or whatever you can think of.
Rogue is twelve and is a kind girl who adores animals and plays guitar. She's a bit of a fashion girl but she doesn't have the knowledge, she just wears the right clothes. However, she has a side to her that not many people see unless they get on her wrong side in a big way. She doesn't necessarily know how to hurt people but she goes mental inside and it can sometimes scare people a bit. Either that or they just laugh at her.
Character Development << Click me :)
Anyone who wants an RP please reply to this thread or send me a PM. I'll be waiting :p

I have Jessie here, she could be a potential friend for Rogue. Jessie is a bit of a drama queen, she's lively and energetic and like Rogue plays guitar. Playing guitar is the only time she can sit still as she always likes to be moving as she has an irrational fear that the world will continue on without her if she stops for too long.Her development is a work in progress so I'll post its when its done but if you have any questions let me know.
I can offer up Rohana Darkhart. She is eleven years old so a little younger than Rogue. Rohana is an aspiring musician and an avid guitar player. She is a sweet bubbly girl and potentially be a very good friend for Rogue if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Daniel - They sound like they could be great friends. Rogue would probably be happy with her phobia as she doesn't like sitting doing nothing. She would enjoy a friend who's happy to run around with her just because they can. If you want they could even become best friends??
Melissa - Could Rogue be a bit of a role model for her?? She could be the person Rohana goes to when she's got problems or needs advice etc.

Rogue & Rohana
Sure that sounds fine.
Can you pretty please?
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