
Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Being able to use magic out side school felt great, in other words Chyou got to practice during the holiday. And her mission was only one, which was to kill her father. When the time came, she had to be able to do it perfectly, she knew the consequence if she messed up. But with the help of Selwin, Chyou was sure that nothing could go wrong, nothing at all. And with Devlin by her side, everything would be perfect or at least that was what she thought. All these days she had been telling herself that everything would be alright and she had been acting as if she wasn't afraid of the future but she was actually worried inside, but Chyou was too arrogant to show this feeling to anyone and luckily she was good at hiding her feelings.

Chyou took a step into the living room and ordered the house elves to put her trunk in her room. She had been staying with Selwin since she was young and even though both Selwin and Chyou were only three or four years apart, he was more like a father to her than a brother. However Chyou told Selwin nothing about her past, the only person who knew about it was her father and her, but if Selwin wanted to find out, it shouldn't be too hard, he had his channels and people and she was aware of this. "I'm back" The black haired girl said with her famous monotone. Soon she could hear the footstep of someone coming, the young girl closed her eyes as she listened to the sound of the shoes tapping, echoing across the room and finally opened her eyes and glanced to her side, seeing the shadow of someone coming toward her, not sure if that was Selwin or someone else.

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