Praneil Patil

Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Praneil Patil

Date of Birth:
- 26th August 2012.

Current Age:
- 17

Basic Appearance:
-well the first thing you will notice about him is that he is indian, he is quite tall compaired to the rest of his family and rather skinny, he also has rather large ears, but he is always there with a quick smile, due to his rather goofy sense of humor.

- Parneil is a bit of a joker and a flirt. he always had a laugh ready. he tends to make light of any situation. however he does know when to be serious, when the situation calls for it.

- mother: Devi Patil (nee, singh)
-farther: Palliv Patil

- Indian Scops Owl

Area of Residence:
- Joshmath, india

Blood Status:
- Mixed blood

- Indian

Special Abilities:
- none

Interests or Hobbies:
- he enjoys being around people, he is also pretty good at flying, he is beater in one of the school teams

Additional Skills:
- he speeks hindi, sanskrit , french, and english.
- he can fly a broom pretty well, he is not perfect but he is adequate

- he is friendly, okay at flying and easy to get along with due to his sense of humour.

- he can be a little obnoxious. he is a little bit of a ladies man and finds it hard to commit in a relationship (hence why he is engaged, and had a girlfriend)

Describe your character in three words:
- flirty, funny laid back.

Favourite place to be:
- he likes to be in the grounds of his school, and wandering along the coast, or traveling new places, his favorate place in the chateaux de beauxbatton is in the lounge on the third floor where he first met lilith, it was his faorate place before then as it is usually more relaxed as many of the younger students dont know how to get into it

- Lilith Koshiba - his Girlfriend
- Tara sitara - His Fiance

Hopes and Ambitions:
- mainly to have a good time. travel and see the world

Best school subjects:
- flying, and transfiguration. as he loves being on a broom and he is good at transfiguration. he is also good at herbology as that it what kind of background he comes from.

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
- quidditch team,

Current Job:
- none, he is from a pretty Rich family so he doesn't need a job. when he leaves school he will be expected to work in the family business Patils Potions supplies , as apothicary traders.

Plans for your future:
- have a good time, travel and see the world

Your Patronus:
- swift

Your Patronus memory:
- heading off to beauxbattons, and finally leaving India, and being able to see a bit more of the world

Your Boggart:
- a giant wasp

Your Animagus:
- If your character intends to become an Animagus, what would their form be, and why? he doesnt intend to become one, but if he did it would probably be a capuchin
- If your character is already an Animagus, what is their form, and why? they are pretty funney, and always seem to be having a good time

Mirror of Erised:
- him in some interesting place.

A page from your diary:
Hey there, I have a few questions for you, hope you won't mind.

1. Does Praneil have a middle name?
2. Does he feel comfortable about his appearance?
3. Does he pull pranks?
4. Can you tell me anything more about Praneil's parents, such has their blood status and what they do?
5. What is the Owl's name?
6. If he lives in India, why does he go to a school in France?
7. Which of the languages were hardest to learn?
8. Does he have any enemies?
9. Would he ever break his arranged marriage for the one he truly loves?
10. What is his favorite color and why?
11. What style does he wear?
12. What are his most loathed subjects?
1. Does Praneil have a middle name?yes it is Paliv, his farther name he finds it boring hence why he doesn't use it.

2. Does he feel comfortable about his appearance? he never thinks about his appearance but yes he is comfortable with how he looks, though sometimes he wishes he didn't look so indian.

3. Does he pull pranks? he does sometimes, but they are not the kind of pranks that will hurt anyone, and often the victim is laughing just as much as everyone else

4. Can you tell me anything more about Praneil's parents, such has their blood status and what they do? his farther is a mixed blood wizard and works as one of the partners in the Patil Potions suppliers alongside his brother (praneils uncle). they took over the company when their farther passed away. Praneils mother is a muggle and works as a teacher at the local primary school.

5. What is the Owl's name? Ullu, it is means owl in Hindi, he is not very creative with names, though to those who natively speak french or english it does sound impressive

6. If he lives in India, why does he go to a school in France? His farther wanted him to get a well recognised education and as when he was at school in hogwarts scotland it was still recovering from the second wizarding war his impression of the school wasn't a good one so he decided to look for another well known school. he chose france as he wanted praneil open a new branch of the business there and thought that knowing the language, culture and people of the country would help him.

7. Which of the languages were hardest to learn? French. he grew up speaking both hindi (around the community) and english (around home) so they are both second nature to him. however he had to learn french as a second language so it was obviously harder to learn

8. Does he have any enemies? none that he knows of yet

9. Would he ever break his arranged marriage for the one he truly loves? he may do though i don't want to give future plots away :r

10. What is his favorite color and why? green, he doesn't have a reason he just likes green. though if he had to have a reason he would say it is a fresh colour and leave it at that

11. What style does he wear? he usually dressed in smart casual, usually consisting of a loose shirt and jeans, with a thin jumper over the top if it gets cold example 1 example 2 Example 3 example 4

12. What are his most loathed subjects? probably astronomy as he finds it boring, but if ht took them he would hate arithmancy (he doesn't care about numbers) and muggle studies (he grew up in a muggle village)

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