Open Pre-Exam Stress

Branson Archer

bookworm; good-natured; literary agent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 16 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
5/2041 (20)
Branson was feeling the stress of exams. He was a little worried about what OWLs and NEWTs would be like, if he was already stressed about this current year. He had his books in front of him and was trying his best to remain focused on what he was trying to revise. Branson could study, he felt he was even pretty good at it. but it was just the growing pressure, the amount of work he would need to do and everything else that was balanced with it. At least the quidditch season was over and he didn't have to worry too much about that. The ravenclaw was just trying to focus and study and be good at it, trying to keep working away and not be too stressed about any lack of percieved progress. The teen had purposefully not studied in the library knowing that he'd just worry his dad if he was stressing out in front of him.
Anyone who knew Isaiah knew that anything to do with classes, homework and exams wasn't exactly his cup of tea. Ironic, seeing as he was literally living at school surrounded by all of that each day every day. He didn't care much for it was all. Did he like learning? Knowing new things? Sure. What he didn't like was being forced to spend his days inside classrooms and made to retain every bit of information he was told just for the small chance that it would be on the exam. After having attempted to study for a little bit in the library Zay had quickly realized that his brain soaking up any information just wasn't happening. He had fled to the student lounge in an attempt to find a little distraction, grinning when he noticed Bran. "Sup dude." He greeted as he let himself drop onto the seat across from him, hanging back a little. "Watcha doin'?"
Branson glanced at his books, trying his best to not get too overwhelmed, so he was rather glad when someone he knew was suddenly in front of him. He gave a smile, and felt himself relax. He looked back at the work and gave a half shrug, "Trying to study really," he told him there was a hint of a complain in his voice as he said it, since he was trying to and failing to study. Which was why he was so frustrated, and mostly just with himself. "What about you?" he returned the question. Isaiah had just sat down, so either what he'd been doing before or after was of interest to Bran, who really, just did not want to study.
Isaiah tilted his chair a little, trying his best to balance it on two legs rather than four. He clicked his tongue when Bran mentioned he had been trying to study. He had noticed the books, sure, but part of him hoped he could somehow convince the other boy to do something more fun. Bran not sounding too excited about studying was a welcome surprise. "Trying to avoid studying." Zay answered with a grin. "It's hard to find a spot in which people aren't busy studying though." He added with a shrug, slightly disappointed that with exam week coming up the whole castle seemed to have turned in to a study spot.
Branson watched as Isaiah balanced in his chair, thinking of all the muggle teachers who'd given various students into trouble for doing so. He gave a little smile at the fact he was avoiding studying, which was very fair, Bran had books open in front of him, and was failing to do any work. Though perhaps the difference was that Bran did partially want to study, he was just really struggling to. "Fair," he said, "It's just that time of year," he countered, "I wish I was having more success, but I think I've just reached a block, no more information is going in," he told Isaiah, "Probably means it's time for a break or snack," he knew this didn't necessarily help Isaiah in finding a spot without people studying, but he was half indicating that he was willing to take a break from his studies for that little bit.

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